news and action

1 Mar 2017 >> News, Top story

Three anti fascist demonstrations took place last weekend from London to Rotherham. All showed the continuing ability of anti fascists to mobilise.
 In Rotherham, local MP Sarah …

15 Feb 2017 >> News, Top story

The detritus of fascism in Britain in the shape of Britain First (BF)  and the English Defence League aim to incite race hate and Islamophobia, …

24 Jan 2017 >> News, Top story

Esther Brunstein died this January. She was a survivor of the Lodz ghetto, Auschwitz, the slave labour camp Lager III Waldeslust, and Belsen. In 1939 …

18 Jan 2017 >> News, Top story

Friday 27 January 2017 is Holocaust Memorial Day – the anniversary of the day that the Nazis’ concentration camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated in …

11 Jan 2017 >> News, Top story

A pathetic group of less than 20 Nazis from the South East Alliance turned up on Saturday to protest against the redevelopment of the Mosque …

3 Dec 2016 >> Action, Comment, News, Top story

On 4th December, the Austrian Presidential election will be re-run. Favourite to win is Norbert Hofer, candidate of the far-right nationalist Freedom Party originally formed …

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