3 Reasons to Care about Civic Literacy

To assess the level of civic literacy in Ukraine, UNDP has commissioned a sociologic survey that was conducted in July-September 2016. We have also commissioned a similar study in Moldova, while Pact Inc had a similar exercise in Belarus. The concept of "Citizenship of the 21 century" was used as a baseline methodology and allowed us to compare the findings from three countries in the areas of civic knowledge, civic behaviour, civic attitudes and beliefs, and prospects for civic education.

UNDP Ukraine experience: what can we do to improve public procurement in the health sector?

What do we know about modern Ukraine? Of course, it’s a big European country known for its lush landscape and warm hospitality. At the same time, this is also a country facing a military conflict in the East, occupation of its territory, and over a million of internally displaced people, all this while in economic recession. Despite all this, the government of Ukraine cannot afford not to push through much needed reforms, and has listed healthcare reform as one of its priorities.

How to file e-declarations: NACP and UNDP launch online course for civil servants

Amid the ongoing rollout of the 2nd wave of e-declaration for Ukrainian civil servants, during which the number of declarants is to increase at least sevenfold, NACP and UNDP with the support of the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs have developed an online course on how to file e-declarations.

Blerta Cela: Time to promote women’s rights in Ukraine is now

By Blerta Cela, UNDP Deputy Country Director Programmes, UNDP. Originally published by Kyiv Post, 6 March 2017 Nataliya Ovsyuk, originally from Illovaysk in Donetsk region, left home with her two children in July 2014 without any means of future support. She braved checkpoints with her four- and six-year-old children...

Students Against Corruption

Students in 13 universities across Ukraine are receiving first-hand knowledge on newly-established Ukrainian anti-corruption institutions.

World Rare Disease Day: UNDP helps protect the constitutional right of all patients to healthcare

UNDP joins the initiative of the patient community to support patients with rare diseases (so-called orphan diseases) receive life-saving medicines. Worldwide, it is estimated that about 30 percent of children with rare diseases will die before reaching their fifth birthday. In a ground-breaking new procurement...

Gender, money and power determine perceptions of justice and security in Ukraine - new UNDP report

Poverty is a bigger concern than the conflict, and women and poorer people feel significantly more insecure, new report shows Kyiv - UNDP launched a new report on ‘Justice and Security: Perspectives of Communities in Three Oblasts’. This report was undertaken as part of the Rule of Law and Community Justice...

Animated stories: Young people call for justice and peace in conflict-affected Ukraine

On the occasion of the World Day of Social Justice on Feb. 20, UNDP brought together 20 boys and girls aged between seven and 15 for a two-day animation workshop. There, they learned about the basic techniques used to create animated stories, and how to advance the principle of social justice by removing barriers that people face due to disability, low social status, ethnicity, gender or race.

Social Innovations: New Ways to Solve Old Problems

UNDP co-organized the conference on measuring social change in order to exchange knowledge and practices on social innovations among civic activists, and to build the capacity of CSOs on social impact management.

UN Committee reviews situation of women in Ukraine

A meeting of human rights defenders and the Representative of the Ombudsperson with the experts of the UN Committee took place on the eve of the presentation of the national report by the official Ukrainian delegation. Thanks to the dialogue with CSOs and the Ombudsperson’s representative the UN Committee could get an objective picture of Ukraine's implementation of its CEDAW commitments and prepare a list of questions to the official delegation of Ukraine.

Call for media competition on Gender-Sensitive Reporting

Journalists, bloggers and media representatives working in Donetsk and Luhansk regions, are invited to submit their gender-sensitive reports (articles, blogs, stories etc.) on a variety of topics and make their own contribution to eliminate gender stereotypes and promote gender equality in Ukraine.