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    16 déc. 2016

    Here's how to contact the Guardian securely

  2. il y a 36 minutes

    Goals, goofs and gaiety: just another regular weekend in MLS

  3. il y a 1 heure

    Premier League: 10 talking points from the weekend’s action

  4. il y a 2 heures

    Democrats will seek to tie Gorsuch to Trump as a judge soft on big business

  5. il y a 2 heures

    Uber president quit as firm was 'inconsistent' with his values

  6. il y a 2 heures

    Twenty teenagers die in Ghana waterfall accident

  7. il y a 2 heures

    Norway ousts Denmark as world's happiest country – UN report

  8. il y a 4 heures

    Atlantic City and Miami Beach: two takes on tackling the rising waters

  9. il y a 4 heures

    More than 100 Chinese cities now above 1 million people

  10. il y a 4 heures

    FBI director to testify on Trump wiretapping claim and Russia campaign links

  11. il y a 6 heures

    San Francisco 49ers legend Dwight Clark reveals he has ALS

  12. il y a 6 heures

    Katy Perry describes how she tried to 'pray the gay away' as an adolescent

  13. il y a 6 heures

    Wiping out crime: face-scanners placed in public toilet to tackle loo roll theft

  14. il y a 7 heures

    Arsène Wenger determined to stay on as Arsenal manager

  15. il y a 9 heures

    No charges in case of US inmate left in hot prison shower for two hours

  16. il y a 10 heures

    Stephen Hawking: I fear I may not be welcome in Donald Trump's US

  17. il y a 10 heures

    Jürgen Klopp and Pep Guardiola cancel each other out in frantic contest | Michael Cox

  18. il y a 11 heures

    Roger Federer continues to defy time and critics with Indian Wells win

  19. il y a 11 heures

    Uber faces further turmoil as company president Jeff Jones quits

  20. il y a 12 heures

    Protestors fly Confederate flag next to NCAA arena in South Carolina

  21. il y a 13 heures

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