What is Pugetsoundanarchists.org?

Occasionally, a story on this website attracts attention from groups other than our intended readership. More than a few times, mainstream media have referred to the "Puget Sound Anarchist Group," or implied that this website is the mouthpiece for an anarchist group.

We thought it would be obvious, but apparently we need to say it explicitly: There is no "Puget Sound Anarchists Group" and this website and its editors speak for no one. Pugetsoundanarchists.org is a news website that runs stories by or of interest to anarchists in the Puget Sound region. We accept signed or anonymous submissions.

ANTIFA Banner Drop Olympia

On March the Fourth some anarchists in Olympia, WA dropped a banner that read
"SMASH DIVISIONS (///) RESIST FASCISM" off the southern side of the building
that is often locally known as "The Mistake By The Lake" in solidarity with
demonstrators countering the pro Trump convergence happening below in
Heritage Park.

Olympia "spirit of america" Counter Demo Reportback

On March 4th, racists, nazis, alt-right trolls and trump supporters convened
at Heritage Park in Olympia WA for the Spirit of america rally. Despite a lot
of internal conflict on the Spirit for america facebook event page, they
managed to get around 250 people to come out, most sporting american flags
and a huge number of people open carrying. The counter-demo converged at the
park at the same time as the trump rally, with about 150 people at its
height. A caution tape barrier was set up to keep the counter-demo away from
the stage but was quickly broken through, leading to scuffles between
demonstrators and cops which led to 4 arrests at the very beginning before
many other counter protestors had arrived.

Interview with IWW/GDC Survivor of UW Shooting

From Twin Cities GDC
Listen Here

The KEXP 90.3 radio program Mind over Matters has recorded a roughly 30-minute interview with Fellow Worker Hex, the IWW and GDC member who was shot on January 20th outside of the Milo Yiannopoulos event on the campus of University of Washington, Seattle.

In this first interview with the press since the shooting, Hex talks about the experience of being shot, the importance of having a network that supports you when you are attacked, the responsibilities of firearm ownership and use, and the problems with the punitive model of justice.

We in the Twin Cities GDC salute our fellow defender and friend, continue to wish him speedy recovery, and call upon all those who oppose fascism in the Pacific Northwest to make your support of antifascist efforts known to your community. Make sure that our people are supported and defended, so that they can continue to help support and defend our communities.

12 Points Against Seattle’s New Youth Jail

For more than five years, thousands of people in Seattle have fought the construction of a new $210 million youth jail in Seattle’s Central District, the city’s historically African-American neighborhood. People from all walks of life–Black and brown people, criminalized people, queer and trans people, students, healthcare workers, anarchists, youth, social workers, migrants, clergy members, Raging Grannies, teachers, 75 community organizations, and more–have mobilized month after month since 2012 to reject the idea that any young person should be in jail and to force the City and County to abandon the new youth jail project. Here are 12 points against the new youth jail.

Wells Fargo Attacked in Lacey in Solidarity with Standing Rock

A few nights ago we smashed out the windows and doors of Wells Fargo in
Lacey. Wells Fargo funds the Dakota Access Pipeline, as well as GEO Group,
the private prison company that runs the Northwest Immigration Detention
Center and many other private detention centers. Wells Fargo profits off of
the destruction of the earth, the incarceration of migrants, and the ongoing
land theft of native lands. Multiple cities and schools are divesting funds
from Wells Fargo, individuals are closing their own accounts, and anarchists

Relentless: An Interview with Coyote Acabo on 16 Years in Prison

This interview was conducted in the winter of 2014, shortly after Coyote had arrived to Olympia, WA to resettle after a 16 year stint in the Nevada prison system. This discussion on his experiences in and out of prison has been brought back to light in lieu of some much needed support that Coyote needs regarding multiple legal cases surrounding his involvement in anti-racist and anti-police struggles in and around Olympia, WA.

Oil-Trains Disrupted in Solidarity with #NoDAPL [Vancouver WA]

This is a claim of responsibility for causing disruption to the Pacific Northwest Corridor Rail Line north of Vancouver WA. On several occasions over the last few weeks, 6-Gauge Booster cables were attached to rail junctions at several points along the rail lines. Artificially triggering the railway signalling system.

The Left Needs Solidarity

I'm seeing a lot of opinion pieces in news outlets about how the left should
protest and organize. Most of these articles misunderstand what protest
should be and also seem to come from a place of privilege. Especially when I
see articles that say things like "You want to scare Trump? Be orderly,
polite, and visibly patriotic." Privilege that is obvious when police show
up to Black Lives Matter and labor marches and anti-trump marches in riot
gear with batons and rubber bullets, but show up to the women's march to

Accounts of Police Brutality and Socialist Alternative Co-option at SeaTac #MuslimBan Protest

From Itsgoingdown.org

Collected here are accounts and analysis from people who were on the escalators and faced police violence while occupying SeaTac demanding detainees be released on 1/28/17.

Account 1

“I want to make sure everyone knows that Kshama Sawant [City Council member] put a lot of people in danger last night. We had all marched into the airport and blocked the exits, we were strong in numbers and most of us were fully prepared to stay the night. The organizers went from group to group telling us that the plan was to stay until the people detained were released. Kshama decided that on her own with a few people from SA [Socialist Alternative, a reformist group] she would end the occupation before the prisoners were released. She did not confer with any of the organizers that have far more experience with organizing, protesting and most of all risk analysis. She lead about 2/3rds of the protest out, onto the street and to the light rail leaving the rest of us at MUCH higher risk for attack and arrest.
