
Racial Justice News

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Mon Feb 13 2017 (Updated 02/14/17)
Marchers in Palo Alto Demand Banks Defund DAPL
Hundreds of demonstrators took their Rolling March and Rally through downtown Palo Alto on February 11. They hit up eight banks that are responsible for helping to fund the Dakota Access Pipeline. Things got started in front of City Hall with a rally featuring indigenous speakers Dr. Maria Michael, Hartman Deetz, and Delphine Red Shirt amongst others. Marchers then made their way to Citibank, Morgan Stanley, Comerica, Bank of America, Union Bank, HSBC, Wells Fargo, and Chase banks. To the end demonstrators cried out "Mni Wiconi - Water is Life!"
At 8:30am on the morning of February 2, at least 80 Oakland Police raided the village. Structures were then bulldozed by the Department of Public Works (DPW). The inhumane action went against the wishes of hundreds of Oakland residents who contributed to building up the sanctuary for two weeks. Sixteen residents, half of them elderly, were displaced. An additional four guests who were seeking sanctuary for the night were also rudely awakened. Two of the evening guests who slept in The Promised Land open air living room, sought refuge because Caltrans had destroyed their encampments down the street.
Protesters and journalists have reached a tentative settlement with the City of Berkeley in a National Lawyers Guild federal civil rights lawsuit over police brutality at a December 6, 2014, racial justice protest. The plaintiffs alleged that they were clubbed and tear gassed for no reason and forcibly herded more than a mile down Telegraph Avenue, from the south campus area into Oakland. The settlement, which is expected to be approved at the February 14, 2017, Berkeley City Council meeting, includes policy changes intended to prevent a recurrence of the police misconduct, and $125,000 for seven plaintiffs.
Tue Feb 7 2017 (Updated 02/10/17)
Trump's Muslim Ban Protested Nationwide
On Friday, January 27, Donald Trump issued an executive order banning refugees and other visitors from seven predominantly Muslim countries. The following day, thousands of people began to gather at airports across the United States to protest. At San Francisco International Airport, over four thousand protesters showed up in support of migrants and against the Muslim ban, virtually shutting down the airport. On Monday, courts across the nation began to weigh in, halting parts of the ban in differing regions. On February 3, a US District Court judge in Seattle ordered a nationwide stay on Trump's entire executive order.
A diverse array of Sacramento community groups participated in ChangeFest, a climate mobilization rally at the state capitol on January 21 as part of a week of anti-Trump street protests in Sacramento centered around the Presidential Inauguration. Speakers and musicians covered issues ranging from violence against women, to the Driscoll’s boycott in support of indigenous farmworkers in Mexico, to successful campaigns to ban fracking in San Benito and Monterey Counties, to the No DAPL struggle at Standing Rock. ChangeFest took place concurrently with the 20,000-strong Women's March in the Capitol.
President Trump signed executive orders on January 24 to push ahead with the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines. Both projects sparked widespread opposition and protests, especially because of their risks to water, wildlife, climate and people. On January 27, attorneys representing the first ten water protectors arrested in actions against the Dakota Access Pipeline in early August 2016 renewed their motion for a change of venue, on grounds that the state did not adequately respond to their motion and is not taking basic steps to assess bias among jurors.
On the morning of Saturday, January 21, a network of Oakland community members took over Marcus Garvey Park, a public plot of land at 36th Street and Martin Luther King, Jr. Way, moving in small homes, a hot shower, a healing clinic, and other services — declaring it a people’s encampment for those who need housing and basic needs and services. The group which includes folks living on Oakland streets, activists from Feed the People and Asians for Black Lives said that the move-in demonstrates their ability to provide what the City of Oakland cannot to its most vulnerable residents.
On January 21, one day after Trump was inaugurated as the 45th President of the United States, women and allies in cities across the U.S. and countries throughout the world marched in protest in record numbers. In Washington, D.C., where the original Women's March was called, around 500,000 attended, far more than had come for the Trump inauguration itself. In Los Angeles, some estimates set the number present at nearly 750,000. Some of the largest marches in Northern California were in Oakland, San José, San Francisco, Sacramento, and Santa Cruz.
Mon Jan 16 2017 (Updated 01/22/17)
Reclaiming King's Legacy in the Age of Trump
For the third year in a row, actions will be held across the Bay Area to “Reclaim King’s Radical Legacy." In previous years, protests and rallies culminated with a large march in Oakland on Martin Luther King Day. This year, with Trump set to be inaugurated as the President of the United States on the Friday after MLK Day, protests will be held over five days, from MLK Day on January 16 through to the inauguration of Donald Trump on January 20. A diverse coalition will engage in 120 hours of direct action, coalition building, and campaign launching against white supremacy.
iCal feed From the Calendar:
10:30AM Sunday Feb 26 Berkeley, Milo, & Free Speec
6:30PM Wednesday Mar 15 Diversity film: Mind / Game
Pack the Courthouse for Yuvette Henderson APTP Sunday Feb 19th 2:44 PM
Sanctuary for All March In Fresno Mike Rhodes Saturday Feb 18th 4:16 PM
Community Support for Black Lives Matter in Capitola Robert Norse Saturday Feb 18th 3:31 PM
Not My President Rally in Morgan Hill South County Resistance Friday Feb 17th 10:47 PM
Understanding the Political Landscape of the City Mike Rhodes Sunday Feb 12th 7:03 AM
Marchers Hit Up 8 Banks Funding DAPL in Palo Alto R. Robertson (1 comment) Saturday Feb 11th 9:23 PM
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Army Greenlights DAPL Completion Chase Iron Eyes, Lakota People’s Law Project Tuesday Feb 7th 5:45 PM
We cannot let media and social media divide us via Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Tuesday Feb 7th 2:06 PM
If we are to fight for treaty rights, then we must all work together via Standing Rock Sioux Tribe Wednesday Feb 1st 8:13 PM
Jeff Sessions: Racist, Cruel, Pro Execution, Pro War, Pro Torture SNS (2 comments) Wednesday Feb 1st 11:48 AM
"We have a dream, may Hueyapan becomes autonomous municipality" Demián Revart Wednesday Feb 1st 1:26 AM
NLG Condemns Fordham Univ. Ban on Students for Justice in Palestine via National Lawyers Guild Tuesday Jan 31st 5:26 PM
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Art of War : Executive Order K. Larmee Saturday Feb 18th 11:06 PM
Interview with Azadeh Shahshahani on Human Rights and the Travel Ban WTUL News & Views Wednesday Feb 8th 7:52 AM
The Great debate of The century Ital Iman I Monday Jan 23rd 6:32 PM
Mumia Rally at Oscar Grant Plaza DJ Mouse Tuesday Dec 20th 12:54 PM
Victim of Identity Theft Tells Her Story Gloria Walker Thursday Oct 27th 12:16 AM
Syllabus for a class on the Structures of Racialization Steve Martinot Tuesday Sep 27th 6:49 AM
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