Over 1000 jobs will be created in 6 localities in the country

Three towns (Ialoveni, Edinet and Straseni) and three villages (Colibasi, Carpineni and Selemet) received grants of 20 thousand USD from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, through the UNDP Migration and Local Development Project to boost local business development.

With EU support, the school in Baltata village, Criuleni district, switched from gas to biofuel produced by a local entrepreneur

Founded early in the XX century by Ukrainians who had migrated from the Western Ukraine and bought land to a local landholder, the Baltata village in Criuleni district has about 2,000 inhabitants.

Migrants, native from 23 communities contributed with 2 million lei to local development

Over three months, the campaign “For home with love”, organized by the Migration and Local Development Project, convinced each tenth migrant from 23 partner localities to contribute financially for local development projects.

UNDP launches its first Business Innovation Lab on the platform of Tekwill, ICT Center of Excellence

UNDP Moldova launches on 15 March 2017 its first Business Innovation Lab, in the premises of the Tekwill ICT Center of Excellence, a fitting environment for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to engage in innovative projects. The Business Innovation Lab represents the first modern collaborative co-working space...

Beyond expenses and income, poverty being viewed with a witness eye of citizens

In April-May 2017, the National Bureau of Statistics, with the support of the United Nations, will hold 10 consultations with men and women from vulnerable groups such as elderly, unemployed, single parents, migrants, etc. These will facilitate the collection of data that mirror multiple dimensions of poverty, such as access to health, education, transport and other services.

[VIDEO] Carolina Pancenco: I can't wait to come to work every day

Carolina Pancenco is a young woman who followed her dream and opened a dance studio in Rezina, which gives energy, health and inspiration to more than 100 persons, aged between 3 and 57 years.

EU helps 15 entrepreneurs from Gagauzia and Taraclia with financing for their business development

15 entrepreneurs won grants of up to 18,400 euros from the European Union to start new businesses and develop small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in ATU Gagauzia and Taraclia. They were selected from a total of 76 entrepreneurs who filed applications for funding during the first round of a grant competition.

[SUCCESS STORY] The secret of a successful career is to be found in Syslab Center, Comrat

One out of ten young people in the Republic of Moldova is unemployed. “This is what official statistics show. In reality, I think their number is much higher. Even the young people who have found a job feel unemployed in a way, as they have to work for a ridiculously low salary and precarious conditions.

Thanks to the EU in Dorotcaia people from both banks of the Nistru River celebrated Martisor together

This year, the inhabitants from Dorotcaia village have celebrated the Martisor Fest with special glitter. Artistic bands, craftsmen and artists from both sides of the Nistru River have celebrated together the arrival of spring in the Cultural Hall, renovated with the financial support of the European Union through the “Support to Confidence Building Measures” Programme, implemented by the UNDP Moldova.

[PHOTO STORY] Moldova at Fruit Logistica Berlin

The anniversary edition of Fruit Logistica welcomed more than 75,000 management-level trade visitors from over 130 countries and positive feedback from more than 3,100 exhibitors representing 84 countries.

On the occasion of Zero Discrimination Day, the UN launches an external elevator to make its premises accessible to all visitors

On 1 March 2017, the United Nations in the Republic of Moldova has inaugurated an elevator that facilitates the access to all four floors of its headquarters in Chisinau, located on 131, 31 August 1989 Street. Since 1994, the UN House hosts several agencies, funds and programs of the United Nations, the ground floor being accessible since 2004.

European Union offers more grants for business development in Gagauzia and Taraclia

The second round of a EU-funded grants’ contest is starting on March 1 to help create new businesses and develop small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the ATU Gagauzia and Taracli

[BLOG] In Moldova, we can make investigative journalism great again. Here's how.

Corruption offences often remain unexposed; investigative journalists often put themselves at high risk to shed light on these crimes.