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Energy crisis: The 9 questions you were too embarrassed to ask

When crisis strikes, the natural human response is to shut one's eyes, cover one's ears and wait for it to pass.

But sorry folks, this one's not going away. The energy crisis – with all its mind-boggling complexity, jargon and science-y stuff – is something you'll need to understand. Let's get straight into it.

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In a bizarre and at times awkward press conference, the Energy Minister and SA Premier trade blows on energy policy. (Vision courtesy ABC News 24)

1. Is there really an energy "crisis"?

Yes, in the dictionary sense of reaching a "decisive moment" or "a time of danger or great difficulty". No, in the sense of widespread disease and destruction. Not yet.

2. What's the worst that could happen?

Well, without meaning to be dramatic, death and a widespread blanket of darkness descending across the lands are not entirely off the cards. Energy, of course, powers airconditioners and heaters, which in turn stop old and sick people from dying from excessive heat or cold. Energy also powers lights and machines which are all rather critical for a well-functioning economy and jobs.


The body responsible for operating the national energy grid has now warned that, without action, energy blackouts will hit NSW and South Australia next summer, Victoria in 2021 and Queensland sometime after 2030, thanks to a national shortage of gas. That's serious.

3. I haven't used a gas lamp since 1875. How does gas supply affect my lights?

It all comes down to solving the "intermittency" problem of renewable energy power. For two decades, governments of both colours have been nudging Australia towards renewable sources of energy, wind, solar, etc. It was the Howard government which established the Renewable Energy Target. Kevin Rudd only increased it.

But when the wind doesn't blow, or the sun doesn't shine, energy needs to come from somewhere. Coal-fired power stations take a long time to crank into action. But gas ignites quickly.

So gas-fired power stations are one important way to prevent blackouts. But there has been a lack of investment in such plants and now a gas shortfall is making things even harder.

4. But Australia has abundant supplies of gas and coal surely we can use those to keep the lights on?

As for gas, perhaps. Gas supplies are running low because gas companies have entered into lucrative contracts to sell it offshore. Part of the solution is to force them to supply more to the domestic market. That's what Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's (belated) meeting with the gas companies last week was about.

As for coal, no one seriously thinks it is a viable way to keep meeting energy demands in the long run. Burning fossil fuels imposes large externalities on the rest of society through climate change. Most businesses think some sort of price on carbon – to discourage carbon-intense activities and promote low-emission technologies – is inevitable. But they can't invest, because they don't know what it will be.

5. Ah, this is all to do with the carbon tax shemozzle, right?

Yes, largely. Policy makers became so obsessed with getting a mechanism in place to drive lower emissions (and failing to do so) that they forgot to focus enough on ensuring adequate energy supply to keep the lights on.

Amid all the uncertainty, energy companies have gone on an investment strike. Now one large power station in South Australia has closed and another at Hazlewood is about to, and nothing has been built to adequately replace them.

6. So are my power bills going up?

Yes. You can expect to pay more, both as a taxpayer and an energy user. When governments effectively start doing the job of businesses to decide which technologies to invest in – rather than establishing a market with appropriate price signals to drive a lowest-cost solution – the risk of new investments falls back on taxpayers.

Rentseekers and spivs bend the ear of government to support their projects. Such projects are inevitably more costly and more likely to fail. Governments recoup these higher costs from taxpayers and energy companies recoup any higher costs from energy consumers. Lose, lose.

You will also paying more for power because monopolistic energy companies have mounted expensive legal battles against attempts to reform them. But that's a story for another day..

7. Does it matter if South Australia goes it alone?

Yes. The only thing which will get us back to a reliable national energy market is a cohesive and consistent cross-government legislative framework which provides a safe environment for private investment. Garage brawls between premiers and energy ministers are, in that respect, far from useful.

8. Can't we just buy some batteries?

Tesla's Elon Musk is definitely keen to sell us some. Battery technology has come a long way. Think of how long your phone battery lasts now compared to your first phone. But is this generation of batteries worth the price? It's unclear.

9. But this Snowy hydro thing sounds like a good idea, yes?

It depends. Pumped hydro is easy to turn on, which could help overcome some of our intermittency problems. But Turnbull has only announced a feasibility study and we won't know for at least four years.

One thing we know for sure, however, is that as long as government remains in the business of picking winners, seemingly out of a hat, rather than sitting back and establishing the clear price signals needed for business to invest, Australians will pay more for power.