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Column 8

Monday and new issues. Even the joy of [last] week's petrichor couldn't alleviate the pain of rediscovering my old high school reference this week, writes John de Bres, Rose Bay. "It included the following unflattering observations about my teenage self: 'Socially younger than his years...I think at the moment he lacks self-discipline to commit himself to the tasks on hand'. The truth hurts, even after all these years."  [C8 others shamed by school reports?]

As an Englishman, by descent, but Australian by choice, I am always trying to find ways of sharing the blame for some of the trials we introduced to this Girt by Sea continent, explains Tim Sanders of Ariah Park. "It turns out the dratted rabbit was imported into England at the time of the Norman Conquest (1066) so we had to suffer this non-marsupial pest a lot longer than Terra Australis. I will pursue the origins of Vulpes vulpes for you for a future excursion into shifting the blame."

George Lemann, Glenquarry asks if the ABC knows something we don't. "The state on the far left of the map of Australia seems to have lost 3/16ths of its letters and become West Australia according to most ABC media presenters."

Also. "I cringe every time I hear a weather announcer describe the rainfall as "X-mils" instead of 'millimetres' spoken in full. Please publish this, if only to shame the offenders into correcting their terminology. I have never had an entry in Column 8 – perhaps this time." Stan Goodacre, Pennant Hills.      

A recent golf course residential development at South Strathfield was heavily promoted with the name 'Parvenu' reports Bill Connolly, Newington. "Clearly the agents who promoted that one either knew exactly who their clients were or had not consulted a dictionary ... nouveau riche, arriviste, social climber, upstart." 

Paul Duncan of Leura: "My fear of the dentist (C8) is nothing compared to my fear of daytime TV. How anybody can watch this excruciating garbage is beyond me. All TV in doctors and dentists waiting rooms should be outlawed as torture or the time spent should be deducted from the bill."

"John Grinter's polysyllabicism in your March 2 column made my eyes glaze over. Only an anagram can describe the effect his foot-and-a-half long vocabulary had on me: Sesquipedalianism = A limpid queasiness." Thanks, Paul Klenk over in New York City.

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