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'I no longer need to hide my disability from the boss'

As a housekeeper, Teremoana Tangata hid her disability from her boss to protect her job.

Since starting a new job at a major bank in Sydney five months ago, there has been no need to keep the secret.

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Disability in the workplace

Teremoana Tangata is working at Westpac as part of a new program to better integrate people with disabilities into the workplace.

Her new boss who looks after catering services knows all about the serious arthritis in her knees. And he tells her to rest if she gets too tired. 

"If it's a tough day, they say Teri sit down and have a little break," she said.

"When I'm at work I don't have to hide my disability, I can be myself.

"I was hiding it from my last boss because I didn't want to lose my job."


Ms Tangata was employed through a state government program that encourages major Australian companies, including Westpac Group, to hire people with disabilities. 

Westpac contracts hospitality and services company Compass Group Australia, which hired Ms Tangata to prepare meeting rooms for functions including lunches, afternoon and morning teas.

"I love it," she said.

The NSW Government's High Growth Jobs, Talented Candidates program aims to promote greater inclusion and independence for workers with disabilities.

NSW Minister for Disability Services, Ray Williams said his department is promoting systematic change across government departments and major businesses to get more jobs for people with a disability.

"Our government is focused on building a stronger economy with more jobs for the people of NSW, including people with disability," Mr Williams said. "Skill set and ability to perform the role are the primary factors employers should consider when hiring staff."

Mr Williams said the government initiative connects job seekers with a disability to employers in growing industries, including health, hospitality and tourism.  

"But government cannot do this alone. I look forward to continuing to collaborate with the private sector to get more jobs for people with disability," he said.

Businesses involved in the new program include Fujitsu, Australian Unity, IAG, Life Without Barriers, Accor, Infosys and Compass Group, which provides food services.

Compass Group key account manager Steven Horner who works as a national hospitality and events manager at Westpac Group said he recently hired Ms Tangata and two other people with disabilities to work in the kitchen, cafe and catering for the boardroom.

"We interviewed everyone differently. Some of the candidates didn't feel comfortable in a formal situation so I took them for a walk around the block," he said.

The employees were also given the support of a mentor to help them adjust to their new jobs. 

"It is about adapting and changing the way you do things," Mr Horner said.

Compass Group has employed nine people to work at Westpac and Taronga Zoo.

It is recruiting another seven employees to work at Sydney private school, St Ignatius Riverview, and the aged care home, St Vincent's Bronte.

Australian Network on Disability chief executive officer Suzanne Colbert said many businesses are open to hiring employees with disability, but are unsure of how to go about it.

She said the government initiative works closely with businesses to help them recruit employees with disability.

"It results in a strong sustainable employment match with benefits for both the organisation and the employee," she said.

The NSW Government has committed $6 million over three years to the Employment Enablement Strategy, including the High Growth, Talented Candidates initiative.