Controlled Fire of Dry Vegetation as Innovative Solution to Protect Ecosystems of Peatlands

Second controlled burning of dry vegetation was conducted on 6 March 2017 in Republican Biological Reserve “Sporaūski”. This relatively new tool of peatlands sustainable management in Belarus aimed at protection of biodiversity and prevention of unregulated burnings that pose treat for population, forest and farm lands and have catastrophic consequences for natural ecosystems.

 European Union, UNDP in Belarus and the Ministry of Economy of Belarus announced the results of the Main Contest of Local Initiatives. Over the next six months, 126 initiatives designed to improve the life of the Belarusian regions will be implemented in the country.
The European Union allocates more than 2 million euros for local initiatives on the development of small towns and rural areas of Belarus

European Union, UNDP in Belarus and the Ministry of Economy of Belarus announced the results of the Main Contest of Local Initiatives. Over the next six months, 126 initiatives designed to improve the life of the Belarusian regions will be implemented in the country.

The energy efficient house of the second generation has been opened in Minsk
The energy efficient house of the second generation has been opened in Minsk, the keys have been handed over to the residents

On 26th of January the opening ceremony of the energy efficient house of the second generation was held today in Loshica-9 district, 1 Mikhail Ptashuk Street. The construction of the building was facilitated by the project "Improving Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings in the Republic of Belarus"

A new program introduces "e-government" technologies to Belarusian officials

One of the training sessions within the framework of the e-government capacity building program for civil servants was held in Minsk on Friday, January 27. Following the sessions for senior government officials in Belarus, more than fifty Deputy Heads of the Republican bodies of state administration studied the conditions necessary for the successful implementation of information technologies in governance structures at all levels.

The winners of the essay competition devoted to the 50th anniversary of the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights are...

We would like to congratulate the winners of the essay competition devoted to the 50th anniversary of the International Covenants on Civil and Political Rights and on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The competition was held by UNDP Belarus, UN DPI, Ministry of foreign affairs and Belarusian Helsinki Committee.

Belarus is moving towards the use of ozone-friendly refrigerant chemicals in the industrial sector

Belarus' refrigerator industry experts reviewed the outcomes of UNDP-GEF project on shifting towards the use of ozone-friendly technologies.

High level International Conference on Administrative Procedures Looked at Public Services Reforms in Belarus

International Conference “Prospects for improvement of the legislation on the implementation of administrative procedures in the Republic of Belarus” was held on 9 December 2016 in Minsk with the support of the National Centre for Legislation and Legal Research of the Republic of Belarus and UNDP in Belarus within the framework of the UNDP project “Strengthening Inclusive Local Governance in the Republic of Belarus”.

Art is a unifying force that can help us destroy all barriers

A series of concerts within the campaign "Inclusive Belarus" was concluded on 9 December with a splendid show in the Big concert hall of the Belarusian State Philharmonic Society in Minsk.

UN General Assembly adopts Belarus-initiated resolution on Chernobyl

The UNDP holds a special coordinating role in post-Chernobyl rehabilitation and development of the regions affected by the catastrophe.

“Inclusive Belarus” Campaign Made Its Way to the Nothern Capital of Belarus

On the 6th of December “Inclusive Belarus” has visited the fifth Belarusian city – Viciebsk. The concert hall “Viciebsk” became the main venue to host numerous events: visitors were invited to get aquatinted with the UN agencies projects at the exhibition, take part in discussions about fighting AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, providing access to justice, defining role of media in building an inclusive society, and enjoy kids’ fashion show and inclusive concert during the evening.

 The Main Contest of Local Initiatives of the EU-UNDP project “Support to Local Development in the Republic of Belarus” will be conducted from October 10 until November 30, 2016.
Mahilieu took over as the host of campaign "Inclusive Belarus: Leaving No One Behind in Reaching Sustainable Development Goals"

On Friday, December 2, the "Inclusive Belarus" campaign visited the fourth Belarusian regional centre - Mahilieu. The City Ice Palace became the central venue for the events of the campaign.

UNDP Resident Representative in Belarus and Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus visit Smolevichi Forestry Enterprise

On 5th of December 2016 Sanaka Samarasinha, the Resident Representative of UNDP office in Belarus, met Mikhail Amelianovich, the Minister of Forestry of the Republic of Belarus, in Drachkovskoe Forestry in Smolevichi rayon. The central topic of the discussion were the consequences of hurricane that occurred in July 2016 and resulted in the damage of approximately 40 thousand ha of forest plantations. The agenda also touched upon the main areas of Forestry activities and opportunities for cooperation within environmental projects.

“Green economy” in action: the results of 16 pilot initiatives can be replicated all over the country

It has been a year since 16 pilot “green” initiatives were launched. They were selected as a result of the Contest within EU-funded project “Supporting the Transition to a Green Economy in the Republic of Belarus”, implemented by UNDP.