
Anna Patty

Anna Patty is Workplace Editor for The Sydney Morning Herald. She is a former Education Editor, State Political Reporter and Health Reporter. Her reports on inequity in schools funding led to the Gonski reforms and won her national awards. Her coverage of health exposed unnecessary patient deaths at Campbelltown Hospital and led to judicial and parliamentary inquiries. At The Times of London, she exposed flaws in international medical trials.

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has refused to back down on her comments that some laws should be broken.

Unions, Labor split over ACTU 'law-breaking' call

The labour movement has split in the wake of controversial comments from the ACTU's newly minted secretary Sally McManus defending law-breaking industrial behaviour that has sparked a furious government attack on the Opposition.

Legal Aid Commission of NSW claims sham contracting is "rife" in low-skilled and low-paid industries including cleaning ...

Sham contracting is going white collar

Employers are now treating white-collar workers, including receptionists in doctors' surgeries, like independent contractors to avoid paying them their entitlements, a Senate inquiry has heard.