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Insider says NSW government is using wrong model to privatise land titles registry

Serious concerns are being raised about the Berejiklian government's land titles registry sell-off, with multiple parties privy to the process claiming it is being rushed and the wrong model is being used.

One source in the data room says the auction of Land and Property Information (LPI) is going too fast and critical details are being missed, while another insider warns the public might be short-changed $3-4 billion.

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Why the Land Titles Registry matters

The Baird government is close to selling off NSW's "world-class" land titles registry - here's why that's a big deal.

The well-placed insider questioned why the government was treating LPI as an infrastructure asset when it was a data and technology one. 

"They're using a model that works for ports, toll roads and power stations, but LPI is completely different; it's a technology asset on the cusp of the biggest technological change in 150 years [moving from paper to electronic titles]," he said.

"They should be using the Telstra model and progressively privatising LPI, which will raise capital, create a commercial focus and fund the building of digital technology and services."

The government is leasing LPI for 35 years and hoping to reap $2 billion, which it plans to spend on rebuilding sports stadiums, despite protests from peak bodies for lawyers, developers and surveyors, that say the integrity of the state's world-class land titles system is at stake.


LPI, which enjoys a 70 per cent profit margin, generated $190 million in revenue in 2015-16. Fees for regulated products will rise by CPI each year.

"It's a bargain, and I believe they're under-selling it by $3-4 billion," the insider said.

He says there's confusion as to why the government was rushing the process, especially with an enviable balance sheet. This claim was backed by a potential buyer.

"There's a sense of urgency and it's very end-date driven," he said. "It's been more about getting this done and not about whether it's being done in the right way."

The source revealed there was a small group within government "hell bent" on privatising LPI. He added there was an "unhealthy influence" of the big infrastructure companies.

"There's an unholy alliance of consultants and advisers, all of whom are earning good fees, and there seems to be a pre-destined outcome," he said. "It's a privatisation feeding frenzy."

Four consortiums, three of which are led by infrastructure heavyweights Hastings, Macquarie's MIRA, and Canada's Borealis (which owns Teranet), will submit their binding bids on March 30. Private equity firm The Carlyle Group is also in the race.

Treasury has spent about $6.5 million on consultants, including $4.3 million on sale adviser JP Morgan. Andrew Best and Jeremy Larkin, managing directors at JP Morgan, didn't respond to a request for comment.

Treasurer Dominic Perrottet did not directly respond to the allegations.

Until mid-last year, the media had reported the LPI was worth $500 million and would be pitched at property valuation and data industry players.

In December, then premier Mike Baird defended the sell-off, pointing to privately run land registries in Canada and saying "there are no concerns".

But fees have skyrocketed and Saskatchewan province's registry was recently knocked offline for six days.

The insider claims JP Morgan had tailored the "flawed" NSW privatisation model to suit infrastructure giants.

He couldn't understand why a Canadian company was in the running to operate the registry.

"It's odd because the model in Canada hasn't gone so well, and in Ontario, the operator has been criticised for their lack of innovation, lack of progress," he said.

The three infrastructure-led consortiums bidding for LPI have teamed up with data companies, including Computershare, Advara and Link Group.

The source revealed the bidders wanted to ultimately create one, national "super registry".

He says South Australia's Labor government was "piggybacking" off NSW's auction, and predicts the group that "wins one, wins all".

As Treasurer, Gladys Berejiklian said, apart from SA, "at least one other Labor state is also [interested in privatising its land registry]".

But every other Labor government - Victoria, Queensland, and North Territory - said they had no such privatisation plans.

The source questioned why a foreign player should take LPI's profits, which currently funds other government functions.

"It's a government mandated monopoly that's enormously profitable, and I'd rather NSW benefit from their own registry," he said.

Mr Perrottet said he wouldn't comment on "baseless" speculation from unnamed sources.

"This government has an unparalleled track record for reform that delivers the best possible services at the best value to NSW taxpayers, and that's exactly what our LPI reform will deliver too," he said.

He has previously said the concession will lead to improvements, innovation, investment in technology and increased efficiency.

Multiple sources say the LPI "handover date" is April 1.

Read letters about the LPI lease on December 5, December 10, February 3 and the Herald's editorial.

Do you know more? ehan@fairfaxmedia.com.au