Friday, January 8, 2016

"El Chapo" Recaptured in shootout that leaves 5 killed!

Lucio R.Borderland Beat

The recapture of Chapo occurred in an operation by the Mexican Navy (Marina) after receiving a tip, (one version of the story) The citizen tip was not that El Chapo was at the site, but that “armed men” were. 

The Marina had knowledge that Orso Iván Gastélum Cruz  was at the scene, and may have been captured with Chapo, the man in the photo above looks like him, but other reports have him escaping yet once again. 

Gastelum is the Sinaloa leader for northern Sinaloa region.

El Chapo  was rumored to be  in Los Mochis, in  hiding in since the search operation flush him out of the Golden Triangle.

Elements of the Marina immediately came under gun fire by Chapo’s men as they moved in to the location of the capo. 

In the balance of the shootout 5 of Chapo’s men were killed, and 6 arrested.  On the side of the Marina they are reporting one injury.

Residents are reporting that Chapo tried to escape through the sewer system.

Video below is of Chapo's transfer from Los Mochis

Seized in the capture (El Debate photo at left) were 4 vehicles, two of them armored, guns including two .50-caliber sniper guns and a 40mm rocket launcher .

The re-capture comes 5 months after Chapo escaped Altiplano Prison via a “Chapo tunnel”.

President Pena tweeted out “Mission Accomplished!”

Evidently the DEA was once again working in cooperation with Mexico in the re-capture.

The DEA administration congratulates EPN for the recapture of El Chapo, the Sinaloa Cartel premier leader Joaquin Guzman Loera " This is a great day for justice and for Mexico and the US government in combating drug trafficking " , said the announcement.

The DEA stated: the re-arrest of El Chapo “exhibited once again that bilateral cooperation against drug trafficking yields results " .

Los Mochis residents began posting on facebook at around AM of hearing gunshots in la Colonia Scally and  Las Palmas

The agency said more details will follow about the recapture, and PGR tweeted that there will be a press conference at 2:30


  1. Economy flights leaving daily destino Colorado super max. He will disappear forever soon. The legend continues.

    1. Grow up already, he's a filthy criminal and genocidal prick

    2. He should have just got a simple job years ago and earned an honest living. Now he's gonna do 40 years for sure. What a bummer. Had he just sought an honest path in life he'd be free in a physical sense at least. Free to go to the beach, buy a burger down the road, go see a movie, maybe even go on holiday to Disneyland with his kids if he worked hard. Now its 40 years in a concrete box ... until he dies.

  2. welcome to the United States motherfucker

    1. I bet the D.E.A cant fuck with los zetas they roll 5,000 deep and all got AR 15"s and AK"47s.

    2. Hey.. Calm down.. Chapo didn't put a gun in to any of you gringos head to buy his drugs..

  3. Oh we go.

  4. I cant believe it

  5. This can not be true I know this cannot be true!!!!

    1. You must be the sancha or baby mamma.

    2. How the hell he can be anyone's baby daddy is beyond me . I would never let that disgusting fat ass on top of me or near me no matter what he promised. Emma Coronel and her two Chapo offspring should be deported to Mexico once and for all ! .

    3. @1:51 Emma's kids are American. They can't be deported dumbass!

  6. Busted! that didn't last too long.

  7. so where are you conspiratorial Minds now that he has been caught?

    1. Still here boss. Maybe he lost control of the cartel after too much infighting, didn't pay up, or the government couldn't take the continued heat from the media. The western media only recently started suggesting he was protected by the government.

    2. This capture found no drugs anywhere near el chapo, his new arrest will not change ANYTHING, AGAIN...
      --so what the bragging is all about? Nada cambió antes, nada va a cambiar despues, the estado de derecho keeps murdering mexicans and robbing the "Estado" property of the mexicans, not of the "government executives" to sell for their own personal benefit to their buddies and themselves...
      --El chapo? Fack that 'sheyet'

    3. @12:48 PM

      "only recently"? :D

      Come on. I've been here from 2008 or so and that's said since then.

