
Asia Defense

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India’s Second Kalvari-Class Attack Sub to Be Commissioned This Month

India’s Second Kalvari-Class Attack Sub to Be Commissioned This Month

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The Navy’s latest diesel-electric attack submarine will be commissioned in Mumbai on September 28.
Russia’s New Nuclear Torpedo-Carrying Sub to Begin Sea Trials in June 2020

Russia’s New Nuclear Torpedo-Carrying Sub to Begin Sea Trials in June 2020

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The first nuclear-powered submarine reportedly capable of carrying the Poseidon underwater drone will commence sea trials in June next year.

What’s in the First Spain Warship Voyage to the Philippines?  

What’s in the First Spain Warship Voyage to the Philippines?  

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A closer look at the significance of the first such goodwill visit of its kind since the colonial era relationship between the two sides.  

Army Chief Introductory Visit Puts the Focus on Singapore-Australia Military Ties

Army Chief Introductory Visit Puts the Focus on Singapore-Australia Military Ties

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The trip highlighted the ongoing security collaboration between the two countries.

US, India Begin 2019 Yudh Abhyas Army Exercises

US, India Begin 2019 Yudh Abhyas Army Exercises

By Ankit Panda
This year’s exercises mark the 15th iteration of Yudh Abhyas.
What’s Next for India-Japan Defense Relations?

What’s Next for India-Japan Defense Relations?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
While the impetus for closer alignment is clear, much work remains to be done on the security side and within the wider bilateral relationship.

Mahathir Visit Highlights Vietnam-Malaysia Security Cooperation Prospects

Mahathir Visit Highlights Vietnam-Malaysia Security Cooperation Prospects

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The trip highlighted efforts by both sides to make inroads in the defense aspect of ties despite lingering challenges.
First Defense Attaché Highlights Russia-Philippines Defense Relations

First Defense Attaché Highlights Russia-Philippines Defense Relations

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A look at the significance of the move for the wider defense relationship.

A New India-France Alliance?

A New India-France Alliance?

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
While talk of an alliance may be premature, there is clearly an increasing convergence of interests between the two strategic partners.

Minister Visit Puts Philippines-Brunei Security Relations in the Headlines

Minister Visit Puts Philippines-Brunei Security Relations in the Headlines

By Prashanth Parameswaran
The engagement highlighted the ongoing defense ties between the two countries.

Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Force Transition Still a Challenge

Taiwan’s All-Volunteer Force Transition Still a Challenge

By Vanessa Molter
Faced with high military personnel cost and unfavorable demographics, Taiwan will have to make uncomfortable policy choices.
Where Will the US Base Intermediate-Range Missiles in the Pacific?

Where Will the US Base Intermediate-Range Missiles in the Pacific?

By Evan Karlik
Japan's Ryukyu Islands and Palau are the most probable contenders for new U.S. intermediate-range missiles.

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