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Secret recordings: are they legal?

Yes, it's a little weird, and perhaps a bit creepy, but by law Gable Tostee was actually allowed to secretly record his Tinder dates.

The recordings of the hours leading up to Warriena Wright's death were a crucial piece of evidence used to prove his innocence.

But when and where is it legal to tape a conversation, if at all, and how can you then use the recording?

Over the years we have seen celebrities such as Nicole Kidman and Taylor Swift caught up in scandals over the use of listening devices or voice recordings made without their permission.

Fitness guru Michelle Bridges took someone to court after she was secretly filmed in a supermarket and we've all heard what Donald Trump thinks about women!

In the age of smartphones, recordings of all kinds are becoming more commonplace among the average Australian, so it is important to note that laws about these kinds of activities vary between the states.


Generally, in Queensland, where Mr Tostee recorded his night with his date, if you are involved in a face-to-face conversation you can secretly record it. A phone call can be taped by someone having the conversation, using an external device such as a dictaphone, however it is illegal to record it with a device physically attached to the telephone.

The same applies in Victoria and Northern Territory. 

If you aren't a party to the conversation and you tape it you can face up to two years' imprisonment or a fine of up to $4876 in Queensland, more than $37,000 in Victoria or up to $38,500 in the Northern Territory.

The laws in the other states are more restrictive, requiring consent to make it legal. For example in NSW you can only record conversations if you have the permission of everyone involved, or a principal party to the conversation wants the recording believing it is "reasonably necessary for the protection of [their] lawful interests". The recording can't be made for the purpose of sharing it in any way.

If you fail to comply in NSW there are strict penalties – five years' imprisonment, or $55,000 for a corporation or $11,000 for an individual. Similar laws apply in Western Australia, with a maximum penalty of 12 months' imprisonment and/or $5000 fine or $50,000 for a body corporate.

Secret recordings that a court may accept as being for a lawful interest include those made:

  • where there was an existing litigated property dispute and the property arrangements were discussed;
  • during a commercial meeting to have an accurate record of conversations about commercial interests; or
  • where a previous agreement tried to be rescinded and the principal party was concerned the other party was being irrational in a conversation, so a court accepted the recording was an accurate reflection of the events and discussion.

Just because you may be legally permitted in some states to secretly hit record, does not mean you can then use the tape at will.

In Queensland, Victoria and WA, if a secret recording is published or shared with anyone else then the person who made the secret recording can face jail time (up to two years) and huge fines.

The only exceptions are if everyone consents, if it is part of legal proceedings or if it is in the public interest or for the protection of your legal rights.

If you are considering making a recording for the purposes of some sort of anticipated or current legal proceeding (such as a family law matter with your ex-spouse, or unfair dismissal proceedings against your employer) you should always seek legal advice first.

Even if it may be legal under the law, the courts may not look favourably upon your actions and it may not always be supportive evidence for your case.

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Alison and Jillian Barrett are both principals at Maurice Blackburn Lawyers. The Queensland sisters are experienced lawyers and passionate social justice campaigners. Alison juggles motherhood, as well as heading up a major legal practice area. Younger sister Jillian also leads a team of lawyers and sports a double degree in Law and Journalism.