Asakir-i Mansure-i Muhammediye

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Asâkir-i Mansûre-i Muhammediye
(عساكر منصورهٔ محمديه‎)
Ertugrulsuvarialayi zonaro.jpg
Asakir-i Mansure-i Muhammediye uniforms, Ertuğrul cavalry regiment
Active June 16, 1826 – 1920
Country Ottoman Empire Ottoman Empire
Size 350,000
Garrison/HQ Constantinople and Selanik (Thessaloniki)
Disbanded 1912 (de facto), 1918 (Armistice of Mudros)
Agha Hussein Pasha (Ağa Hüseyin Paşa, 1826–?)
Part of a series on the
Military of the
Ottoman Empire
Coat of Arms of the Ottoman Empire

The Mansure Army (Ottoman Turkish: عساكر منصورهٔ محمديه, Asâkir-i Mansûre-i Muhammediye‎, "The Victorious Soldiers of Muhammad") was an ocak of the Ottoman army.[1][2] It was established by Mahmud II,[3] who also disbanded the Janissary Corps.

After The Auspicious Incident and the disbandment of the Janissary Corps, Mahmud II established a new military ocak and Agha Hussein Pasha was appointed to the command of the corps. Husrev Pasha served as their serasker.

Mahmud II was not the first sultan who started the modernisation of the Ottoman army. Despite of this, the Mansure Army became the main army corps of the Ottoman Empire until the Dissolution era. In 1912, the uniforms of the ocak were changed and finally in 1918, the Ottoman army was dissolved.
