Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Here you'll find answers to the most common questions that we're currently being asked about My web my way and accessibility issues at the BBC. If you can't find the answer you're looking for below, you can contact us with your questions or comments by email. Wherever possible, we'll try to give you a personal response, but due to the huge number of messages we receive we cannot guarantee a personal reply.

We can only respond to questions concerning the My web my way site and related accessibility issues (What is accessibility?). For all other enquiries, including accessing BBC programmes and services, see the appropriate FAQ below, or visit one of these BBC-wide resources: BBC Help | BBC FAQ | Contact the BBC.

If you would like to make a complaint, please visit the BBC Complaints website.

Please scroll down through the questions or select a category:

Access services

How do I find audio-described and signed programmes on BBC iPlayer?

You can find out more about what audio-described and signed content is available by looking at our pages covering access services on BBC Online: Audio described programmes and Get BSL programmes online.

Where can I get a transcript of a BBC programme?

Transcripts are only available for a very few BBC programmes. You can find more information on our page about Programme transcripts and synopses.

How can I get subtitles when watching videos online?

For instructions, see our How to guide for Turning on subtitles on BBC iPlayer. For further information, see our page on BBC access services: Get subtitled programmes.

I'm blind - how can I find out what's on TV and radio?

All web pages on the BBC are compliant with accessibility standards to allow them to be read using a screen reader, including TV schedules and Radio schedules. In addition, you can contact the Radio 4 In Touch listing service at the Radio 4 Action Line on 0800 044 044. The textphone number 08000 15 33 50.

Website issues

I'm having problems accessing the BBC website using assistive technologies. Can you help?

The BBC is committed to making its broadcast and online services as accessible as possible to people with visual, hearing, cognitive or motor impairments. If you are experiencing accessibility difficulties with any BBC online content; for example via a screenreader, magnifying software or a tab-only device, please contact the Accessibility Team.

How does my computer remember which setup or browser I've chosen?

The My web my way site uses session cookies, which are stored temporarily on your computer. When you are first asked to choose which setup you want to view, your browser is told to remember that, so you don't need to keep choosing which setup you'd like to see every time you visit another How to guide page. As soon as you close your web browser, that information is discarded. For more about the use of cookies on the BBC website, see the Privacy and Cookies pages.

How do I report a website technical fault?

If you've discovered a problem or error - for instance a spelling error, broken link or web access issue - on any of the pages on the My web my way website, please contact the Accessibility Team. For problems on any other part of the BBC website, please see the BBC Help page on Technical faults.

How can I make the BBC website more accessible for me?

You can change the text size and choose from one of three alternate colour themes on My web my way by clicking on the icons at the top right of this page. For greater control, MyDisplay allows you to change the way BBC Online looks, and store your theme on your computer or in your BBC iD. For more information, please see the MyDisplay website. For further information about this trial service, see the Ouch! blog post 'Get personalised to your display preferences - an update on MyDisplay'.

How can I make my own website more accessible?

The British Standards Institution (BSI) has produced a detailed guide to making websites and other web-based applications more accessible: BS 8878 Web accessibility. Code of practice. Also useful is W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), which develops guidelines and provides resources to make the web more accessible. You might also be interested in the BBC's own practices for Web Accessibility Standards and Guidelines. Finally, for particular operating systems or to address specific disabilities, you may find some helpful resources in our list of Useful web links.

How to guides

Who narrates the video How to guides?

Geoff Adams-Spink - the former BBC Age and Disability Correspondent. He provides an introduction to the series on the main How to guides index page. He also interviews the participants in our series of Case studies videos.

Why aren't there How to guides for my web browser or computer setup?

We aim to provide guides to the most popular web browsers and operating systems (computer setups), however we are unable to cover everything, especially when computer programmes are being constantly updated. If you think we have missed out something, please contact the Accessibility Team.

I tried to follow the instructions in a How to guide, but it didn't work. Can you help?

