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All neighbourhoods should say 'not in my backyard'

The amenity of a neighbourhood is difficult to define. But it does include the enjoyment that residents get from their neighbourhood and their sense of community.

The fabric of a community is seen in how much it is prepared to work for its values and fight against what it sees as an attempt to undermine those values. Fitzroy and the City of Yarra are engaged in a fight against inappropriate apartment development within Fitzroy.

A focal point for this protest was a 16-storey apartment complex proposed for the heart of Fitzroy that might look good alongside a flamboyant casino on the Gold Coast, but not within a heritage inner Melbourne suburb. However, such fights are not new to this community.

Go back 50 years when the housing commission was razing great areas of Fitzroy and other inner urban areas to erect 20-storey Soviet-style housing blocks. This was stopped in North Fitzroy in the early 1970s by a neighbourhood that was starting to become well organised. It then took this sense of community into reinvigorating the local kindergartens and schools and through working bees to resurrect unloved facilities such as parks and tennis courts.

When the roads authority wanted to bring the Hume Freeway down the Merri Creek valley, community action stopped it. The community was blind-sided when the Eastern freeway came down the Yarra Valley, but then demonstrated the strength of feeling by launching a series of protests against the dumping of cars and pollution into their neighbourhood. The community then lobbied to have a kindergarten affected by the freeway relocated and redeveloped. And it worked with the relevant authorities to redesign local roads to block off all the rat runs from the freeway through their residential streets.

Then there was the factory in the middle of Edinburgh Gardens that was spewing carcinogenic waste into the atmosphere. The environmental protection hearing to stop this had the highest local representation other than the hearing into the Newport gas power station, and the factory was forced to deal appropriately with the waste.


When, eventually, industries were removed from the park, efforts to replace them with medium-rise housing were opposed. The community also had other plans for the old Fitzroy football ground where a campaign brought down the walls to allow community access. Through these actions Edinburgh Gardens has been returned to the people. With increased residential density now in the area, thank goodness for the park.

An early effort to absorb Fitzroy into the City of Melbourne was met with a campaign that involved placing Fitzroy flags around the perimeter of the city. Another siege repelled. Later proposals for amalgamation with surrounding residential councils such as Collingwood and Richmond were more generally supported. But the state government of the day used that period where there was no local council to try a few other tricks on the community. There was an effort to close the Fitzroy swimming pool and turn the area over to apartments. The community marched the full length of Brunswick Street and physically occupied the 50-metre pool.

The community's response to a plan to close the local high school was to establish a roster for residents to live in the school in order to prevent any demolition. There is a great deal of perseverance in this community. After months of their sit-in, the government bowed to the community's wishes and agreed to redevelop the school. This month years of persistence has again paid off with the opening of a new library on a site that would also have otherwise been destined for apartment development, at a further loss to neighbourhood amenity.

Yes the community does say "not in my back yard" when there is a need to fight for their amenity. This is what all neighbourhoods should be doing. If the residents don't have a sense of why they love their neighbourhood and are not prepared to fight for it we lose the heritage value of our old neighbourhoods, the quietness of our gardens and parks, our skylines, schools and community facilities. This local community will persist with their fight against inappropriate development. They have been doing it for 50 years.

Bill Robb is a resident of the City of Yarra.