Burial of Ferdinand Marcos

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Burial of Ferdinand Marcos
Libingan ng mga Bayani.jpg
The Heroes' Cemetery where the remains of Ferdinand Marcos were buried.
Date November 18, 2016 (2016-11-18)
July 11, 1998 (1998-07-11) (cancelled)
Location Heroes' Cemetery, Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines
Type Burial
Burial Ferdinand Marcos

The Burial of Ferdinand Marcos, the 10th President of the Philippines (1965–1986) and dictator[1][2][3][4] was originally scheduled on September 13, 2016 and later on October 18, 2016 at the Heroes' Cemetery in Taguig, Metro Manila, Philippines. On November 8 of the same year, the Supreme Court eventually decided that Marcos be buried at Heroes' Cemetery on an unspecified date.[5] The burial of Marcos took place on November 18, 2016.[6]

The burial of Ferdinand Marcos, particularly at the Heroes' Cemetery has been a controversial issue as critics, particularly victims of human rights violations during the Martial Law era, and participants of the People Power Revolution have opposed attempts to bury Marcos, who they deem as unfit to be buried at the particular cemetery due to his authoritarian rule, and allege that the Marcos family has yet to return money illegally removed from the country's treasury.[7] Opinion on his burial remains split: 50 percent of the 1,800 respondents of a survey conducted by SWS in February 2016 said Marcos “was worthy to be buried at the Libingan ng Mga Bayani” while the other half rejected a hero’s burial.[8]

There were conflicting claims on where the deceased Marcos wished to be buried. Former Interior Secretary Rafael Alunan III, one of the signatories of an agreement to move Marcos' body from Hawaii to the Philippines during the term of then President Fidel V. Ramos, said that Marcos wished to be buried beside his mother in his hometown in Batac, Ilocos Norte, while his wife Imelda Marcos said that his wish was to be buried in Manila insisting that he should be buried at the Heroes' Cemetery.

Former Presidents Corazon Aquino and Fidel V. Ramos had opposed moves to bury Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery during their respective terms, while Former President Joseph Estrada attempted to bury Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery but later cancelled the burial. Rodrigo Duterte, during the campaign period and debates and as well having won the presidential elections, repeatedly asserted his plans for the burial of the remains claiming the act is in accordance with the existing laws of the Philippines, as well as an insisting the burial will be an instrument for the beginning of "nation-wide healing" but the plan met with criticism. The burial of Marcos, with military honors, was conducted in a private ceremony on November 18, 2016.[9] It resulted in widespread expressions of indignation and nationwide protests.[10]


Transfer of Marcos' body from Hawaii[edit]

After Ferdinand Marcos died in 1989, his family attempted to bring in his remains from Hawaii to the Philippines but the administration President Corazon Aquino imposed a ban against the entry of Marcos' remains into the country. This was lifted on October 9, 1991 by Aquino on the condition that Marcos' burial would not be used for political purposes and on the condition that the body of Marcos be flown directly to Laoag. Aquino's executive secretary Franklin Drilon said that a "heroes burial" would be allowed if held in Marcos' home province instead of Manila. Imelda Marcos, the wife of Ferdinand Marcos has opposed the move saying that the dying wish of her husband was to be buried in Manila.[11] In January 1992, the Philippine government has stated that it may not oppose the burial of Marcos anywhere in Metro Manila provided that Marcos' body was flown into the country after the 1992 Philippine election in May. The Marcos family opposed the condition and was waiting for a ruling of the Supreme Court at that time regarding their petition to bury Ferdinand Marcos as soon as possible.[12]

The transfer of Marcos' body would not be done until the administration of President Fidel V. Ramos. It was during Ramos' term that a memorandum of agreement was made between the government and the Marcos family in 1992.[13] There were four conditions agreed by both parties and these were:[13][14]

  1. The remains of Ferdinand Marcos were to be flown directly from the US state of Hawaii to the province of Ilocos Norte.
  2. Military honors for someone with the rank of major were to be given to Marcos. The rank was the last rank to be held by Marcos during his service with the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
  3. No parade displaying Marcos' body was to be held in Metro Manila.
  4. Marcos' body was not to be buried at the Heroes' Cemetery but in Ilocos Norte.
The body of Ferdinand Marcos was stored in a refrigerated crypt at the Ferdinand E. Marcos Presidential Center in Batac, Ilocos Norte.

