
Lanyrd is handmade by Natalie Downe, Simon Willison and the rest of the Lanyrd Team.

They would like to thank the people behind the following technologies, icon sets and other useful things which this site relies upon.

Client-side and design

Fontdeck — Big thanks to the peeps behind Fontdeck for the smashing fonts we are using in headings and such. Eigerdals Bold and Eigerdals Black

Icons are predominantly from the Hlveticons icon suite. Some are tweaked or drawn by Dan Shallcross. The awesome Fat Cow icons and Paul Robert Lloyd's social media icons are occassionally used.

Browser icons — These fabulously stylish browser icons are used occasionally in and about Lanyrd.

The invaluable jQuery and its fine accompaniment jQuery UI.

Our MP3 player is built on top of jPlayer.

We use MapBox for our maps.


Lanyrd is written in Python and Django.

Django extensions used include South for managing database changes, Treebeard for modelling place hierarchies and Haystack for talking to our search engine.

Our search is powered by Solr.

We also use both memcached and Redis for various bits and pieces around the site, and our offline processing is managed by Celery.

Caching for our badges is handled by Varnish.


Authentication, user profiles, avatars and friend lists come from the Twitter REST API.

Our book information comes from the Amazon Product Advertising API.

We're using to power parts of our coverage feature.

Our email is sent and received by Mailgun.

Google Analytics and KISSmetrics.


Lanyrd is hosted on SoftLayer, and uses S3 for static asset serving.

Lanyrd Team

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