Unfortunately, we are unable to help with individual requests such as this. If you are on a network computer (at work, for instance), it could be because your computer settings cannot be changed due to local IT policies - contact your local IT support for further help.

If that does not help, it may be that you are using a different version of the software (a home rather than office version, for example), or an older or more recent release. Although we will not be able to help you to resolve the problem, please contact the Accessibility Team so that we can investigate whether a newer version has been released and we need to update the How to guide.

Why are there no subtitles on the How to guide videos?

There are a few reasons for this. The first is that because there is written information shown on the computer screen that needs to be followed, it may be difficult to read that at the same time as reading the subtitles. Another reason is that all of the information is contained in the written guide on the page, which effectively acts as a transcript. (It is not identical, as some of the text has been simplified for the video voiceover).

Of course, subtitles are available on the other videos on the My web my way website. Once the video has started playing, the 'S' button will appear on the right-hand side of the bottom bar. Simply press the 'S' button to turn subtitles on and off.

Why do you mention some assistive technology and software products but not others?

In overviews of various types of assistive technologies or software, we have mainly mentioned particular products for illustrative purposes. Generally, this reflects the main products that were available at the time the guide was written, but as the technology is constantly changing it may not include newer or updated products and may still include products that have been discontinued or renamed. Please contact the Accessibility Team if you feel the range of products we discuss for a particular assistive technology needs reviewing.

Online video

Can I make the videos bigger?

Yes, by clicking the 'Full screen' button (a small white square on top of a larger darker square) on the right-hand side of the bottom bar, once the video has started playing. To return to normal size, move the mouse so that the bottom bar becomes visible and click on the 'Full screen' button, or simply press the Esc key at any time.

Why are the videos not playing properly for me?

The videos on the My web my way website use the BBC Embedded Media Player (EMP). For more information about how this works, and how to troubleshoot any problems, see the BBC News page about the player: Your guide to the BBC Embedded Media Player.

Note that due to the nature of screen recordings, to ensure a readable image the How to guide videos require more bandwidth than a standard video. We've tried to find the ideal balance between image quality and connection speed, however users with slower connections may be unable to play the videos.

Where can I get Flash Player?

You can find a guide to installing Flash Player, which is necessary to play the videos on My web my way, from this Webwise guide: How do I install the Adobe Flash Player plug-in?.

How can I find out about making BBC iPlayer more accessible?

Please see the FAQs listed under Access services, above. You can find further information on the iPlayer help page on Accessibility.

Why isn't BBC iPlayer working on my computer?

There's a wealth of information available on the BBC iPlayer help site. The best place to begin is on their Frequent questions page, although you may also find an answer to your question on the iPlayer Message Board.

Why can't I watch BBC iPlayer from outside the UK?

For information about what content is available internationally, please visit the iPlayer help page for Outside the UK.

Reception problems

Why can't I receive a particular BBC channel?

If you are having problems receiving BBC programmes through your aerial, cable or satellite, the best place to find answers is on the Help receiving TV and Radio pages.

Other questions & contact

Is there anywhere I can find out more about disability issues?

There certainly is. The Ouch! blog and the Ouch! Disability Talk Show, which is a fortnightly podcast, both cover topics relating to disability. You may also find some helpful resources in our list of Useful web links.

Can you help me find information about a news item, a TV programme, a radio presenter or getting BBC on my mobile?

Unfortunately, we are only able to respond to queries about the My web my way website and related accessibility issues. The BBC Help site has links to the relevant areas of the BBC website where you can find out more, as well as search for answers to the most frequently asked questions about the BBC and its services.

How can I make a complaint?

If you want to make a complaint about any of the BBC's programmes or services, please visit the BBC Complaints website.

None of the above answers my question. How can I contact the Accessibility Team?

If you have a question relating to accessibility in general or the My web my way site in particular - and it has not been answered above - please visit our Contact us page for information about emailing the Accessibility Team.

What is My web my way?

This site provides accessibility help, enabling computer users to make the most of the internet whatever their ability or disability.

BBC web links

See our page of links to sections of BBC Online for disabled audiences:

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