According to Rafael Alunan III, former Interior Secretary and one of the signatories of the agreement, the third clause was agreed upon due to "wounds were still fresh in the minds of many people" and to avoid potential instability. He also says that the former President Marcos wanted to be buried beside his mother in Batac, Ilocos Norte.[14] Also according to Alunan, after the signing of the agreement Imelda Marcos crossed out the burial clause and wrote in that Marcos was to be "temporarily interred" instead of being buried in Ilocos Norte. Alunan said that the terms of agreement could not be changed after it was signed but Imelda insisted and came up with a new agreement paper with the changed clause. The revised paper was not signed by the government.[13]

It was on September 7, 1993 that the body of Ferdinand Marcos was flown into the Philippines. From Hawaii the body was flown to Guam then to Laoag in Ilocos Norte. The body of Marcos was not buried but was instead preserved in a refrigerated crypt hosted inside a museum and mausoleum.[14] In Honolulu, Hawaii, Marcos' body was also stored in a refrigerated crypt.[12]

Cancelled 1998 Heroes' Cemetery burial[edit]

Ramos' successor Joseph Estrada attempted to organize a burial of Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery. Then President-elect Estrada had negotiations with Marcos' wife Imelda who initially also demanded state honors for the burial but later agreed to a burial without state honors. It was agreed that Marcos was to buried on July 11, 1998. The planned burial of Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery still received opposition even after state honors were not to be included in the planned burial. Former President Corazon Aquino was among those who opposed the move. Estrada remained firm on his decision until[15] July 1998 when Estrada decided against the plan amidst public opposition saying that it would be better if the Marcos family agreed that Ferdinand Marcos be buried in Batac to put an end to "bitter differences" and give rest to "various emotions and sentiments that flared up".[16]

2011 Batac burial recommendation[edit]

In April 2011, then President Benigno Aquino III tasked then Vice President Jejomar Binay to study whether to bury Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery or not. The Office of the Vice President received 3,000 responses from various political parties, sectors, organizations, and members of the public on the issue. Binay recommended the burial of Marcos in his hometown in Batac with full military honors. Aquino did not act on the recommendation.[17]

2016 Heroes' Cemetery burial[edit]

Rodrigo Duterte supported the burial of Ferdinand Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery, even before he assumed presidency and expressed this stance at his presidential campaign in the 2016 elections. Duterte has expressed that a burial of Marcos at the site would commence the "healing" of the Philippines and pointed out Marcos' idealism and vision for the country through his projects which "stood the test of time" and that Marcos' dictatorship "remains to be debated". Duterte has also previously stated that Marcos could have been the best president if not for the abuses during the Martial law period under Marcos' watch.[18] At the Visayas leg of the PiliPinas Debates 2016, Duterte and fellow candidate Jejomar Binay expressed their support for a Marcos burial at the heroes' cemetery.[19]

2016 burial[edit]

Announcement and rationale[edit]

On August 7, 2016, President Rodrigo Duterte gave the order to bury former President Ferdinand Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery saying that Marcos was qualified to be buried at the cemetery due to being a "former president and a soldier". Duterte said he was open to demonstrations against the burial plan but insisted that the former President was qualified to be buried at the cemetery. He also added that the burial date may be moved to September 11 which was the birthday of the deceased president.[20]

Amidst criticism that Marcos does not deserve to be buried at the cemetery, Duterte says that burying Marcos at the site does not equate to Marcos being a "hero in the true sense of the word". He points out that former soldiers and presidents are allowed to be buried at the cemetery and that he would be violating the law if he did not push through with the burial and added that the previous administrations should have passed a law to bar Marcos from being buried at the Heroes' Cemetery. Duterte said he doesn't care about the dispute regarding the authenticity of Marcos' war medals and the non-appearance of Marcos' alleged World War II service in United States records.[21]

Supreme Court decision[edit]

Burial of Ferdinand Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery
Seal of the Supreme Court of the Republic of the Philippines.svg
Court Supreme Court of the Philippines
Full case name
Decided November 8, 2016 (2016-11-08)
  • G.R. No. 225973
  • G.R. No. 225984
  • G.R. No. 226097
  • G.R. No. 226116
  • G.R. No. 226117
  • G.R. No. 226120
  • G.R. No. 226294
Transcript(s) Transcript
Official Summary

The schedule of burial of Marcos were originally scheduled on September 13 then October 18 after the oral arguments on petitions to stop the burial.[22][23] Eventually, on 8 November, the Supreme Court of the Philippines allowed Marcos to be buried of Heroes' Cemetery with the votes of 9-5, with one abstention[24][25] dismissing the status quo ante imposed to block attempts to bury Marcos in the Heroes Cemetery.

