var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); // A wrapper around the script "coin.js" // coin.js depends on jQuery existing and being accessible as $ (doesn't work in Wordpress) // This exposes $ as a variable and includes coin.js so as to make it work within Wordpress. var CoinWidgetCom_Internal (function($) { /* MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2013 Copyright (c) 2013 Copyright (c) 2014 Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ if (typeof CoinWidgetComCounter != 'number') var CoinWidgetComCounter = 0; if (typeof CoinWidgetCom != 'object') var CoinWidgetCom = { source: '' , config: [] , go :function(config, element) { config = CoinWidgetCom.validate(config); CoinWidgetCom.config[CoinWidgetComCounter] = config; CoinWidgetCom.loader.jquery(); var newSpan = document.createElement('span'); newSpan.setAttribute("data-coinwidget-instance", CoinWidgetComCounter); newSpan.setAttribute("class", "COINWIDGETCOM_CONTAINER"); if( (typeof element === 'object' && (element instanceof HTMLElement || $(element).length > 0)) || typeof element === 'string' && (element.charAt(0) === '#' || element.charAt(0) === '.' || element === '#' + element) && element.length > 0 ){ if (typeof element === 'object'){ if(element instanceof NodeList) element = element[0]; else if (typeof jQuery === 'function') jQuery(element).replaceWith(''); } else if (typeof element === 'string'){ if (element.charAt(0) === '#' && document.getElementById(element.substr(1)) !== null) element = document.getElementById(element.substr(1)); else if (element.charAt(0) === '.' && document.getElementsByClassName(element.substr(1))[0] !== null) element = document.getElementsByClassName(element.substr(1))[0]; else element = document.getElementById('element'); element.parentNode.replaceChild( newSpan, element ); } } else { document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(newSpan); } CoinWidgetComCounter++; } , validate: function(config) { var $accepted = []; $accepted['currencies'] = ['faircoin']; $accepted['counters'] = ['count','amount','hide']; $accepted['amount'] = ['show','hide']; $accepted['alignment'] = ['al','ac','ar','bl','bc','br']; if (!config.currency || !CoinWidgetCom.in_array(config.currency,$accepted['currencies'])) config.currency = 'faircoin'; if (!config.counter || !CoinWidgetCom.in_array(config.counter,$accepted['counters'])) config.counter = 'count'; if (!config.amount || !CoinWidgetCom.in_array(config.amount,$accepted['amount'])) config.amount = 'show'; if (!config.alignment || !CoinWidgetCom.in_array(config.alignment,$accepted['alignment'])) config.alignment = 'bl'; if (typeof config.qrcode != 'boolean') config.qrcode = true; if (typeof config.milli != 'boolean') config.milli = false; if (typeof config.auto_show != 'boolean') config.auto_show = false; if (!config.wallet_address) config.wallet_address = 'My '+ config.currency +' wallet_address is missing!'; if (!config.lbl_button) config.lbl_button = 'Donate'; if (!config.lbl_address) config.lbl_address = 'My Bitcoin Address:'; if (!config.lbl_count) config.lbl_count = 'Donation'; if (!config.lbl_amount) config.lbl_amount = 'FAIR'; if (typeof config.decimals != 'number' || config.decimals < 0 || config.decimals > 10) config.decimals = 4; return config; } , init: function(){ CoinWidgetCom.loader.stylesheet(); $(window).resize(function(){ CoinWidgetCom.window_resize(); }); setTimeout(function(){ /* this delayed start gives the page enough time to render multiple widgets before pinging for counts. */; },800); } , build: function(){ $containers = $("span[data-coinwidget-instance]"); $containers.each(function(i,v){ $config = CoinWidgetCom.config[$(this).attr('data-coinwidget-instance')]; $counter = $config.counter == 'hide'?'':(''); $button = ''+$config.lbl_button+''+$counter; $(this).html($button); $(this).find('> a').unbind('click').