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Teen girls need to learn that sex is about fulfilment, not about validation

It seems like every week my daughter's class has a "talk" at school. Sometimes it's about drugs, sometimes it's about mental health, but most frequently it's about sex. They barely have time for maths and English, so much of their day is spent on topics such as revenge porn and consent.

Still, maths and English can wait. I love that sex and consent are included in my kids' education. We certainly didn't have it in my day. My classmates and I had one awkward session with diagrams of body parts and a penis shown only in outline. 

It prepared me for life as a sexual being about as well as a packet of salt prepared me to cook a meal.

We knew nothing, other than what we read in Dolly magazine's Dolly Doctor column, and that didn't really cover consent. I was lucky because at 17 I started dating a lovely boyfriend and had my first sexual experiences with him.

Meanwhile, many of my friends had awful encounters with young men, in which the lines of consent were fuzzily drawn. It wasn't at all about the girl and her right to pleasure. It was about acquiescing to the male's desires.


But "consent" has totally changed that, right? It's just like choosing a cup of tea. If a person is unconscious, don't offer them tea. If a person says they want tea but then changes their mind, don't force them to drink the tea.

The notion of consent has changed the discussion, but I'm not sure how much it has changed behaviour. You see, consenting to sex is quite different from consenting to having tea. Very few of us will drink tea when we don't want tea, but many of us will have sex when we are ambivalent. We might have sex because we feel pressured by our partners, or we want to make them happy, or because it feels churlish to say no. 

We might have sex because it seems like everyone else is doing it, or to be seen to be cool, or to be conciliatory, or to be liked.

I'm now probably old enough to deal with these social forces and decide for myself whether I truly want sex. But if it can be tricky for us adults, with all our life experience, imagine how difficult it is for teens? 

It can be hard to determine what is in our best interests, particularly when there are cultural and social pressures at play. Most females want desperately to be thin, for example, but that's not because it's a life-enhancing choice. More likely it's because we've been conditioned by media images that equate thin with "good" and overweight with "bad". 

Similarly, we have been programmed from a very young age to seek validation for being sexy, and to feel empowered by flashing our boobs or being sexually promiscuous. Now, I'm not for a second implying that girls can't have satisfying sexual relationships. I do suspect, however, that many engage in sexual acts for reasons other than finding sexual pleasure. 

I hear of very young girls performing oral sex on boys with no thoughts of reciprocation, and presenting in casualty with injuries from anal sex. 

I hear of young women "hooking up" instead of seeking relationships because they believe it's not cool to ask for more.

And this is where the consent conversation lacks a bit of nuance. 

As sex therapist Jacqueline Hellyer told me over tea (not a metaphor) one day, "You can't possibly say yes or no to sex without a sense of the why."

This is so important. You can't consent to sex without understanding why you're having it in the first place. And to do this, girls need to understand what sex is supposed to be about.

We need to teach our girls that sex is about pleasure and fulfilment, and not about validation or power. We need to teach them that sex is about their needs and desires as much as the needs and desires of their male partner.

It's a hard conversation to have. I can talk to my kids about condoms for hours, but bring up orgasms or pleasure and I start to stammer and blush. Still, I need to try. We all do. 

It is not enough for our girls to consent to sex. They need to actively seek rewarding sexual experiences. After all, sex isn't just the joy of serving another. Like tea, it is best when it's shared.