Showing posts with label Nietzsche. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nietzsche. Show all posts

Monday, 20 December 2010

Adorno on Nietzsche and Amorality

"Amoralism, with which Nietzsche chastised the old untruth, is itself now subject to the verdict of history ... The cause of amorality has been espoused by the same Darwinists whom Nietzsche despised, and who proclaim as their maxim the barbaric struggle for existence with such vehemence just because it is no longer needed ... The amoralist may now at last permit himself to be as kind gentle unegoistic and open-hearted as Nietzsche already was then. As a guarantee of his undiminished resistance, he is still as alone in this as in the days when he turned the mask of evil upon the normal world, to teach the norm to fear its own perversity"

Adorno, Minima Moralia, #60