Supreme Court decision regarding the burial of Ferdinand Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery[25]
In Favor (9) Opposed (5)
Abstained (1): Bienvenido Reyes

Opinion summary[edit]


The concurring judges said that the Supreme Court cannot decide on the matter since it is a political question which was deemed not justiciable. They argue that President Duterte did not abuse his discretion when he allowed the burial of Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery. It was noted that the petitioners failed to specify a specific law that was allegedly violated by proceeding the burial.[26]

The majority of the judges disagreed with the dissenting opinion that Marcos is disqualified to be buried at the said site due to Marcos' ouster following the People Power Revolution, which the dissenters considers as an act of Marcos being dishonorably discharged. It was noted that while Marcos was also the commander of chief of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, the position is not a military position and the particular clause in the 1987 Constitution which gave the designation to Marcos only enshrines the principle of supremacy of civilian authority over the military. It was concluded that Marcos could not be prosecuted before the court martial therefore he could not be "dishonorably discharged, reverted or separated" under the AFP Regulations G 161-1375. Marcos ouster through the People Power Revolution is judged to be extra-constitutional and direct sovereign act of the people which was concluded to be outside the scope of the court. Marcos was also found not to have convicted of crimes involving moral turpitude and court cases cited by the petitioners abroad were decided to have no bearing due to the cases being civil in nature.[26]

It was added that it's up to the people to decide on the matter. The concurring judges also clarified that the court is exercising judicial restraint on an issue they say is "truly political in nature" and that the resulting stigma of Ferdinand Marcos' Martial Law regime will "not be forgotten by the Filipino people" and Marcos' burial at the cemetery "will not rewrite history".[26]


The dissenting judges said that the burial disregard both international and domestic laws in regards to give justice to victims of human rights abuses during Marcos' term. The Philippine government was noted to have an obligation to provide compensations to the victims, both monetary and non-monetary, the latter of which includes symbolic reparation. The burial of Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery was deemed by the dissenters as contrary to symbolic reparation entitled to the victims. By allowing the burial, the dissenting judges says that President Duterte was "encouraging impunity". Marcos was described by the dissenting judges as "a dictator forced out of office and into exile after causing twenty years of political, economic, and social havoc in the country".[26]

They argue that Marcos' ouster following the People Power Revolution disqualified him from being buried at the Heroes Cemetery even if the claim of him being awarded the Medal of Valor is indisputable since he was deposed by the "sovereign action of the people" which was described as "the strongest form of dishonorable discharge from office".[26]

Chief Justice Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno, in her dissent, affirmed that the Court must take cognizance of the issues presented in order to preserve the Constitution as well as the judiciary’s own prerogatives under the Constitution. She maintained that the President acted with grave abuse of discretion in ordering the interment at LNMB because it violated domestic law and international law in relation to the obligations to do justice for human rights victims. After a review of the applicable international agreements and protocols, the Chief Justice pointed out that the Philippines is bound to affirmatively protect the rights of the human rights victims under martial law by providing effective reparations, which would include monetary compensation as well as non-monetary remedies (such as symbolic reparation). The Chief Justice pointed out that the interment of the Marcos remains at LNMB would be the antithesis of symbolic reparation. She also pointed out that the interment would run counter to the duty to combat impunity as well as to preserve memory—all of which are international commitments that the Philippines is bound to observe.[citation needed]


Following the Supreme Court decision, preparations for the burial were commenced. Ilocos Norte Governor and daughter of Ferdinand Marcos, Imee Marcos says that the burial will done in "simple rites like an ordinary soldier", and insists that the event will not be a state funeral but a "funeral for a soldier" which she says her father wished for. She also added that the family is willing to airlift the former President's remains from Batac to Fort Bonifacio.[27]

Santa Monica Church in Sarrat, the Immaculate Conception Church in Batac, and the Saint Agustine Church in Paoay were earlier prepared for the wake for former President Marcos before the burial at the Heroes' Cemetery.[27]


The Philippine National Police were informed on the night of November 17, 2016 that the burial will take place the day after.[28] The police confirmed the scheduled burial in the morning of November 18.[29] The November 18 burial was scheduled to take place at noon.[28]

