
To contribute translations, editing-corrections and/or original material for publication, such as updates from the streets, reportbacks from actions, responsibility claims, texts of imprisoned or persecuted comrades, calls, brochures, opinion articles, etc.: contrainfo(at)


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Kavala, Northern Greece: Counter-demo against inauguration of Nazi offices

On Saturday October 22nd 2016, the Golden Dawn inaugurated their new offices in Kavala in presence of Artemis Matthaiopoulos (one of the many Nazis accused in the trial concerning the murder of Pavlos Fyssas and other cases).

Around 40 antifascists held a counter-demonstration and approached the location of the new offices as much as […]

USA: Call for Day of Solidarity with Sacramento, Sunday July 10th

[Received July 5th / Call originally put out on PSA]

What was supposed to happen Sunday June 26th 2016 was a mega-march of white supremacists groups against what they deemed to be the anitifa threat to their “faith, family and folk”. The Traditionalist Workers Party, Golden State Skins and KKK were set to rally on […]

Northern Greece: Fascists pulled out gun during antifascist action in Kavala



Saturday May 21 The Nazi thugs of the town turned up at the 10-day festival of the Technical Institute of Kavala, where they clearly showed their cowardly impulses; they smashed the car […]

Athens: Fascist Molotov attack at Vancouver Apartman squat

On Sunday, 13/03, at Vancouver Apartman squat we were attacked with a Molotov cocktail by the local fascist group A.M.E.

The group published a text on their blog, taking the responsibility and threatening that they will come back. They didn’t reach their goal because no damages were done, as the bottle failed to set the […]

Athens: Molotov attack against Zaimi 11 squat in Exarchia

Zaimi 11 squat–Polymorphous Action Space of Anarchists was attacked by unknown persons with two Molotov cocktails

In the early hours of Tuesday, February 16th 2016, at around 04:40am, the squatted Polymorphous Action Space of Anarchists Zaimi 11 was attacked by unknown persons with two Molotov cocktails, one of which burst against the front door and […]

London Antifa Solidarity Tour – Financial support of prosecuted comrade in Kavala, Greece

[Kavala, Greece] London Antifa Solidarity Tour / Talk + Social

Saturday December 5th 7pm – 11pm LARC 62 Fieldgate Street London E1 1ES

We will be asking for donations at the door.

London Anti-Fascists are organising a short tour with a comrade from Kavala, Greece to raise awareness and solidarity for their struggle against fascists […]

Dortmund, Germany: Incendiary attack against Nazi’s car

In the night between the 8th and 9th September 2015, Sascha Rudloff’s car, candidate of Die Rechte (“The Right”) party from Eving, was set on fire in Dortmund.

Last night, the Mercedes A-class with DO SR 1312 license plate parked outside the house of the Dortmund’s fascist, in 25, Friesenstraße, went up in flames.

We’ll […]

Wuppertal: Call for 1st May demonstration (poster)

The poster reads:

Out in the streets for an autonomous 1st May 2015!

Refugees welcome! Autonomous Centre at Gathe stays!

Whether Pegida (“patriotic europeans against islamisation of the occident”), HoGeSa (“hooligans against salafists”), Nazis, or a mob of citizens – confront racist agitation! Get involved in the social question and develop autonomous perspectives! For […]

Germany: Windows smashed at the HoGeSa fascists

This is only a minimal contribution against the racist mobilisation… Home visits to the fascists are absolutely necessary and should be practiced to a greater extent.

Yesterday evening [night of 3rd-4th March] the home of Andrea Schuran, Bahnhofstraße 10, 53773 Hennef, received a visit – windows were broken and paint left there. Andrea Schuran had […]

Athens: Nazi physician bashed in Neos Kosmos

On the morning of October 23rd, 2014, comrades paid a visit to the medical practice of Nazi Athena Mataraga, located on 16, Kasomouli Street in Neos Kosmos. Mataraga, an active member of the Golden Dawn, was also a candidate listed on the ballot of the Nazi organization in recent elections of the Athens Medical Association.


Athens: Fascist bashed in Exarchia

On Monday afternoon, October 20th, a fascist was spotted and crushed in the area of Exarchia. The spineless thug that goes by the name Ioannis Kaptsis (originally from Syros Island) was wearing a ‘Pit Bull Hellas’ t-shirt, which he lost along with his handbag. Receipts of purchases from the area of Exarchia (he’s probably a […]

Komotini, Greece: Arson on motorcycle belonging to a fascist

In the early hours of Thursday, September 18th, 2014, we burned the motorcycle of Christos Georgiou, known member of the Golden Dawn and regional councilor candidate in the Rhodope regional unit in the last elections. The action took place in remembrance of Pavlos Fyssas.