  8. He's gonna get an american visa soon!!

  9. I was wondering if it was true since I sent see u post it but it's all over the place now

  10. Put him in Supermax

    1. American supermax. He already was in mexican supermax. :P

  11. he will get out again Ja Ja

  12. Its probably a smoke screen

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Over under odds when he escapes again...

    1. Who escapes first...Chapo or the affluenza kid from Texas Odds?

    2. Good question. Affluenza boy is pretty slippery. But he can't seem to do anything without his mom. Even fleeing the country his mom goes with him.

  15. Lo agarraron en Los mochis Sinaloa

  16. Wheres el morrinis de snitchola?

    1. Bet he doesn't say anything now lol

    2. Hes probably grounded el wey

  17. LMAOOOO ya'll let TMZ beat ya' it

    pat yourselfs in the back SMH

  18. Con el gobierno Americano no se puede......jajajajajajaj

  19. Wow, they actually got him?

  20. Chapo runs Mexico my ass.

    1. Its worldwide news now!Wow $50 million for 7 months of freedom,expensive.Im surprised they took him alive!Welcome to US justice Chapo!

    2. he's not going anywhere

    3. He's going to escape anywhere they put him it doesn't matter if he goes back to prison in Mexico or In the United States he's stronger than anyone so stop trying to act badass

    4. I always hate on chapo. Now I dont want him locked up nooooooo!!!!!!!! Now cngj are stronger nooooooooo!!!!!!

  21. I thought this time he will go out fighting coz extradition is very likely..

    1. people are so dumb Ismael Zambada the top dog

  22. Shootout in los mochis in search of cholo vago,who was in charge of security for chapo.

    1. Sounds like it was El Chapo, not El Cholo Vago.

  23. If they don't extradite him to the US, he will get away again. Matter of time. Everyone has a price.

  24. Primo eddie told you he ould get caught cyour cuzzzin adrian Ahahahah DLT

  25. Until he is shown I will believe it other than that he is with in those 5dead

  26. The U.S was like.. Ya'll wanna keep getting our $$$ ya'll gonna have to earn it lol

  27. It's not him anymore. I know some people are gonna say I'm a nut hugger, but im not. I don't really care. I just care for a better Mexico. El Nemesis-

  28. Until Chapo gets extradited to the U.S, he is just as free being in a Mexican prison as being on the run.

  29. 3 times a charm.

  30. Hahaaha where are you at now moronis de la Palma navolato Sinaloa ajuua abladores

    1. lmao. puto thought all three zambada sons would be out by now.

    2. "Chapo will control all the plazas by early 2016", "Mencho will be caught in early 2016" HAHAHA
      el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa I want your response. I bet it'll be something like "Mr Guzman got tired of moving around all the time and turned himself in"

    3. He died in the shootout

  31. Damn he's never getting out again. So much for the legend that was El Chapo. He's done.

    Why can't they get Zambada if our intelligence can get Chapo so quickly?

    1. Because Mayo is the don capo.

    2. Chapo is like the mascot for Sinaloa.. Prized trophy kinda.. A symbol

    3. All his sons in u.s prisons, what a great dad and great capo.

    4. Arresting el chapo is going to do mexico as much good as finding his dirty calzones, that is how it worked the last two times he got cogido, the arrests of the Guadalajara cartel members did that much good to drug trafficking to the US, all the hell broke loose, then it "trickled down to mexico" while voodoo economics battle the devils of vulture capitalism...
      --puro pinchi tiatro, forget the 41 mexican mayors murdered.

  32. El Mencho lo puso puro cjng culos

  33. el chapo guzman turn himself in every body in the world knows that

  34. And people still question if El Mayo is the senior man in Sinaloa...

  35. I never once believed he would be taken alive after the last escape. Final destination, ADX Florence

  36. Chapo snitch, him self out.

    1. Ahhh the good old "chapo snitched", never gets old :-)

  37. Mencho is next ..., you don't fight federal government, you can't win, better keep a low profile and bribe them (all over the world), how do you think NRA has been able to lobby US congress?.

