On eve of Turnbull visit, Indonesia wants workers trained in Australia

Trade Minister Steve Ciobo hasn't warmed to the idea of a special visa category for skilled Indonesian workers.
Trade Minister Steve Ciobo hasn't warmed to the idea of a special visa category for skilled Indonesian workers.

On the eve of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's visit, Indonesia is pushing for its nurses and tourism workers to have better access to Australia's labour market as part of a free trade deal both countries are hoping to sign by the end of the year.

The push from Jakarta is about improving the skills of its workforce and ensuring the new deal is about capacity building as well as tariff reductions and more open investment.

It is hoped that by limiting easier access for workers to specific industries, it would head off any campaign in Australia on protecting local jobs. 

"The tourism industry is growing rapidly and we need to have people who are well trained," said Noke Kiroyan, president of the Indonesia Australia Business Council (IABC). "Australia is well positioned to provide that training."

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Trade Minister Steve Ciobo will visit Indonesia this week in a bid to maintain the momentum in negotiations for the Indonesia Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IACEPA).

Business groups in both countries have previously recommended creating a special visa category to facilitate service sector movement of skilled people.

However, Mr Ciobo told The Australian Financial Review "ideas such as that won't be part of the IACEPA".

Increased flexibility

Still, the two countries could look at existing schemes to increase flexibility.

 "We would look at what will happen around movement of natural persons and that will come in as part of looking at services liberalisation, but that would be in the context of existing arrangements," he said.

Mr Kiroyan, who has been making recommendations to both governments and tracking the potential deal since it was announced as the Trade and Investment Framework in 2005, stressed Indonesian businesses were primarily interested in trade and market access rather than the free movement of people. However he said skills training would be an important part of the final agreement.

"Indonesian nurses could be trained in Australia and return home with improved skills," he said.

Mr Kiroyan said the focus was on easier access for workers "applicable to a few industries".

Indonesian nurses can already come and work in Australia under the 457 visa scheme but they often find it difficult to practise because of stringent requirements. For example, foreign nurses must achieve a relatively high English language test score.

Ross Taylor, from the Indonesia Institute, says the government also makes it hard for young people to come to Australia to work and travel.

While 18 to 30 year-olds can apply for the Work and Holiday 462 visa, they need to show they have at least $5000 in their bank account and a letter of support from the Indonesian government, have completed two years of undergraduate study, speak good English and provide a chest X-ray.

The similar Working Holiday 417 visa, which is open to people from the UK, parts of Europe, Canada, Korea, Japan, Hong Kong and Taiwan does not include the education, language or government support requirements. Holders of the 417 visa are also eligible to apply for a second year if they have worked three months in a rural area, unlike those with a 462 visa.


"We make it so hard for young Indonesians to travel here," said Mr Taylor. "We put up a huge amount of blockages. We need to have more young people moving between our two countries."

Mr Taylor said there needed to be a reciprocal easing of restrictions so Australian teachers, lecturers and agricultural experts could work more easily in Indonesia.

Indonesia and Australia just completed the sixth round of negotiations for the agreement in Canberra, with the next talks scheduled for May, and both governments are aiming to sign an agreement by the end of the year.

"Next week is an opportunity to continue progressing discussions," said Mr Ciobo. "As we get closer toward the conclusion of the agreement, you distil it down to the more difficult issues that remain to be decided so we need to keep talking regularly and work through the hardest areas."

Mr Ciobo wouldn't elaborate on what those were but it is understood the key sticking points are Indonesia's food self-sufficiency targets and the potential impact that could have on agricultural imports, as well as Australia's domestic considerations around local jobs and how far the government is willing to move on labour market access.

Tim Harcourt, a former Austrade chief economist who is now at UNSW, said there was an opportunity for Australian companies to do some training of Indonesian workers within specific projects.

"If they make it project-related, it might be easier to get through."

Mr Harcourt said Tom Lembong, Indonesia's former trade minister and current head of the Indonesian Investment Co-ordinating Board, always says Jakarta wants to do a deal because Australia "has high wages and skills".

"Indonesians will push for labour market access as much as they can, but I don't think it will be a deal breaker," he said.

Hal Hill, professor of economics at The Australian National University, said when Indonesia comes to a trade deal, "they are much more focused on labour access rather than goods access".

There has been some debate about whether Australia could extend the Pacific Seasonal Worker Scheme to cover Indonesian workers.

However, Mr Hill said "I don't think Australia will want to budge on opening that to Indonesia because it sets a precedent and other countries will want access".