Federal Politics

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Vitamin company Swisse calls for self-regulation of complementary medicine advertising

Vitamin and supplement giant Swisse has asked the federal government to end its direct oversight of advertising rules for Australia's $4 billion complementary medicine market in favour of a system of self-regulation.

In a submission to the federal budget process, Swisse asked to end oversight of advertising claims by the Therapeutic Goods Administration, saying its controls for pharmaceuticals were not consistent with the public health risks associated with its range of supplements and vitamin products, and that pre-market assessments are burdensome and damage competition.

The company told Treasury a "mature" consumer protection system overseen by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission made existing rules unnecessary, and an industry-funded self-regulation system established under the Advertising Standards Bureau would be sufficient to deal with advertising claims of complementary medicines, as well as compliance and complaints.

Swisse, which is known for its aggressive marketing and celebrity endorsements including from Nicole Kidman, Ricky Ponting, supermodel Ashley Hart and chefs George Calombaris and Karen Martini, wants Australian diplomats to have specific knowledge of its products to better market products to Asia and other markets, allowing it and other businesses to take advantage of international trade agreements.

Public health expert and consumer advocate Ken Harvey said the plan would effectively end regulation of complementary medicines.

"The ACCC gets several thousand complaints a year, they can investigate something like 100 or so and they can only take about 30 to court, which is a reality for the ACCC with a brief for the entire consumer movement, banks and other products," he said.


"With the Advertising Standards Bureau, very few complaints actually get up because their code is fairly weak."

Dr Harvey resigned from Melbourne's La Trobe University in 2015 over a $15 million deal for research on Swisse products.

"This is a power play by Swisse, by the industry, to remove themselves from a touch of regulation. The rules don't have much in the way of penalties but at least they do name names from the complaints resolution panel," he said.

"There are some evidence-based complementary medicines, some vitamins are worth having and if you're pregnant a touch of folic acid and sometimes iron can be useful, but there is no good data about industry claims many of their products are effective in preventing illness."

Dr Harvey called for a tightening of claims made for existing products to help consumers better understand the likelihood of any benefit from taking supplements. He said overseas consumers shouldn't be sold Australian products with exaggerated claims.

Industry body Complementary Medicines Australia used a submission to call for an end to vetting and pre-approval of advertising for therapeutic products, in favour of self-regulation.

Advertising Standards Bureau chief executive Fiona Jolly said her organisation was the most appropriate place for complaints about advertising of therapeutic products.

"Bringing therapeutic product advertising within the existing advertising self-regulatory complaint adjudication process managed by the bureau will provide an important level of certainty for consumers and deliver on the objective of a single body to receive and manage complaints, not only about therapeutic product advertising, but all forms of advertising," she said.

A spokeswoman for the Therapeutic Goods Administration declined to comment.

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