The remains of Ferdinand Marcos was airlifted from Ilocos Norte at 9:00 a.m. (UTC+8) and was brought to the Heroes' Cemetery in Fort Bonifacio in Taguig.[29] Marcos was then buried in his grave at the Heroes' Cemetery in a burial ceremony closed to the public. Marcos' wife Imelda Marcos and his children were in attendance, as well as the late president's only living sibling at the time, Fortuna Marcos-Barba.[30] About a hundred were in attendance including personnel from the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and reportedly PNP Chief Ronald dela Rosa. Military honors were done including a 21-gun salute during the rites.[31]

There was no public announcement of the burial plan, and the public only became aware of the plan shortly before the burial. The Marcos family requested the government to conduct the burial in private, and confidentially. A budget was allocated by the government on the burial and the exceeding budget reportedly will be shouldered by the Marcoses. No exact figures regarding the budget allocated for the burial rites were disclosed.[31]

Ferdinand Marcos was buried in a marble finished tomb which has a cauldron that has a flame burning inside.[31]



Circle frame.svg

Opinion on Former President Ferdinand Marcos' burial at the Heroes Cemetery (March 2011; Filipinos ages 18 and above)
Social Weather Stations (SWS)[32]

  No, not worthy of the Heroes Cemetery (49%)
  Yes, with official honors (30%)
  Yes, a private burial only (20%)
  Don't Know/Refused to answer (1%)
Circle frame.svg

Opinion on Former President Ferdinand Marcos' burial at the Heroes Cemetery (February 2016; Validated voters)
Social Weather Stations (SWS)[8]

  Yes, worthy to be buried at the Libingan ng Mga Bayani (50%)
  No (50%)
Burial of Ferdinand Marcos protests
Marcos burial Ateneans protest.jpg
Students of the Ateneo de Manila University along Katipunan Avenue protesting against the burial of Marcos insisting that the former President is not a hero and a dictator.
Location Philippines
(mainly Metro Manila)
  • Planned burial of Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani
  • Supreme Court decision of allowing Marcos to be buried
  • Marcos buried in a private manner
Goals Main:
  • Prevent the burial of Ferdinand Marcos at the Libingan ng mga Bayani (until November 18)
  • Exhumation of Ferdinand Marcos remains from the Libingan ng mga Bayani (since November 18)

  • Resignation or Removal of President Rodrigo Duterte from office (since December)
  • Demonstrations
  • protest marches
  • internet activism
  • petitioning
  • concerts
Parties to the civil conflict

Anti-Marcos protestors:
Various groups, millennials, universities, and some political personalities

Marcos allies
Lead figures

A poll conducted by the Social Weather Stations (SWS) in March 2011 showed that opinion is split.[38][39] The same trend appears in a follow up poll by SWS in February 2016. However validated voters instead of just anyone who is 18 years and above as done in the 2011 poll, where queried for the 2016 poll.[8]

An initiative called Bawat Bato (lit. For each stone) was launched, urging those who oppose the plan to dump stones with names of victims of abuses during the Martial Law era of Ferdinand Marcos or a personal message at the proposed site of the burial of Marcos within the Heroes' Cemetery.[40]

About 2,000 people held protest against the burial plans, saying that Marcos was not a hero; organizers have clarified that the protests were not against the Duterte administration itself, but are targeted towards the burial plan.[41]

It was reported that Rafael Alunan said that those who oppose the burial plans of Marcos at the Heroes' Cemetery could invoke the 1992 agreement with the Marcos family and the Philippine government under then President Fidel V. Ramos[14] but he clarified on August 17, 2016 that the agreement was a memorandum of understanding which is not binding compared to a formal agreement or deal.[13]

Following the 8 November decision of Supreme Court allowing the burial of Marcos, government officials and politicians of the country expressed their disappointment and frustration; among them is Senator Kiko Pangilinan called the decision as "shameful and deplorable."[42] Incumbent Vice President Leni Robredo was saddened with the decision; Senator Bam Aquino said that "my heart goes out to the thousands of victims during the darkest years in Philippine history."[42]

Lingayen-Dagupan Archbishop Socrates Villegas, president of Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), said through text to Rappler, on the same day, that he is saddened with the decision and "the burial is an insult to the EDSA spirit". Villegas is the protegé of late Manila Archbishop Jamie Sin, who helped oust Marcos during the 1986 People Power Revolution.[43] Villegas also stated that his blessing goes out the people who join the protest, making him much hated by many Filipinos for his actions, with people claiming that the church should not interfere with state issues. Unlike Villegas, Lipa Archbishop Ramon Arguelles called on Filipinos to pray for the Marcos family that they would be forgiven for their atrocities. Manila Archbishop Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle remained silent on the burial, opting instead to pray for everyone.

