Call for applications - Selection of beneficiaries
Call for applications - Selection of beneficiaries

Under the “Lebanon – Support to Economic Recovery, Community Security and Social Cohesion in Lebanese Communities Affected by the Syrian Crisis” project, funded by the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and in coordination with the Ministry of Energy and Water and the Lebanese Center for Energy Conservation, the United Nations Development Programme is seeking public sector institutions, non-governmental organizations, or private sector institutions with a social mission working in vulnerable communities that are hosting Syrian refugees to apply to be a potential recipient of a renewable energy system for hot water, heating and/or electricity generation. Interested beneficiaries can download the application form(s) using the links below. Deadline is on April 17th 2017, at 12 pm.

“I am only afraid of the other, because we do not meet”
“I am only afraid of the other, because we do not meet”

“It was a challenge to describe in a thousand word article the situation of Palestinian youth in camps” said Samaa Abou Sharar, independent journalist, president of Majed Abou Sharar Media Foundation and participant in the 14th issue of the “Peace Building in Lebanon” News Supplement. The discussion session organized by the UNDP “Peace Building in Lebanon” project with the funds of KfW, took place on the afternoon of Tuesday 24 January 2016 at Beirut Digital District. The talk was an opportunity for the supplement writers to tell their stories with the power of speech, sound and interaction.

Reduce Air Pollution by Increase Renewable Energy Supply
Reduce Air Pollution by Increase Renewable Energy Supply

A large solar power plant was inaugurated on Monday March 6, 2017 at the Gemayel Freres factory in Bickfaya. The inauguration took place in the presence of Minister of Industry His Excellency Dr. Hussein Al Hajj Hassan, the adviser and representative of the Minister of Energy and Water Dr. Khaled Nakhle, the First Councellor at the Delegation of the European Union Jose Luis Vinuesa, the Country Director of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Luca Renda, and the President of the Association of Lebanese Industrialists and Chairman and General Manager of Gemayel Freres, Dr. Fadi Gemayel. The power plant was co-funded by the European Union and Gemayel Freres.

A New Chapter in the Lives of 40 Women in Tarik ElJdide
A New Chapter in the Lives of 40 Women in Tarik ElJdide

Last February, a promising local development hub emerged at the heart of Tarik ElJdide, one of the most populous neighborhoods of Beirut and home to a quarter of a million of people. Four months earlier, UNDP and Makassed have come together to turn the Ward AlMakassed center into an all year round income-generating space empowering vulnerable women in Tariq ElJdide and its Palestinian Gatherings, through training, marketing and sales activities. Wishing you a Happy Women’s day!

365 Days of Gender Journey
365 Days of Gender Journey

On this special day, we are pleased to share with you the UNDP- newsletter “the 365 Days of Gender Journey” IWD2017. Wishing you a Happy Women’s day!

Call for Writing - Our stories during war… and about it
Call for Writing - Our stories during war… and about it

If you have a personal story that you would like to share in public, you can take part in the “Peace Building in Lebanon” News Supplement. This supplement is produced by the UNDP «Peace Building in Lebanon» project, funded by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development through KfW. The original Arabic version is distributed with An-Nahar newspaper while an English version is distributed with The Daily Star and a French version with L’Orient Le Jour. The supplement contains articles by writers, journalists, media professionals and artists residing in Lebanon; they cover issues related to civil peace in addition to the repercussions of the Syrian crisis on Lebanon and the relations between Lebanese and Syrians, employing objective approaches that are free of hatred and misconceptions.

Security & Justice Sector Wide Assessment
Security & Justice Sector Wide Assessment

The needs assessment report is an in-depth and comprehensive background review for relevant rule of law, justice, human rights, and security sector with focus on needs in host communities. It focuses on the community security and access to justice needs of both Syrian refugees and Lebanese host communities. It maps key developments in rule of law, justice, security and human rights, covering main problem-solution issues, challenges, and key actors and tools to be used in UNDP’s rule of law programming from 2016. It also establishes programme baselines against which change resulting from future UNDP programming can be measured.

Mainstreaming Gender Equality at The National Level
Mainstreaming Gender Equality at The National Level

On Tuesday February 28, 2017, a ceremony was held in the Grand Serail to officially mark the establishment of the Office of the Minister of State for Women Affairs (OMSWA), announce its partnership with UNDP, and sign the related Project Document.

A Game against Disasters
A Game against Disasters

The UNDP Disaster Risk Management (DRM) project at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, under the patronage of the Minister of Education Mr. Marwan Hamade, organized the launch of an educational board about disaster risk in Lebanon. A large number of students from several public schools in different regions participated in the launching event. The event took place at the UNESCO Palace on Monday 27 February, in the presence of UNDP's Country Director Mr. Luca Renda, Ministry of Education and Higher Education’s (MEHE) Director General Mr. Fadi Yarak, and representatives of donor countries.