Topic: Admit your shit

Dug out my old AFA - fighting Talks and Searchlight mags. On the front cover of Oct 94 searchlight is John from the band AYS - he was a full on C18 merchant and all that stuff in the anarcho punk book about being non violent but racist appears to be horseshit. Searchlight had him down for writing `The Oak` which was C18 related and obviously not exactly pacifist in its approach to Nazism. His name also crops up again in a couple of other searchlight mags. John used to use the alias `Albion Wolf` for his Nazi writings.

I remember his distro from about 2000 when he was selling all the Per Koro releases and some other bits.


Re: Admit your shit

I met him a couple of years ago at a Conflict gig in Sheffield....he's an odd fucker - he came across as some sort of a football hooligan/casual - and I think he was dealing coke to the bands.  I also met hime years ago [86] me and my mate went to his mum's house for some reason....I had no idea till recently he was a Neo nazi

They've stolen our world now they run the place


Re: Admit your shit

I didn't realise that Cato moved in anarchist punk circles as well. What does it say about him in the anarcho punk book? Can't really imagine anyone involved with C18 to be "non-violent".


Re: Admit your shit

xcrimescenex wrote:

Dug out my old AFA - fighting Talks and Searchlight mags. On the front cover of Oct 94 searchlight is John from the band AYS - he was a full on C18 merchant and all that stuff in the anarcho punk book about being non violent but racist appears to be horseshit. Searchlight had him down for writing `The Oak` which was C18 related and obviously not exactly pacifist in its approach to Nazism. His name also crops up again in a couple of other searchlight mags. John used to use the alias `Albion Wolf` for his Nazi writings.

I remember his distro from about 2000 when he was selling all the Per Koro releases and some other bits.

can you scan it Graham?

Re: Admit your shit

Russ wrote:

I had no idea till recently he was a Neo nazi

sounds like a clear case of failure to admit his shit.


6 (edited by kngen 07-08-2009 14:52:46)

Re: Admit your shit

he used to go out with moderately well-known antipodean tattoist Kiwi Kim, who nicked all his records when they split up, then years later she sold them for pennies to a record shop in Sydney. My mate went in by chance just as they went on sale and got himself a DYS Brotherhood, SSD Kids Will Have Their Say and at least a dozen other ultra-rarities, most of them still sealed, for about A$100 in total (ie bugger all!). Just deserts for the big nazzy, you'd have to say!

You fill me with inertia ...


Re: Admit your shit

I`ll scan the mag when i get chance but not at work for a week and i don`t have a scanner at home.
Yeah he used to be a footy nut as well by all accounts.

I heard he turned up at Conflict gigs still as he`s mates with Colin. Now i know people change but from where he was is a long road back. I just want people to know about him.

funny about his records.


Re: Admit your shit

I read the AYS section in that "Day The Country Died" book & had no idea he was/is a Nazi. He's good mates with Colin from Conflict & actually shared a flat with him. Strange that Colin wouldn't know of his - errmmm - "tendencies."


Re: Admit your shit

He's mentioned in Black Sun By Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, you can get it on google books. He edited a C18 magazine called Putsch before moving onto The Oak.

Re: Admit your shit

xLordSummerislex wrote:

He's mentioned in Black Sun By Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, you can get it on google books.

And a great book it is too!


Re: Admit your shit

I always find people who move in Anarchist / old punk circles who appear to be massive racists fascination, although I have no idea who this guy is, I seriously don't get how people who move in such circles get away with it and it makes "old punx" look worse than they already do in some circumstances

Re: Admit your shit

AYS were hardcore more than anything else I think. If you read the insert of their 7" he does come across a little intolerant.
I'm sure Colin Jerwood must have known what he was like. Colin probably has a lot of friends who are erm, how do you put it - dodgy. Then again, Conflict was a militant animal rights band with a drummer who ate meat. (doh!!!!)

Re: Admit your shit

I used to knock around with one of Conflict's roadies years ago - he used to tell me some right tales - and not the usual nonsense that you hear people come out with.....those guys were scary as fuck!...not that I'm endorsing Conflict btw!