On 11 November, the Martial Law victims filed a temporary injunction against the burial before the Supreme Court.[44]

Various groups and sectors also joined the rally, protesting the burial. On 12 November, hundreds of people, protesting the burial, participated in the run at the University of the Philippines Diliman.[45] Lawyers and law students wore black T-shirts 13 November and rallied in front of the University of Santo Tomas where the bar exams held.[46][47][48] The Bagong Alyansang Makabayan (BAYAN) called on 14 November for widespread demonstrations across the country, hoping to discourage President Rodrigo Duterte from proceeding the burial.[49] On 16 November, the Sangguniang Laiko ng Pilipinas (Council of the Laity of the Philippines) calls the planned hero's burial of Marcos "barefaced disrespect".[50] In Cebu City, a day before the burial, an effigy of Marcos, the same look as he kept in a refrigerated mausoleum, was displayed in a garbage cart, deserving to put as a garbage said by at least 500 members of militant groups.[51]

Presidential Communications Secretary Martin Andanar apologized for using the term "temperamental brats" to the protests against it.[52] Andanar clarified on his Facebook post that he used the term to "to express my frustration against those who seek to further divide the country for reasons that have nothing to do with genuine patriotism and civic duty."[52]

November 18 burial[edit]

On 18 November, the day of Marcos burial, various groups gathered in some places. Among those who gathered to opposed the burial was a group of youth. The League of Filipino Students described the transfer of Marcos remains for the eventually successful burial the former president as being done like "a thief in the night." They also criticized the government's involvement in the burial of the former president which they describe as a "fascist dictator". The Kabataan Partylist condemn the burial labeling it as a "grave travesty" and as "galawang Hokage" (lit. Hokage move; Hokage is a high-ranked ninja in the Naruto anime franchise).[53]

Vice President Robredo expressed disappointment stating that “like a thief in the night, the Marcos family deliberately hid the information of burying former President Marcos today from the Filipino people.”[54] Students from various universities and other groups joined the protest held across the country including Metro Manila, Cebu City, Davao City, etc.[55] Senator Franklin Drilon gave a statement about the burial, “like what Marcos did for 21 years, he caught us off-guard like a thief in the night. His burial is anything but noble. Even in death, he is a thief.”[56] Senator Risa Hontiveros, who opposed the burial, said that "no hero’s burial can erase the historical fact of Marcos’ atrocities."[56] Senator Aquilino Pimentel III said the burial was a "sad development."[56] Former President Fidel Ramos criticized the burial of the late president, describing it as "a step backward".[57][58]


On November 25, 2016, the day called by the protestors "National Day of Unity and Rage" and "Black Friday", various groups in the country held mass demonstrations in the afternoon.[59] Left-leaning groups called on President Duterte to end his alliance with Marcoses.[36] Anti-Marcos protestors and Marcos loyalists started a debate on the issue after the two sides made an encounter.[60]

Maria Serena Diokno, chairperson of the National Historical Commission of the Philippines (NHCP) submitted her resignation on November 29, 2016 in protest of the Marcos burial. She said that the burial "erases the memory of the lives lost and destroyed" during the Ferdinand Marcos administration and that it " mocks the collective action the Filipinos" took to remove Marcos from his post as President. She added that Duterte could have taken a "higher ground" by disallowing the burial despite the Supreme Court decision not to stop the then burial plan. She also praised the youth who expressed their opposition to the burial which she described as an act "in defense of History" and said she would personally join mass demonstrations scheduled on November 30, 2016. Her resignation will be effective on December 1, 2016.[61]

In the last week of November, several Facebook users who expressed their opinions against the burial of Marcos were locked out of their accounts.[62] Some of the users involved suspected that other Facebook users might have compromised their accounts.[62]

Thousands of protesters gathered again on 30 November, Bonifacio Day, at the People Power Monument in Quezon City.[63][64] On the night of December 15, about 150 members of a group called Coalition against Marcos Burial gathered at the People Power Monument to attend the mass.[65]

Thousands of people celebrating the 31st anniversary 1986 People Power Revolution on February 25, 2017 with protests[66] and supporting the President Rodrigo Duterte.


