Contact us

Our national office

You can get in touch with Love Music Hate Racism by dropping us a line using the form below or contact us by phone: 020 7801 2781 or fax: 020 7801 2782.

Our postal address is Love Music Hate Racism, PO Box 66759, London WC1A 9EQ.

In your area

If you’d like to get involved with Love Music Hate Racism activity in your local area, you can email your nearest group here. Just choose from the dropdown menu, and click “Send email”.

If there isn’t a contact near you, use the form to get in touch with the LMHR office.

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  • Ming Lowe said: How may I start a chapter in my state or locality? Maryland, USA I tried to call, but no one...
  • antizzle biggest fan said: antizzle is the best and he is so funny snd cute
  • antizzle biggest fan said: i love antizzle he is so good looking and LIL C is so funny love you antizzle and LIL C i...
  • Stuart said: Hi Jackie – the date is on the bottom of the post :) 9 July all day – and the evening is...
  • jackie abeja said: when is the actual festival :s i cant find the dates… or have they not been released yet?