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Fisherman's offer to help those struggling with mental health touches hearts

Jadon Wilder's Facebook post was short and simple. 

"Life can be a struggle at times, with almost half of us experiencing some form of mental health issues over our lifetime," he wrote.

"Fishing provides an escape from the pressures of life while enjoying the tranquility of nature - as well as an opportunity to have a laugh with a mate.

"I'm taking the boat out this arvo and have a spot for anyone going through a rough patch. Leaving Bent Street boat ramp around 5.30-6am."

He couldn't have predicted the reaction to his offer.

Within hours, Mr Wilder was inundated with hundreds of comments calling him everything from a "legend" to a "true gentleman", and the fishing community of WA rallied around his idea. 


"Good on ya mate... nice effort," one posted.

"Went through a bad trot several years ago, and only got through it with good help and lots of fishing days... you are a legend just to put the offer out there," another said.

What people didn't know was that Mr Wilder's offer was born from his own very personal struggle.

"Unfortunately, depression and bipolar runs in my family, and for many years I kept my battle with the Black Dog a secret due to feeling like a failure," he said.

"At one stage I tried going down the path of receiving counselling but I found it very hard talking to a stranger about my feelings. I have always been a keen fisherman and often self medicated by getting out of the house and into nature while casting a line in the water.

"Being on the water I was able to calm my thoughts and just relax and enjoy the moment. I have been very lucky to have a small but close group of friends that also love fishing as much as me.

"I found there was nothing better than enjoying the recreation of fishing while sharing the moment with a friend. While none of them knew I had depression just having someone there to have a chat and a laugh helped me deal with the demons in my head."

According to some studies, recreational fishing provides a sense of connection with nature, people, family and friends or community, can help reduce stress and generate a sense of wellbeing. 

Recfishwest has previously championed fishing as a means to help manage mental health issues, and promoted recreational fishing during last year's Mental Health Week. 

Mr Wilder's own personal form of therapy prompted him to set up the Mental Health Fishing Association with his good friend, Scott Clarke.

The idea behind the organisation was simple. Take one or two people battling with their own personal struggles out on the water, help them relax and perhaps even talk about what was bothering them.

But the friends wanted to help as many people as possible.

"While my boat is able to take one or two people out at time, it only really only addresses the short term issues as a distraction from your own mind," Mr Wilder said.

"We really want to help people create a network of friends going through the same thing."

"Our ultimate goal is to provide full day fishing charters for groups of around eight to 15 people... it sounds crazy, but [we] don't go out with the main goal of catching a fish... simply casting a line in the water while relaxing with a friend does amazing things for your outlook on life. Catching a fish is just a bonus," he said.

Mr Wilder and Mr Clarke have since set up their own Go Fund Me page for people to donate to the association, which has already raised $655.

Their goal is to raise $3300 in order to fund more trips along the WA coast, and the pair have committed to eating the world's hottest chili in a Facebook live broadcast when they reach the $1000 milestone. 

"Through the love of fishing and comradery with my friends, I was able to overcome my battle and have been relatively stable for the past year," Mr Wilder said.

"Coming out the other side with the help of my friends and family really made me realise how important those moments together on the water had been.

"Unfortunately the stigma of mental health still prevents many males from asking others for a helping hand and is probably why we have such disproportionately high rate of taking our own lives."