  1. ^ http://time.com/4583037/philippines-marcos-burial-duterte-human-rights-protest/
  2. ^ Wintrobe, Ronald (2000). The Political Economy of Dictatorship. Cambridge University Press. pp. 11; 132. ISBN 978-0-521-79449-7. 
  3. ^ Roa, Ana (September 29, 2014). "Regime of Marcoses, cronies, kleptocracy". Philippine Daily Inquirer. 
  4. ^ Nick Davies (May 7, 2016). "The $10bn question: what happened to the Marcos millions?". The Guardian. 
  5. ^ "Supreme Court allows Libingan burial for Marcos". The Philippine Star. 
  6. ^ "Late dictator Marcos buried at Libingan ng mga Bayani". ABS-CBN News. 
  7. ^ "Anti-Marcos burial protesters stage rallies". Manila Bulletin. 8 November 2016. 
  8. ^ a b c "Is Philippines ready for a state burial for Marcos?". ABS-CBN. 14 March 2016. 
  9. ^ "AFP: We only followed Marcoses' wish to keep burial secret". 
  10. ^ "Protesters take to streets to denounce Marcos 'Libingan' burial". 
  11. ^ "Aquino agrees to Marcos burial". Gainesville Sun. New York Times News Service. 10 October 1991. Retrieved 16 August 2016. 
  12. ^ a b "Philippines may allow burial of Marcos in Manila". New Straits Times. 7 January 1992. Retrieved 16 August 2016. 
  13. ^ a b c d Remito, Rex (18 August 2016). "Alunan: 1992 Ramos-Marcos burial deal no longer binding". CNN Philippines. CNN Philippines. Retrieved 18 August 2016. 
  14. ^ a b c d Gamil, Jaymee (14 August 2016). "Deal: Marcos burial in Ilocos". Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved 16 August 2016. 
  15. ^ "Estrada stands firm on Marcos burial". The Nation. 16 June 1998. Retrieved 16 August 2016. 
  16. ^ "End to Marcos burial dispute". New Straits Times. 13 July 1998. Retrieved 16 August 2016. 
  17. ^ Cepeda, Mara (16 August 2016). "Binay camp: Aquino sat on proposal to bury Marcos in Ilocos Norte". Rappler. Retrieved 16 August 2016. 
  18. ^ Ranada, Pia (19 February 2016). "Duterte in Ilocos Norte: I will allow Marcos' burial in Heroes' Cemetery". Rappler. Retrieved 15 August 2016. 
  19. ^ "Presidential candidates' stand on divorce, death penalty, Marcos". CNN Philippines. 20 March 2016. Retrieved 15 August 2016. 
  20. ^ "Duterte confirms Marcos burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani". CNN Philippines. 9 August 2016. Retrieved 15 August 2016. 
  21. ^ "Duterte: Marcos burial at Libingan ng Mga Bayani 'doesn't mean he's a hero'". GMA News. JST. 11 August 2016. Retrieved 15 August 2016. 
  22. ^ "SC: Verdict on Marcos burial on hold until November 8". Rappler. 
  23. ^ "SC extends order putting Marcos burial on hold". Rappler. 
  24. ^ "Supreme Court allows hero's burial for Marcos". Rappler. 
  25. ^ a b "SC 'allows Marcos burial at the Libingan ng mga Bayani'". Manila Bulletin. 
  26. ^ a b c d e "SC media briefer on Marcos burial decision". ABS-CBN News. 8 November 2016. Retrieved 12 November 2016. 
  27. ^ a b Kabiling, Genalyn; Lazaro, Freddie (10 November 2016). "FM to have a simple soldier's burial – Governor Imee". Manila Bulletin. Retrieved 10 November 2016. 
  28. ^ a b "Marcos to be buried at Heroes' Cemetery today". Rappler. 18 November 2016. Retrieved 18 November 2016. 
  29. ^ a b Aurelio, Julie; De Jesus, Julliane Love; Sabillo, Kristine Angeli (18 November 2016). "PNP confirms Marcos burial at Libingan ng mga Bayani today". Philippine Daily Inquirer. Retrieved 18 November 2016. 
  30. ^ Guinto, Joel (18 November 2016). "Late dictator Marcos buried at Libingan ng mga Bayani". ABS-CBN News. Retrieved 18 November 2016. 