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault();; }); }); CoinWidgetCom.counters(); } , window_resize: function(){ $.each(CoinWidgetCom.config,function(i,v){ CoinWidgetCom.window_position(i); }); } , window_position: function($instance){ $config = CoinWidgetCom.config[$instance]; coin_window = "#COINWIDGETCOM_WINDOW_"+$instance; obj = "span[data-coinwidget-instance='"+$instance+"'] > a"; /* to make alignment relative to the full width of the container instead of just the button change this occurence of $(obj) to $(obj).parent(), do the same for the occurences within the switch statement. */ $pos = $(obj).offset(); switch ($config.alignment) { default: case 'al': /* above left */ $top = $ - $(coin_window).outerHeight() - 10; $left = $pos.left; break; case 'ac': /* above center */ $top = $ - $(coin_window).outerHeight() - 10; $left = $pos.left + ($(obj).outerWidth()/2) - ($(coin_window).outerWidth()/2); break; case 'ar': /* above right */ $top = $ - $(coin_window).outerHeight() - 10; $left = $pos.left + $(obj).outerWidth() - $(coin_window).outerWidth(); break; case 'bl': /* bottom left */ $top = $ + $(obj).outerHeight() + 10; $left = $pos.left; break; case 'bc': /* bottom center */ $top = $ + $(obj).outerHeight() + 10; $left = $pos.left + ($(obj).outerWidth()/2) - ($(coin_window).outerWidth()/2); break; case 'br': /* bottom right */ $top = $ + $(obj).outerHeight() + 10; $left = $pos.left + $(obj).outerWidth() - $(coin_window).outerWidth(); break; } if ($(coin_window).is(':visible')) { $(coin_window).stop().animate({'z-index':99999999999,'top':$top,'left':$left},150); } else { $(coin_window).stop().css({'z-index':99999999998,'top':$top,'left':$left}); } } , counter: [] , counters: function(){ $addresses = []; $.each(CoinWidgetCom.config,function(i,v){ $instance = i; $config = v; if ($config.counter != 'hide') $addresses.push($instance+'_'+$config.currency+'_'+$config.wallet_address); else { if ($config.auto_show) $("span[data-coinwidget-instance='"+i+"']").find('> a').click(); } }); if ($addresses.length) { CoinWidgetCom.loader.script({ id: 'COINWIDGETCOM_INFO'+Math.random() , source: (CoinWidgetCom.source+'lookup.php?data='+$addresses.join('|')) , callback: function(){ if (typeof COINWIDGETCOM_DATA == 'object') { CoinWidgetCom.counter = COINWIDGETCOM_DATA; $.each(CoinWidgetCom.counter,function(i,v){ $config = CoinWidgetCom.config[i]; if (v == null || !v.count){ v = {count:0,amount:0}; } $("span[data-coinwidget-instance='"+i+"']").find('> span').html($config.counter=='count'?v.count:((v.amount*($config.milli ? 1000 : 1)).toFixed($config.decimals)+' '+($config.milli ? 'm':'')+$config.lbl_amount)); if ($config.auto_show) { $("span[data-coinwidget-instance='"+i+"']").find('> a').click(); } }); } if ($("span[data-coinwidget-instance] > span img").length > 0) { setTimeout(function(){CoinWidgetCom.counters();},2500); } } }); } } , show: function(obj) { $instance = $(obj).parent().attr('data-coinwidget-instance'); $config = CoinWidgetCom.config[$instance]; coin_window = "#COINWIDGETCOM_WINDOW_"+$instance; $(".COINWIDGETCOM_WINDOW").css({'z-index':99999999998}); if (!$(coin_window).length) { $sel = !navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i)?'onclick=";"':'onclick="prompt(\'Select all and copy:\',\''+$config.wallet_address+'\');"'; $html = '' + '' + '' + 'Send '+$config.currency+' to address' + 'x' + ''+$config.currency+' Logo' ; if ($config.counter != 'hide') { $html += '0'+$config.lbl_count+''; if ($config.amount != 'hide') { $html += '0.00'+($config.milli ? 'm':'')+$config.lbl_amount+''; } } if ($config.qrcode) { $html += '' + ''+$config.currency+' address QR code' ; } var $div = $('