    1. True, but if el mencho goes down, Guadalajara will burn... So keep him free, narcobloque for weeks in gdl

    2. everybody said the same to thing about sinaloa. "If chapo gets caught, sinaloa well be hell" Well let's face it, when he escaped the second time he was rumored hiding in sinaloa/durango mountains the authorities were looking for him... the military did harm or whatever to pueblos so therefore while chapo was free things were getting uglier than when he was detained

  38. Lets see the next escape dont think he wont do it again i think this guy is so bored and rich he gets caught for fun. ;)

  39. OK, so they got him again, most likely with Intel spoon fed from the USA, so what? Now the reoccurring soap opera begins where the Mexican government resists extraditing him with the same old nationalist pride BS and the bribery gravy train goes on. The federal goverment will either keep him for the revenue stream or kill him to keep him silent as to who already took his money.

  40. Shouldn't have killed el bravo

  41. Now they just need to bring his ass to the us of a and put his ass in a salitary confinement cell

  42. Kill him now. He should have been put down on his knees and executed as soon as the cuffs wen on.

    1. Cuffs were never on buddy. Lol. Look again at the picture. Him and Cholo are chillen.

  43. And the chapo snitched comments begin...crazy i was just in mochis last sunday

  44. Shout out to the many people who said he will never be captured again.... Were are you guys at now?

    1. He's going to escape again no matter where he is

    2. Doubtful. He was a US-backed druglord for years, but has since lost CIA/DEA support. From the rumors, they've found someone else within Sianola who will be a much easier asset to manage. Once you get that much media attention and hype, the US won't risk their hand being revealed. They'll stay with Sianola since they are the easiest to deal with, but will pick a new leader who's NOT very well known. El chapo will most likely be killed.

  45. Yes,this (HP) he going straight to USP Florence ADMAX. Good for officers get overtime in the bop.

  46. So what will happen to whoever tip him off?
    Will Ivan become the leader of CDS?
    Find out next time on Dragonball Z.

  47. Get ready for the aftermath somebody has to pay. What happened with the halcones or higher people that didn't tipoff chapo.

  48. It doesn't make a differenc. If he is dead or alive the traficking will continue. Its like geopolitics if putin was to be killed the Russian standoff with the west will most likely to be continued.

  49. CHAPO fucks up by leaving the mountains he's smarter than mayo he gives him self up for immunity for his sons!!!!!ivan and el cholo got away watch el cholo turn up dead!!!

  50. I can't wait for his next escape! Should be some James Bond kinda stuff!!

    1. Not James Bond, he bribed his way out.

    2. Not James Bond, he bribed his way out.

  51. *wow* maybe his next escape will be permanent, third time lucky?... pffffft.

  52. Don't knows why Americans get so happy our proud he is getting extradited. After him 100 more will come. A never ending story.

    1. Yes like the US is god n rules the world

  53. I can't wait to hear what 'el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa' has to say about this hahaha

    1. he was one of the five dead in the clash, DEP morroñis, you will be remembered

  54. They also got el Cholo Ivan with him

  55. Now they have to edit the movie or make part 2

  56. Replies
    1. Cicero, all the citizens of Cicero born from mob bosses' hos and mollies, now a latino gangs turf wars district...
      --truly a never ever ending story of fall guys

  57. Is that cholo ivan next to chapo on the picture univision

  58. Better update the movie that's going to be release

  59. Cholo Ivan was captured too

  60. Now EPN is the good guy with America.
    He can continue his kleptocracy and the brutal oppression of any dissenters!
    Hilarious farce!

  61. there is picture of el cholo next to him in a car he did not get away

  62. The Los Mochis citizen tipper has a huge reward coming!

    1. Of course we all know mexico can't wait to give to its citizens

  63. So much misinformation here. Cholo ivan was captured with El chapo. I have family in Los mochis. They were captured in a hotel.

