Lorenzo Fertitta's UFC one of the best trades of the 21st century

CBA's canny treasury team brought in Unisuper's John Pearce as a reported $250 million cornerstone investor in the ...
CBA's canny treasury team brought in Unisuper's John Pearce as a reported $250 million cornerstone investor in the February 2016 Perls VIII issue. Daniel Munoz

The best trade of 2016 has to go to Lorenzo Fertitta, who snagged a 2000 per cent gross return on his US$2 million investment in 2001 to buy the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), which was sold last year for about US$4 billion. That's a 66 per cent annual return over 15 years in what must be one of the top non-tech investments of the 21st century. (I flew to Las Vegas to snatch Lorenzo's last-ever on-the-record interview about the UFC's extraordinary business two days before the sale.)

My best trades in 2016 were in the listed hybrid market, which I argued in March, August and October had become cheap and, just as importantly, no longer plagued by terrible supply "technicals". The spreads major bank hybrids pay above the bank bill swap rate – a three-month benchmark rate that typically trades 0.25 percentage points above the Reserve Bank of Australia's cash rate (or 1.83 per cent today) – had blown out from a miserly 2.8 per cent in 2014 to as wide as 6 per cent in February 2016.

While the hybrid market had become compelling, one dark cloud was the issuance outlook. The Australian Taxation Office's unwillingness over the last decade to give the major banks tax rulings confirming they don't have to attach franking credits to hybrids when they issue to overseas investors that cannot use them had restricted sales to retail punters on the ASX, which only have so much capacity. Supply was also amplified by regulators forcing the majors to deleverage their balance sheets through expanding Tier 1 capital, which this column called back in 2013.

In 2016 two game changers were ANZ's landmark US$1 billion North American hybrid, which attracted US$18 billion of bids and demonstrated the massive latent offshore demand for major bank hybrids that unusually carry an investment-grade rating. While other major banks might be reluctant to follow ANZ until the ATO formally issues the latter with a ruling (ANZ has punted on the ATO doing so), this deal performed remarkably well and showed that there is a tonne of money sitting outside the ASX to meet the majors' hybrid needs.

Another signal development was the decision of CBA's canny treasury team to bring Unisuper's John Pearce in as a reported $250 million cornerstone investor in its February 2016 Perls VIII issue. This was the first meaningful public trade by a large institution in the complex Basel 3 hybrid space, which the top end of town had boycotted. Pearce has made out like a bandit since with Perls VIII trading up from $100 to over $108 today.

Given the exceptional performance of the hybrid sector, which in 2016 delivered investors returns of 9.4 per cent or 11.1 per cent after franking following a multi-year malaise, the majors will presumably start thinking about issuing into the deeper over-the-counter (OTC) segment as they did with the preceding Basel 2 securities. There should be significant institutional interest in an OTC transaction (I'd buy subject to price), which would be more liquid than its ASX counterparts while providing institutional valuation transparency to the sector overall.

The best performing asset class in 2016 was Australian residential property, which provided gross capital gains of more than 10 per cent and total returns (including rents) of over 14 per cent. We had forecast high single-digit capital growth for last year, which was rendered conservative by the RBA's decision to cut rates on the assumption they would not reignite the boom. Yet in 2016 Sydney and Melbourne home values surged a crazy 15 per cent and 13 per cent respectively on the back of the RBA's cheap money policies.

One media outlet breathlessly reported last week that I was predicting east coast prices would plummet by up to 25 per cent as banks lifted interest rates. That is not, in fact, what I said. We will see more out-of-cycle hikes from the banks, which is a smart move as they seek to staunch falling returns on equity (RoE) as their balance sheets sensibly deleverage towards a sustainable 16 times leverage ratio.

Since 2013, this column has forecast strong, mostly double-digit, house price growth and we should see capital gains of one to two times wages growth in 2017 as higher lending rates coupled with tighter credit policies take the wind out of the housing market's sails.

Australian residential property prices will eventually correct – conceivably by as much as 15 per cent to 25 per cent (or via no nominal growth for years) – if and only if the RBA normalises rates. While this may precipitate temporary chaos, the financial system should weather the storm. Since the RBA is not expected to start aggressively lifting rates until 2018 (I'd submit a 2017 hike is possible), any housing retrenchment is a more distant proposition.

Aussie equities (up 11.6 per cent) and global equities (up 8.7 per cent) also did well in 2016 despite the jump in the long-term interest rates used to discount risky cash flows back to the present. The proclivity of hedge funds to herd around crowded trades hurt many, with Bloomberg's long-short equity index providing only a 1.8 per cent return. My favourite equities hedge fund, VGI Partners, extended its outstanding track record with an 11.2 per cent total net return after all fees in its US dollar trust (my family invests!). Ask VGI's obsessive-compulsive bosses about any sport and they'll earnestly respond, "We only follow stocks"…

In the safer debt space, investment-grade floating-rate notes (up 3.1 per cent) handsomely trumped deposits and fixed-rate government bonds (up 2.5 per cent), with the latter suffering near-record 3.8 per cent losses in the final quarter as loftier long-term rates punished holders of fixed-rate (as opposed to floating-rate) securities.

This savage "duration" sell-off (whereby fixed-rate bond prices fall as rates climb) should continue on a multi-year, albeit stop-start, basis, as wages growth and core inflation emerge as concerns in the US. This will ultimately undermine equity valuations, which are currently priced as if we can maintain the awkward fusion of healthy economic growth and crisis-level policy rates. As in 2007, shareholders are ignoring signals afforded by securities further up the capital structure.

The author is a portfolio manager/director of Coolabah Capital Investments and Smarter Money Investments, which invest in fixed-income securities.


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