'); $('body').append($div); $div.attr({ 'id': 'COINWIDGETCOM_WINDOW_'+$instance }).addClass('COINWIDGETCOM_WINDOW COINWIDGETCOM_WINDOW_'+$config.currency.toUpperCase()+' COINWIDGETCOM_WINDOW_'+$config.alignment.toUpperCase()).html($html).unbind('click').bind('click',function(){ $(".COINWIDGETCOM_WINDOW").css({'z-index':99999999998}); $(this).css({'z-index':99999999999}); }); if ($config.qrcode) { $(coin_window).find('.COINWIDGETCOM_QRCODE').bind('mouseenter click',function(){ $config = CoinWidgetCom.config[$(this).attr('data-coinwidget-instance')]; $lrg = $(this).parent().find('.COINWIDGETCOM_QRCODE_LARGE'); if ($':visible')) { $lrg.hide(); return; } $lrg.attr({ src: CoinWidgetCom.source +'qr/?address='+$config.wallet_address }).show(); }).bind('mouseleave',function(){ $lrg = $(this).parent().find('.COINWIDGETCOM_QRCODE_LARGE'); $lrg.hide(); }); } } else { if ($(coin_window).is(':visible')) { CoinWidgetCom.hide($instance); return; } } CoinWidgetCom.window_position($instance); $(coin_window).show(); $pos = $(coin_window).find('input').position(); $(coin_window).find('img.COINWIDGET_INPUT_ICON').css({'top':$,'left':$pos.left+3}); $(coin_window).find('.COINWIDGETCOM_WALLETURI').css({'top':$,'left':$pos.left+$(coin_window).find('input').outerWidth()+3}); if ($config.counter != 'hide') { $counters = CoinWidgetCom.counter[$instance]; if ($counters == null) { $counters = { count: 0, amount: 0 }; } if ($counters.count == null) $counters.count = 0; if ($counters.amount == null) $counters.amount = 0; $(coin_window).find('.COINWIDGETCOM_COUNT').html($counters.count+ ''+$config.lbl_count+''); if ($config.amount != 'hide') { $(coin_window).find('.COINWIDGETCOM_AMOUNT').html(($counters.amount*($config.milli ? 1000 : 1)).toFixed($config.decimals)+ ''+($config.milli ? 'm':'')+$config.lbl_amount+''); } } if (typeof $config.onShow == 'function') $config.onShow(); } , hide: function($instance) { $config = CoinWidgetCom.config[$instance]; coin_window = "#COINWIDGETCOM_WINDOW_"+$instance; $(coin_window).fadeOut(); if (typeof $config.onHide == 'function') { $config.onHide(); } } , in_array: function(needle,haystack) { for (i=0;i'); $("head").append($link); $link.attr({ id : 'COINWIDGETCOM_STYLESHEET' , rel : 'stylesheet' , type : 'text/css' , href : CoinWidgetCom.source+'coin.css' }); } } , jquery: function(){ if (!window.jQuery && !CoinWidgetCom.loader.loading_jquery) { $prefix = window.location.protocol=='file:'?'http:':''; CoinWidgetCom.loader.script({ id : 'COINWIDGETCOM_JQUERY' , source : $prefix + '//' , callback : function(){ CoinWidgetCom.init(); } }); return; } CoinWidgetCom.init(); } } }; CoinWidgetCom_Internal = CoinWidgetCom })(jQuery); CoinWidgetCom = CoinWidgetCom_Internal } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 22:22:18 Mar 03, 2021 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 01:17:12 Sep 06, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 0.654 exclusion.robots: 0.037 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.021 esindex: 0.012 cdx.remote: 33.012 LoadShardBlock: 200.614 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 156.327 (5) PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 805.655 (2) load_resource: 782.344 loaddict: 25.504 */