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Call Your Senators and Demand That They Reject Neil Gorsuch

Unlike Trump’s other appointments, Democrats can filibuster a Supreme Court nominee.

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Focus on Neil Gorsuch

The Democratic Filibuster of Neil Gorsuch Is On

Five good reasons why Democrats are right to block Trump’s nominee.

Ari Berman

This Weekend, Join a ‘People’s Filibuster’ Against Neil Gorsuch

Protests are planned in cities from San Francisco to Phoenix to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, to Portland, Maine.


Democrats Need to Call Mitch McConnell’s Bluff and Filibuster Neil Gorsuch

If Republicans nuke the filibuster for Supreme Court nominees, they have more to lose than Democrats do.

Joshua Holland

Editor’s Picks


Republicans Just Passed a Resolution That Will Destroy Your Online Privacy

They’ve taken away what little control we had left over how our personal information is used.

Mark Weinstein
NSA Headquarters

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How To Fight for Your Rights and Privacy Online

Contact Congress, call the FCC, and stay engaged.

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