‘Autonomy’ Archives

Anarchist Call for G20 – Come to Hamburg (Germany)

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017


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An evening in solidarity with those accused of bank robberies in Aachen (Germany)

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

Faced with an apparatus of repression that is developing ever more suffocating forms within a context of on-going technocratic and scientific mania, it is easy to fall into a state of inertia.

The aim of this repression, achieved through permanent technological armament, the development of research and studies in the field of DNA and video analysis, and the accumulation and evaluation of data of any sort, is to impose itself on us as undefeatable and inevitable.

We are led to believe it is impossible to avoid the total surveillance, acquisition, and storage of data. To counter and overcome this fallacy of total control, we must approach the situations in which we struggle with continued analysis and reflection. We have to seek and share ways to meet these developments on battlegrounds of attack, solidarity and self-organization. (more…)

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Vienna: Anarchist Black Cross Solidarity Festival – 20-23 April (Austria)

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017

4th ABC solidarity festival from 20th- 23rd of April in Vienna at the Ernst-Kirchweger-Haus (EKH).

First bands announced:



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Santiago: Actividad – “Factores del desorden” (Chile)

Saturday, December 31st, 2016


“Factores del desorden contra el poder: Presencia anárquica y posibilidades insurreccionales en conflictos actuales.”


*Agitación anárquica contra el Proyecto IIRSA en Valparaíso.

*Buscando expandir la revuelta en la lucha contra la Maxi Prisión en Bruselas (Bélgica)

*Desbordando lo específico: luchas anti-represivas y antiespecistas en España.

Fecha: miercoles 4 de enero/ 18hrs.
Lugar: Biblioteca Manuel Rojas ( Av. Santa Ana 0496, esquina La Serena, La Granja)

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Welcome to Father Frost against Putin IV Festival in Helsinki (Finland)

Sunday, December 11th, 2016

From 7th to 8th of January 2017 fourth Father Frost against Putin-festival will be organised in Helsinki. Exact festival location will be announced later.

As in earlier years, various Russian grassroot initiatives will present themselves in festival. You should visit festival, if you are interested on what has happened in Russian anarchist, feminist and queer movements during year 2016.

All festival events will be open to everyone. (more…)

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International Month of Solidarity and Fight for Squatting : 19 Nov-19 Dec

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2016

Month of Solidarity and Fight for Okupation (squatting). From the 19th of November to the 19th of December

Web (Spanish): https://okupamadrid.espivblogs.net/

We understand okupation (squatting) as a tool of fight whose main purpose is far from the idea of shaping recreational places. It is an strategy to fight, theoretically and practically, against property as a key pillar of capitalist democracy. Okupation (squatting) is beyond merely logistic. It brings partnership among comrades, builds affinity networks and solidarity, as well as create meeting points to discuss, share experiences or to make out some self criticism. Okupation is not and end but a mean that allows us to organize ourselves and conspire. It is a tangible expression of the notion of “Do it yourself”.

The power has done everything to erase any self-management projects since they prove our capacity to organize ourselves outside the system.

For that purpose, many strategies have been deployed. From harsh repression; raids, arrests, police farce, to “kinder” strategies based on negotiation. Despite superficial differences, the final end of these strategies is the control and domestication (of our ideas and practices) of social movements. (more…)

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Riseup financial update

Tuesday, September 6th, 2016

The news is not good

We hate to be bad news birds, but we need to tell you that Riseup will run out of money next month. We had a number of unexpected hardware failures, lower-than-expected regular donations, and a record year of new Riseup users which puts more financial pressure on us than ever before.

We need your help to keep things going this year, so we are starting a campaign to ask Riseup users to give us just one dollar!

Can you give us a dollar? There are a lot of easy ways to do it:
https://riseup.net/donate (more…)

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Solidarity Funds Appeal for Forever21 Workers (Philippines)

Sunday, September 4th, 2016

Image above is a photo of Forever21 garment factory workers on their two year long boycott of the said company. Presently Forever21 is seeking to investigate who is agitating and identify the struggling workers and campaigners to harass and sue them. Despite this the workers are not scared and will not back down. Help spread this appeal and the previous article in solidarity to their fight. Strike, sabotage, boycott, flames to corporate leeches.

Six Forever21 workers (three which has their employment ended) is currently on an on-going court case against Forever21. Please help cover:

1. Court expenses.

2. Personal necessities to those who’s currently finding new work which wont have them paid for a month or two.

3. Medical expenses for the father of one of our folks who’s currently confined in the hospital and don’t have healthcare to cover cost as Forever21 denied them this benefit.


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Urgent call to stop Turkish massacres in Rojava and Northern Syria by the Kurdish Women’s Relation Office (Iraq)

Wednesday, August 31st, 2016

On 24 August 2016 Turkish Special Forces together with elements of the so-called Free Syrian Army started a cross-border offensive against the Northern Syrian town of Jarablus. According to official statements by both, Turkish officials and representatives of the FSA, target of this offensive is Islamic State as well as Kurdish People’s Defense Units (YPG).

It was clear from the start that only Kurds would be targeted. During the last 5 days not a single confrontation took place between Turkish/FSA forces and ISIS. But from the beginning YPG and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) – the most effective forces on ground against ISIS – are being attacked by Turkish state forces.