  31. ^ a b c Delavin, Imee Charlee (19 November 2016). "Marcos confidentially buried at Heroes' Cemetery". BusinessWorld. Retrieved 19 November 2016. 
  32. ^ "First Quarter 2011 Social Weather Survey: Split opinions on Marcos burial in Libingan ng mga Bayani". SWS. March 30, 2011. 
  33. ^ "Leonen: Marcos is no hero; Libingan burial illegalwork=Philippine Daily Inquirer". 
  34. ^ "Anti-Marcos groups hold EDSA day protests". CNN Philippines. 
  35. ^ "Bicol protesters: Hold Duterte accountable for Marcos burial". Rappler. 
  36. ^ a b "Luneta protesters to Duterte: End alliance with Marcos family". Rappler. 
  37. ^ "Around 30 Duterte supporters join Marcos 'counter-rally' at Luneta". GMA News. 
  38. ^ "First Quarter 2011 Social Weather Survey: Split opinions on Marcos burial in Libingan ng mga Bayani". SWS. March 30, 2011. 
  39. ^ "SWS: Pinoys divided on Marcos burial issue". GMA News. March 30, 2011. 
  40. ^ Mateo, Janvic (29 June 2016). "Rock against Marcos: Group protests Libingan burial". The Philippine Star. Retrieved 15 August 2016. 
  41. ^ "Marcos 'hero's burial plan prompts Philippines protests". Al Jazeera. 15 August 2016. Retrieved 15 August 2016. 
  42. ^ a b "VP, senators disappointed and sad as Supreme Court allows burial in hero's cemetery for Marcos". CNN Philippines. 
  43. ^ "Cardinal Sin's protegé on Marcos burial: 'An insult'". Rappler. 
  44. ^ "Martial Law victims file petition to suspend Marcos' burial at LNMB". ABS-CBN News. 
  45. ^ "Hundreds join anti-Marcos burial run in UP". GMA News. 
  46. ^ "Lawyers wear black in protest vs. Marcos burial". CNN Philippines. 
  47. ^ "Lawyers, rights advocates mourn Marcos burial at Bar exams". ABS-CBN News. 
  48. ^ "Militant lawyers protest SC ruling on Marcos burial". Philippine Daily Inquirer. 
  49. ^ "Bayan calls for massive protests to dissuade Duterte from allowing Marcos burial at Libingan". InterAksyon. 
  50. ^ "Catholic council hits Marcos burial: 'Barefaced disrespect'". Rappler. 
  51. ^ "In Cebu City, it's burial in a garbage dump for 'Ferdinand Marcos'". Philippine Daily Inquirer. 
  52. ^ a b "Andanar sorry for calling protesters against Marcos burial 'temperamental brats'". GMA News. 
  53. ^ "Galawang Hokage: Youth protest sudden Marcos burial at LNMB". GMA News. 
  54. ^ "'From hidden wealth to hidden burial: Marcoses disrespecting law'—Leni". Philippine Daily Inquirer. 
  55. ^ "Protests swell nationwide vs. Marcos burial". GMA News. 
  56. ^ a b c "Drilon on Marcos burial: A thief even in death". GMA News. 
  57. ^ http://news.abs-cbn.com/news/11/21/16/ramos-marcos-burial-a-step-backwards-for-duterte-govt
  58. ^ http://www.philstar.com/headlines/2016/11/22/1646177/fvr-duterte-big-disappointment-peru
  59. ^ "Schedule: November 25 rallies vs Marcos". Rappler. 
  60. ^ "Anti-, pro-Marcos groups face off for 'debate' at Luneta". GMA News. 
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  62. ^ a b "Cyber Tokhang? Pinoy Facebook users get locked out of accounts". ABS-CBN News. 
  63. ^ "Thousands return to EDSA to protest Marcos hero's burial". GMA News. 
  64. ^ "Anti-Marcos groups hold protests on Bonifacio Day". CNN Philippines. 
  65. ^ "Grupong Tutol sa Paglibing kay Marcos sa LNMB, Nagsimba sa Anticipated Misa de Gallo" [Group opposing the burial of Marcos at the LNMB, attended the anticipated Misa de Gallo (Simbang Gabi)]. InterAksyon (in Filipino). 
  66. ^ "Youth group marks EDSA-1's 31st year at People Power Monument". GMA News.