In a world marked by wicked social problems, The Minefield helps you negotiate the ethical dilemmas, contradictory claims and unacknowledged complicities of modern life.

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Wednesday 15 Mar 2017

Wednesday 8 Mar 2017

Wednesday 1 Mar 2017

Wednesday 22 Feb 2017

Wednesday 15 Feb 2017

Wednesday 8 Feb 2017

Wednesday 1 Feb 2017

Wednesday 25 Jan 2017

Thursday 19 Jan 2017

  • In modern democracies, the people are more interested in registering their discontent than giving politicians a clear mandate. Are we now living in an age of negative politics?


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Thursday 12 Jan 2017

  • From Vietnam to Tunisia and Tibet, self-immolation has been used as a means of political protest. Now it is also occurring at the Nauru detention centre.  But will the shock of these events translate to action?  Or have we simply accepted the human collateral of Australia’s official policy of deterrence?


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Thursday 5 Jan 2017

  • The idea that the public 'contest of ideas’ kills off the worst, and allows the best, the most rational, to survive is not working, so is public debate doing more harm than good?


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Thursday 29 Dec 2016

Thursday 22 Dec 2016

  • The 2013 collapse of the Rana Plaza garment factories in Bangladesh revealed the human cost behind the cheap clothes we buy. But what explains the disparity between ethical convictions and consumer choice?


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Thursday 15 Dec 2016
