Actions / Events

Association Belgo-Palestinienne
As always, keep an eye on the agenda page of ABP for events and actions in the Brussels and wider area.

02-March-2017, 19:00
Cafe Palestine
Performing Palestine: Culture as Resistance
To discuss the interplay between Palestinian culture and resistance, the cafe welcomes Mustafa Awad, founder of the Raj’een Palestinian Dabke group in Brussels and Kamel Badarneh, a Palestinian electronic music composer. Each speaker will address the topic of culture as resistance from their own artistic standpoint. Each presentation will be followed by an open Q&A and discussion. Kamel Badarneh will end the night with a live electronic music performance. At La Fleur en Papier Doré.

ISM on Facebook


Willful Killing
A short video, published in February 2016, that shows examples of Israel's ongoing policy of executing Palestinians and how Israeli politicians instruct and encourage Israeli forces to shoot to kill any Palestinian suspect.

ISM on YouTube


ISM runs only on donations from private citizens. If you like the work we do, please consider making a financial donation.

Please also see this urgent appeal for donations to help ISM continue its work.

Latest news from ISM


The National Campaign to Lift the Closure of Hebron “Dismantle the Ghetto”

Please help support Shadi Farah, a 12-year-old Palestinian Political Prisoner facing trial and imprisonment for attempted manslaughter on next to no evidence. Full details here

Please sign the ECCP petition. European call: Stop the criminalisation of the BDS movement for justice in Palestine!

An appeal to raise legal funds. 25-year old Social Work student Josefin Herbach from Germany and 23-year old Palestinian Abd Elrahman met doing human rights work in occupied Hebron. They were married on the 11th of November 2016, however her spouse visa is currently being denied by the Israeli Ministry of the Interior. They need to raise funds to challenge this unjust ruling. Find full details here and here.

Free circus artist Mohammed Faisal Abu Sakha! Please watch the video and sign the petition.

ACT NOW ! Put an end to the ‘Closed Military Zone’ in Hebron

Free Mahmoud Abujoad!

Hamze Marwan Abdomousa is asking for your support!