FBI investigating links between Trump and Russia

FBI director James Comey (Reuters: Jonathan Ernst)ABC News

FBI director James Comey confirms investigation of possible links between Russia and Donald Trump.

Live: Cabinet push to water down racial discrimination laws

Malcolm Turnbull (ABC News)ABC News

Cabinet has agreed on a proposal to water down Australia's racial discrimination laws.

Algorithms run your life, but you know nothing about them

Algorithms (ABC News: Ben Spraggon)ABC Technology

Your life is dominated by algorithms and you know next-to-nothing about how they work.

Women who've chosen a childfree life

Amy Gurd (Supplied) ABC News

Unsure about having kids? Women explain why they don't want to be mums and how being childfree is turning out.

Airport staff on split shifts 'sleeping under terminals'

Staff sleeping at airport (ABC News - 7.30) 7.30

Staff at a busy Australian airport say they've been sleeping at work because they can't afford to go home between shifts.

Australia v India: Both sides claim momentum

Shaun Marsh and Peter Handscomb (AP: Aijaz Rahi) ABC Sport

Australia and India are both claiming the advantage after a draw in Ranchi tied the series at 1-1.

'Misinformation ecosystem': Fake news and the media

Q and A panel (ABC News) Q&A;

A panel packed with media representatives discussed fake news, alternative facts, echo chambers and an 'information war'.

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