Help:IPA for Turkic dialects

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The charts below show the way in which the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) represents Oghuz Turkic substratum of North Azerbaijani, South Azerbaijani, Gagauz, Turkish and Turkmen pronunciations in Wikipedia articles.

See the respective coverage of phonology of North Azerbaijani, South Azerbaijani, Gagauz, Turkish and Turkmen for more thorough discussion of the sounds of these languages.

IPA Orthography English
Flag of Iranian Turks.svg Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Flag of Gagauzia.svg Flag of Turkey.svg Flag of Turkmenistan.svg
at az gag tr tk
b b b b b b about
c[1][2] k k k k cute
ç[3] k k German ich
d d d d d d ado
d͡z c adze
d͡ʒ c c c j jump
ð z then
f f f f f food
ɸ f like food, but done by curling lips over teeth and expelling air while keeping the jaw tense
ɡ[1] q q g g g ago
ɟ[1] g g g g g /ɡj/ sequence in argue
h h h h h h[4] home
j j y y y,
ý yet
k[1] k k k k k coal
l l l l l l late
ɫ[1] l peel ("dark L")
m m m m m m much
n n n n n n not
ŋ [6] ŋ ň wing
p p p p p p pan
q[1] k k in the throat
ɾ r r r r r AmE pretty or Scottish r
ɣ ǧ ğ Spanish amigo
ʁ[1] g French r
s s s s s send
ʃ š ş ş ş ş shoe
t t t t t t table
t͡s č ţ bits
t͡ʃ ç ç ç ç change
θ s think
v[7] v v v v vase
β w like vase, but with both lips
ɰ[5] ğ close to French r, yet it is articulated from the soft palate, not from uvulae
x h[4] Scottish loch
χ x x French très
z z z z z zone
ʒ ž j j j ž leisure
IPA Orthography English
Flag of Iranian Turks.svg Flag of Azerbaijan.svg Flag of Gagauzia.svg Flag of Turkey.svg Flag of Turkmenistan.svg
at az gag tr tk
ɑ a a a a a father
æ ä ə ä e ä cat
e e e e e e bed
ə ê language
i i i i i i creek
o o o o o o Leo
ø ö ö ö ö ö somewhat like RP bird; French eu or German ö
u u u u u u super
ɯ y ı ı ı y somewhat like roses, Chinese shi, or Japanese unchi
y ü ü ü ü ü somewhat like cue; French u or German ü
IPA Examples
ˈ torbalı /torbɑˈɫɯ/ 'with bag'
Torbalı /ˈtorbɑɫɯ/ (a place name)[8]
ː â, î, û[9], ğ[5] âlem /ɑːlem/ 'world'


  1. ^ a b c d e f g [c]~[k] (Turkish/Azeri) / [k]~[q] (Turkmen), [ɟ]~[ɡ] (Turkish) / [ɡ]~[ʁ] (Turkmen)[citation needed][contradictory], [l]~[ɫ] only contrast in loan words before <â, û> vs. <a, u>; in native words, [c/k, ɟ/ɡ, l] occur before the front vowels (/e/, /i/, /ø/, /y/), while [k/q, g/ʁ, ɫ] occur before the back vowels (/a/, /o/, /u/, /ɯ/).
  2. ^ In many eastern Turkish/Azeri dialects, [c] at the end of a word or before a voiceless consonant may become [ç], as in huge.
  3. ^ In Azeri, k at the end of a word or before a voiceless consonant may become [ç], as in huge.
  4. ^ a b In Turkmen, [h] occurs before front vowels (/e/, /i/, /ø/ and /y/) while [x] occurs before back vowels (/a/, /o/, /u/, /ɯ/).
  5. ^ a b c In Turkish, the letter ğ (yumuşak g, "soft g") gives the [j] sound between front vowels and the [ɰ] sound between back vowels.
    Syllable-finally, it lengthens the preceding vowel.
  6. ^ In Turkish and Azeri, /ŋ/ appears as an allophone of /n/ before the consonants /g/, /k/, /ɟ/ and /c/.
  7. ^ [w] is the allophone of the /v/ sound after or between vowels in Turkish and Azeri.
  8. ^ In Turkish proper, proper nouns are typically stressed on the 2nd or 3rd last syllable (see Sezer stress), and other words (excepting certain unstressed suffixes and stressed verb tenses) are stressed on the last syllable.
  9. ^ Şapka (Turkish for "hat") [^] is a sign which indicates both the vowel length and indicates if the letter k should read as /c/ and the letter l should read as [l] before the dark vowels /ɑ/ and /u/.
    Yet the şapka is primarily used for indicating palatalization instead of length. For example, the word katil means "murder" when pronounced as /kɑtil/, yet it means "killer" when pronounced as /kɑːtil/. The letter a is left unmarked even if it is long, because the sound /k/ doesn't become /c/ in this case.
    î is an exception, for it only indicates the vowel length.