World News


  1. Chuck Berry's influence

    Chuck Berry, the man who defined rock 'n' roll's joy and rebellion, set a template for a new sound — and a new way of life.

  2. The end of populism?

    Two elections, a world apart in the same week, has some delivering the last rites to political populism, writes Stan Grant.

  3. Katla rumbles in Iceland

    Remember Eyjafjallajokull? Well imagine living under its bigger, more dangerous cousin.

  4. An icon in a bottle

    The ubiquitous Kikkoman soy sauce bottle draws its design principles from war and peace.

  5. The hard sell

    Donald Trump continues to rev up the faithful, but away from the bluster the president is butting heads with everyone from Breitbart News to Snoop Dogg.

  6. Photos from Otherworlds

    Michael Benson painstakingly creates a series of photographs showing off our solar system's far-flung spectacles.

  7. Indyref 2.0

    Scotland could get another chance to vote on independence from the UK — but this time Brexit has raised the stakes even higher.

  8. Dutch deja vu for France?

    Voters in the Netherlands may have turned their back on the anti-Islamic, populist candidate Geert Wilders, but do not assume this means France will do the same.

  9. Baldwin on Trump

    Alec Baldwin famed for his Donald Trump impersonation, says the key is finding the insecurity behind the facade.

  10. Unpredictable regime

    North Korea's launch of ballistic missiles has unnerved the US, and it's decided enough is enough, writes Philip Williams.

  11. Birth in Afghanistan

    For women in Afghanistan, having a baby can be deadly — with about one in 50 women dying as a result of pregnancy or childbirth.

  1. Tillerson in South Korea

    US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson says pre-emptive military action against North Korea may be necessary if the threat from their weapons program reaches a certain level.

    Mr Tillerson outlined the tougher strategy to confront North Korea's nuclear threat during his three-country tour of Asia.

    He also closed the door on talks with Pyongyang unless it denuclearised and gave up its weapons of mass destruction.

  1. Myanmar investigation call

    Former United Nations boss Kofi Annan has called for an independent investigation of allegations of murder and rape in Myanmar's Rakhine State.

  2. Ship damages reef

    A British company incurs the wrath of Indonesia after its ship hits a prized coral reef causing irreparable damage.

  3. NZ police shoot dog

    Police shoot dead a runaway dog on the tarmac of New Zealand's Auckland Airport because it was delaying planes taking off.

  4. Park Geun-hye 'abandons' dogs

    An animal rights group accuses the impeached South Korean president of animal abandonment after she leaves her dogs at the presidential palace.