They've stolen our world now they run the place


Re: Admit your shit

Russ wrote:

I used to knock around with one of Conflict's roadies years ago - he used to tell me some right tales - and not the usual nonsense that you hear people come out with.....those guys were scary as fuck!...not that I'm endorsing Conflict btw!

"were" being the key word there then Russ - saw Conflict a few years back, they were beyond dreadful, really really bad, and people started to leave venue really quickly into their set...and then, to make matters worse, Colin whimpers in the fucking microphone, to not just mine but the horror of the whole crowd no doubt, "no one likes Conflict anymore...." One of the most embarrassing cringeworthy things I've ever seen.

By now I'd actually be surprised to hear anything good about 'Conflict' smile - and yeah supposed 'anarchists' being 'scary as fuck' is hardly an endorsement. I have heard some stories about them behaving like violent thugs when playing the Dutch squats back in the day - people who's opinion I trust and who are still around and who are hardly gossips - only have bad things to say about that lot.

Anyway. AYS. That bit in "the day the country died" was interesting, even if the stories about him being a nazi were known to me, but as Graham points out I guess, there could have been a bit more digging in what that actually means for him...

(A) : (L) : (D)

Re: Admit your shit

Russ wrote:

I used to knock around with one of Conflict's roadies years ago - he used to tell me some right tales - and not the usual nonsense that you hear people come out with.....those guys were scary as fuck!...not that I'm endorsing Conflict btw!

Come on, Russ - spill the beans!! Surely as "anarchists," Conflict wouldn't use the law to do you for libel?! Or would they...


Re: Admit your shit

Via a third party i was asked to re-release the AYS 7" as John knew a friend of mine (who was unaware of him being a nazi) and said i could do it and he was into doing new artwork for it. I had his number and was meant to meet up with him but it never happened mainly down to me being skint. I`m pretty chuffed i was broke for once.

As for conflict - great lyrics rest of it i`m unsure of. Then again same for Dead Kennedys. have you ever met Jello. total self indulgent twat.

not sure about this slagging of old punks - some youngsters about act like total cocks now and may get worse. Sometimes you only hear the bad stuff as is more visible and dare i say it, interesting? I work with a few old punkers from the 70s and 80`s who are dead nice but totally faded from the scene.....i`m getting into the old category and i`m not right eing obsessed just yet....:)


Re: Admit your shit

What is the definition of old in the punk scene these days? I'm definitely one of the OAPs at gigs these days at 39. Damn kids don't even know how to pronounce Die Kreuzen's name. For the record, it's Dee Kroytzen, not Dye Cruising. I almost pulled someone up for that at a recent gig.


Re: Admit your shit

adamski wrote:

Damn kids don't even know how to pronounce Die Kreuzen's name. For the record, it's Dee Kroytzen, not Dye Cruising. I almost pulled someone up for that at a recent gig.

This is a really bad habit of mines, I will stay out of your way!


Re: Admit your shit

adamski wrote:

What is the definition of old in the punk scene these days? I'm definitely one of the OAPs at gigs these days at 39. Damn kids don't even know how to pronounce Die Kreuzen's name. For the record, it's Dee Kroytzen, not Dye Cruising. I almost pulled someone up for that at a recent gig.

mmm, correcting someones german pronunciation... We're you ever in AYS?


Re: Admit your shit

xcrimescenex wrote:

As for conflict - great lyrics rest of it i`m unsure of. Then again same for Dead Kennedys. have you ever met Jello. total self indulgent twat.

I was helping a promoter out who was doing Biafra's spoken word gig in london a couple of years back. An older punk (well, probaly, but looked completely normal) had brought his kid along who was about 7 years old, decked out in a DKs tshirt etc etc, obviously quite a fan. The kid asked Jello to sign his dead kennedys CD. He took a look at the CD and then told the kid that it was a pirate copy because it was done by his thieving ex band mates blah blah blah and refused to sign it then walked off. The kid looked absolutely fucking gutted. All of us watching this unfold were staring in disbelief at a middle aged man purposefully being a cunt to a 7 year old. What a cunt.