Antifascist Cell


Dortmund, Germany: Summary of the fight for the social center Avanti

graffiti in the evicted church

Church squatted In the evening of Friday the 22nd of August 2014, activists occupied the former St. Albertus Magnus church in Dortmund which was unused for over 7 years. Only minutes after the occupation was made public, nearly 40 supporters came to the area and held a gathering in […]

Greece: Incendiary attack on neo-Nazi’s vehicle in Veria

We will crush every facet of fascism

Over the last period, there were two unsuccessful arson attacks with gas canisters by fascists of the Imathia Patriotic Movement against the self-managed space ‘La Rage’ in the city of Veria (northern Greece). The attacks of these fascists, who are practically nonexistent in the local context, aimed to […]

Germany: Reportback from antifascist demonstration in Dortmund

On March 29th, 2014, around 400 people took part in an antifascist demonstration in Dortmund. People took to the streets in remembrance of punk Thomas “Schmuddel” Schulz, who was murdered by the neo-Nazi Sven Kahlin 9 years ago, and in memory of Mehmet Kubaşık, who was one of the victims of a series of […]

Bern, Switzerland: Antifascists on alert

No space for Nazis and nationalists

The increasing trend toward the right wing in Switzerland is unbearable: xenophobic and racist ideologies get the upper hand. After the admission of the “initiative against mass immigration”, professed neo-Nazis took to the streets in Solothurn, and on the 29th of March a horror compound consisting of supporters […]

France: Communiqué by GADI – Call for antifascist counter-protests on April 5th, 2014

On January 26th, the fascist organizers of the “Day of Anger” march gathered many of their militants in Paris.

They paraded with clearly anti-Semitic slogans and Nazi salutes. Neo-Nazi groups (such as the Petainists youth) were alongside the National Front (FN) politicians, as well as many representatives of clearly fascist movements: royalists, religious extremists, negationists, […]

Athens: Responsibility claim for arsons against Nazis

Mitsakos brothers sell glass panes at their glass shop, located in Dekaneos Nikolaou street in the Athens district of Aghios Dimitrios (near Panagouli square). But they also sell Golden Dawn bravado as members of the fascist gang.

On the next corner down that street, Zarras sells alcohol at his liquor store. But he also sells […]

Germany: Protest against the Nazi rally in Dresden on February 13, 2014

In a few days, it’s that time again: the City of Dresden and some citizens will stage a commemoration in memory of the “victims” of the bombing of Dresden in 1945. Neo-Nazis manipulate this fact and want to parade, aiming to decontextualize the air attacks. The City once again plans an anti-extremist rampart in […]

Alexandroupoli, Northern Greece: Attack on fascist-owned business

In the early hours of January 5th, 2014 we attacked a store that’s owned by a known member of the Alexandroupoli patriotic movement, smashing its glass windows.

This was done so that fascists can get it through their head that, in this city, we are not looking for them… we know them and go after […]

Alexandroupoli, Northern Greece: Attack on Golden Dawn branch office

In the early hours of Thursday, December 26th, 2013 comrades attacked the Golden Dawn party’s office with stones and sticks. Glass windows at the entrance of the apartment block were smashed, since the Nazis’ office is situated on the first floor. As for residents of the building, that’s what they get when they tolerate fascists.


Piraeus, Greece: Fascist attack on the anarchist hangout Resalto in Keratsini


On Saturday morning, January 25th, in the district of Keratsini in Piraeus (port of Athens), a large assault militia of neo-Nazis desecrated the entire place where Pavlos Fyssas was murdered by Golden Dawn member in September 2013. Shorty after that, nearly 80 Golden Dawn members attacked the […]

Athens: Responsibility claim for the placement of incendiary devices

In the early hours of December 27th, 2013 we placed two low-power incendiary devices at two branches of “Christou Bakery” (located on Hippocratous and Voulgaroktonou streets, and on Acharnon and Olympias streets). These bakery chain stores belong to the wife of Golden Dawn MP Germenis and her family. She is a leading member of the […]

Belgrade: Extreme right-wingers prevented from participating in discussion at the Faculty of Philosophy

On Wednesday the 11th of December 2013, an unknown till then student organization planned to discuss the hazards of GMO foods in the premises of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. Among others, fascist Miroslav Živković, coordinator of the campaign “For Serbia without GMO” of the nationalist clerical political party “Dveri Movement”, as well as […]

Athens: Responsibility claim for explosion at the Kifissia tax office

In the early hours of Thursday, September 26, 2013 we placed an explosive device at the tax office located in Kifissia [a northern suburb of Athens], as a first response to the efforts of the State to be portrayed as the referee and punisher of its Golden-Dawn employees, and its creation of a spectacle that […]