The first day of the ‘Euphrates Shield’ operation, what Turkish officials have called an ‘assault on Islamic State and YPG terrorists’ as result of Turkish shelling of Kurdish majority neighborhoods in the east and west of Jarablus, at least 49 civilians have been killed. (more…)

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Report on women freed from ISIS in the area of Minbiç and on the situation of refugees (Rojava, Syria)

Thursday, August 18th, 2016

For more than 2 months there is a hard war going on in the area of Minbiç. Minbiç is a very strategic for the control over Rojava; it connects Turkey with the headquarters of ISIS, Raqqa. This area is important for the protection of Rojava and the democratic autonomy in Rojava. To be able to create a federal Syria where people of all ethnicities and religions can live in peace together, the liberation of the area of Minbiç is very important. In Rojava since four years a system of democratic autonomy exists. This model is an alternative to wars and instability in the Middle East. It offers the opportunity that all people can live together based on equality, freedom of women, ecology and democracy.

It is a well-known secret that Turkey supports ISIS and will do anything not to lose control in this area. If the area of Minbiç is freed of ISIS, it will open the road to connect the three cantons, which is a nightmare and opposed to the politics and objectives of Turkey. ISIS and Turkey are not only connected by political and economic interests; they are quite close in ideology and practices as well. Because this area is so important for the control in the Middle-East all hegemonic powers are present in this war. There are conflicting interests between the hegemonic powers which impacts and intensifies this war. It is possible to conceive the war in Syria and in Kurdistan as a third world war, where it is the main aim to imply a new division in the Middle East. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Respect to the fallen fighter Jordan Mactaggart of YPG (Rojava, Syria)

Saturday, August 13th, 2016

Remembering Sehid Ciwan Firat (Jordan Mactaggart)

Nom de guerre: Ciwan Firat
Real name: Jordan Mactaggart
Name of mother: Malissa
Name of father: Robert
Birthplace: Colorado / USA
Place and date of martyrdom: Minbic, 3. August 2016

I met Heval Ciwan for the first time when were waiting to cross the border into Rojava in spring 2014. He was a shy young anarchist from the US who sat in the corner of our hut, not really engaging with the rest of us and constantly writing in his journal. Quite frankly, at the time most of us were concerned that he wasn`t cut out for war but within a couple of weeks he proved all of us wrong. Soon after finishing his training he joined Tabur Soran, a unit notorious for being in every fight possible. In one of his first contacts with the enemy he got shot in the leg and due to some unfortunate circumstances he was left in the field when his unit withdrew. Heval Ciwan put on his tourniquite on and crawled back to friendly lines the entire night. Amongst the foreign fighters in Rojava this story became a legend, until today people talk about `the American kid that got shot in the leg and crawled out all night`. (more…)

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International call to boycott ‘Forever21’ by its call center workers (Philippines)

Sunday, August 7th, 2016

Forever21 has a long history of labour lawsuits (aside from gender and discrimination, copyright violations) filed against them by their own employees. In early June this year, six employees (from an initial dozen holding meetings) from its outsourced call center in the Philippines have finally decided to take the necessary steps to hold the company accountable for its unfair labour practices.

History speaks for itself—these are the same old practices that Forever21 has already been sued for: exploitative scheduling practices where employees are made to work overtime (unannounced or announced two minutes before the end of their shifts), where anyone who refuses are threatened to be fined for insubordination; delaying lunches and breaks due to staff shortages and eventually shortening the allotted lunch time from an hour to 45 minutes; delayed salary; unfiled paperwork for employee dependents’ medical benefits; threats and harassment towards employees who speak up (sometimes resulting in termination). (more…)

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Berlin: Black July – Text and actions against the social peace (Germany)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

While the situation in the rebellious Northern Part of Friedrichshain is calming down for the moment and we find time to build Rigaer 94 back up again, the social war around us is continuing with its normal intensity. We received news about the state attacks on people and squats in Thessaloniki. Here and there we are fighting against the social democracy and confront the social war with polymorphous struggle. Whether in the black july or in our daily local conflicts, we are involved in a common fight that gains power in its mutuality.

In this very moment, the greek state seems to be striking out with a general attack against autonomous structures. In Thessaloniki and in other cities, self-organized structures of migrants are especially becoming more and more endangered. While fullfilling its function as a manager of migration-streams, the state attacks those who try to move, self-determined, through a world of exploitation and oppression and who won‘t bow to it‘s authority.

Three occupied houses in Thessaloniki were affected and over a hundred people arrested. One person was killed during the eviction [Correction received: one day after the three evictions, a young migrant woman died due to medical negligence at one of the state’s detention facilities in Thessaloniki.]. In Athens, squats which are being used by migrants are also threatened with eviction. The goal is to create an atmosphere of fear, while oppressing those who are self-organising and attacking the authority of the state. (more…)

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Declaration of the International Freedom Battalion of Rojava about the terrorist attack in Nice (France)

Thursday, August 4th, 2016

The International Freedom Battalion is an armed group consisting of leftist foreign fighters fighting alongside the People’s Protection Units in the Syrian Civil War in support of the Rojava Revolution and against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

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War against ISIS/Daesh: Respect to the fallen fighter Levi J. Shirley of YPG (Rojava, Syria)

Saturday, July 23rd, 2016

The Rojava revolution became a revolution for humanity which attracted the attention of the world with the valiance of the resistance of YPG, YPJ and the people of Rojava. One of them was our comrade Agir Servan, of US origin.

Heval Agir Şervan (LEVI JONATHAN SHIRLEY) came to Rojava in February 2015 and joined the YPG. Hevale Agir took part in the Martyr Rubar Qamislo Operation, always in the most advanced front. After the liberation of the Kezwane Mountains he went back to his homeland. In January 2016, Heval Agir came back to Rojava to the YPG and rejoined the revolution in the defence of the Kobani and Cizire cantons. After that, he joined the Martyr Abu Leyla Operation for the liberation of Minbij.

Heval Agir was known for his discipline and sense of responsibility. His style and personality were a source of strength, motivation, and morale for his friends. In the fight, Heval Agir was known and respected as a brave and altruistic person. (more…)

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