Our priority is to ensure all Libyans have access to basic services: Noura Hamladji, UNDP Country Director

In an interview with our colleagues at @UNDPArabStates Noura Hamladji, UNDP Libya Country Director says expanding access to basic services in the country is a key priority. The Stabilization Facility for Libya led by the Government of National Accord and supported by UNDP Libya and the international community is rehabilitating small and critical infrastructure, reaching out to over one million people in the county.

Earlier this year, a group of women from Libya came together. From doctors, to professors, to housekeepers —they all shared a common vision — to build peace in Libya. The three-day dialogue between women, policymakers and civil society aimed to take stock of the Libyan Women’s Minimum Agenda for Peace. The dialogue provided a safe space for women, to share their experiences, stories of change, and importantly, to draw up a roadmap for how Libyan women can build peace in their everyday life. Here is a short glimpse of their stories. The video reinforces a powerful message — when women have more of a role in decision making and peace processes, countries thrive and we build a better future for us all.
NEW VIDEO: Libyan Women: A Voice for Peace

Earlier this year, a group of women from Libya came together. From doctors, to professors, to housekeepers —they all shared a common vision — to build peace in Libya. The three-day dialogue between women, policymakers and civil society aimed to take stock of the Libyan Women’s Minimum Agenda for Peace. The dialogue provided a safe space for women, to share their experiences, stories of change, and importantly, to draw up a roadmap for how Libyan women can build peace in their everyday life. Here is a short glimpse of their stories. The video reinforces a powerful message — when women have more of a role in decision making and peace processes, countries thrive and we build a better future for us all.

The Obari Women’s Centre will provide a safe space for 150 women to build their capacities in the political arena, equip them with skills in reading and mathematics, and provide training in various livelihoods for women.
Announcing “Markez Fetat-Obari” or the Obari Girl Centre

As people around the world celebrate International Women’s Day on March 8, the oasis town of Obari in South west Libya has some cause to celebrate today. Work has begun on rehabilitating a part of the municipality building, now dedicated to setting up Markez Fetat-Obari or Girl Obari Centre, a Centre for supporting women in the region.

 IWD 2017
UNDP Administrator Helen Clark on International Women's Day 2017

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development urges that no one be left behind. That means leaving no woman behind – anywhere.

Fire Engine delivered to Kikla municipality

A fire engine was delivered to the people of Kikla in southwestern Libya, part of a two million-dollar assistance package that also includes the main hospital, a technical institute, schools and municipality buildings. The fire engine is necessary to bring an aspect of safety back to the town which is located about 150...

Assistance Package of $US10 million dollars to Sirte, Sebha Approved

The cities of Sirte and Sebha will receive a package of $US 10 million dollars aimed at rebuilding the battered health and education sectors as well as water and power supplies for their residents, estimated at about 250,000 before most of them fled the fighting. The decision to allocate the money was made today at...

The Government of United Kingdom contributed additional fund to Stabilization Facility

The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has today committed a further financial contribution to the Stabilization Facility for Libya (SFL) which will fund urgent and vital projects to support the people of Sirte The Stabilization Facility for Libya (SFL) is an initiative of the...

Stabilization Facility for Libya Gets One-Million Dollar Donation from Republic of Korea

The Republic of Korea has contributed US$ one million dollars to assist in speedy rehabilitation projects in Libya that will improve vital basic services to the citizens. The donation is a valuable contribution to the Stabilization Facility for Libya (SFL), an initiative of the Libyan Government of National Accord...

UNDP kick starting the stabilization facility programme in Libya

June 06, 2016, Tunis, Tunisia: UNDP Libya Country Director (CD), Noura Hamladji visited Libya to kick starting the stabilization facility programme for Libya.  Accompanied by Programme Coordinator and Stabilization Facility project manager, the CD discussed with Municipality of Kikla to start the assessment on...

The Netherlands and UNDP sign a Cost Sharing Agreement for 2 million Euros for the Stabilization Facility for Libya

June 04, 2016: Tunis, Tunisia: The Netherlands and UNDP signed an Agreement for two million euros towards the Stabilization Facility for Libya. The cost sharing agreement comes following the decision of the Stabilization Facility for Libya Project Board to initiate a quick assessment in Benghazi, Kikla and Obari. The...

Stabilization Facility for Libya Endorses Benghazi, Obari and Kikla for a Quick Assessment

  Tunis, 27 May 2016 - The Stabilization Facility for Libya Project Board met this morning in Tunis under the leadership of HE Dr. Taher Al-Jehaimi, Minister of Planning and Mr. Ali Al-Za’tari, the Deputy SRSG and UNDP Resident Representative, as well as the Ambassadors or representatives of the EU, Germany, Italy,...

UNDP Libya launches the Stabilization Facility Plan for Libya during the Senior Officials meeting in Tunis

Tunis, 12 April 2016 - The Stabilization Facility for Libya was launched today at the Senior Officials’ Meeting in Tunis in the presence of H.E. Dr. Taher Al-Jehaimi, Minister of Planning in the Libyan Government of National Accord, Mr. Rüdiger König, Director General of Crisis Prevention, Stabilization and Peace Building in...

UNDP continues to support the constitutional process in Libya

As part of its support to the constitution drafting assembly, UNDP in coordination with UNSMIL and in collaboration with the Benghazi Research and Consulting Centre organised a workshop for the members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly (CDA). Under the guidance of constitutional experts, CDA members...