Federal Politics

Past Aboriginal leader the late Sir Doug Nicholls.

Why Indigenous Australia will reject a minimalist referendum question

If the politicians have cooked up a "done deal" for mere minimalism on constitutional recognition, Aboriginal people will say no. Substantive reform, or nothing at all. That was the clear message relayed at the Victorian dialogue in Melbourne this weekend. It is a message we, as convenors of the gathering, support 100 per cent.

Pauline Hanson meets her party supporters in Perth on election eve.

Fragile on the fringe

The party will need to separate itself from Pauline Hanson if it wants to succeed.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull during his tour of the Snowy Hydro Tumut 3 power station.

Malcolm's power surge

When Malcolm Turnbull assumed the mantle of a nation-building prime minister this week, evoking the vision and courage of those who delivered Australia's biggest engineering project, he could have offered a silent prayer to his Liberal predecessors.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

Shorten needs union law breakers like a hole in the head

Just as dwindling unions and, by association, their parliamentary champions, were thrown a lifeline by the prospect of a WorkChoices-style campaign to protect weekend penalty rates, a union leader reminds voters what they hated about the old model of industrial relations: strikes, intimidation, and belligerent lawlessness.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull speaks to the media at Parliament House ahead of a meeting with gas executives on Wednesday.

Real Malcolm muscles up on gas

Perhaps voters are more awake to it after the bizarre "real Julia" declaration, but when a leader suddenly promises "leadership," it grates.

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Love in the time of measles

There were few excuses for staying home from school that carried weight with my mother. Mention an outbreak of measles among classmates, however, and sleep-ins were ours.