  64. I told yall that Chapo was going down. The trump stuff and the Most Wanted in Chicago since Al Capone sealed his fate.
    Mayo and Caro and the Cartel decided Chapo was very bad for biz and dropped the dime! That citizen tip is disinformation!
    Hilarious fact!

    1. El lazca was "killed by a shots in the ass because of a citizen's report"...
      --why can't you believe el chapo was also captured thanks to a citizen's "report"?
      --i know, who cares, nobody believes anything from peña nieto

    2. ?you really think citizen have the balls to be the finger
      chapo is like an old boxer who used to be good but cant admit is time to hang up the gloves
      thats why they catch him again
      he should to retire but like mayo and caro and let the young ones handle the business but no
      he should be in venezuela but now hes going to colorado

  65. Pharma stocks will rally much higher after El Chapo their main competitor is jailed!

  66. Let's see what happens with his sons now at the top of the regime. One of my side chicks lives in los mochis she said shits crazy right now over there. Shootouts every where and goons and government everywhere!!!

  67. lol @ billions of dollars. Dude looks like he has been out in front of the home depot for a few months with no shower.

    1. With that much money I would retire from the drug business and move to an isolated island where NO ONE would know of me

  68. If cholo escaped why is he in the picture?this is fake

  69. Chapo is done, Arellano´s heirs are coming back in full force, watch the news in the following months emerging from tijuas, youll see what i mean.

    Hnk is the link to epn

  70. Any news on the pet monkey?
    Was he armed?
    Or was he the lookout in the tree who fell asleep!

  71. Hey BB you said that Orso Ivan Gastelum got away but i'm pretty sure that's him in the photo next to Chapo.

  72. El cholo was caught with chapo

  73. Awesome job Lucio

  74. Hey thats my mechanic no wonder my car is not ready:-/

  75. He was captured in hotel doux along with cholo ivan.

  76. Wow can't believe it taught he would of lasted a bit longer on the lamb. He's off to good ol USA soon he's f**ked.

  77. Chapo looks like hes in deep thought on the 1st pic.. He probably knows this time is it..

    1. The gleam in his eye is unlike anything I've ever seen before.

  78. Mayo ya puedes trabajar agusto!

  79. i bet cholo ivan will run the same fate as El Bravo. lo dejo solo

  80. how about my backwards country ('murica) stop it with drug prohibition and take the teeth out of the dea and the cartels altogether? too many innocent people dying from the vortex of this juvenile cat n mouse game.

    we know what happens now. more heinous violence from the leftover factions cannibalizing one another with a more sadistic personality taking top honors.

    pat yourselves on the backs, hack g-men.

  81. Yea great job lucio,for keeping us updated as you gather more information.

  82. Sinaloa has a new boss Chapo Isidro and the bad BoyZzzz. Prepare to pay the fee to live chinolas.

    1. Tetaz ? Both tetaz r in prison as well

    2. Not all the zetas are Treviños' clan. Still 12 zetas viejos that never leaked their pictures since 2003. Deal with it panochones.

  83. I kinda feel bad for him dumb fuck u should of stayed in la sierra viva el mayo lol

  84. Es todo, y solo lamento que no lo hayan matado al perro. A ver de que presumen sus hijos esta vez, y que lo manden para USA de volada.

  85. Hey the one next to el chapo in the car is el cholo ivan so he also got captured

    1. It definitely is,i compared it to an older pic of el cholo's..

    2. yes first reports said he got away, until the photos came out. I am putting up info as I get it.

  86. I guess Chapo Guzman will not be able to see his movie.

  87. I wonder what he will post on his twitter account next. "Saludos chaveles. Estoy aqui con La Barbie!"

  88. This is all a publicity stunt to make the government look good. Mr guzman will be out by thanksgiving. Atte el morroñis de la palma navolato, sinaloa ajuuaa.

    1. Lmao here he is the morron of la palma navolato jinaloa

    2. Now your talking Turkey!!!

    3. El moron ya salio ponte a trabajar webon cabron pareses vieja de lavandero

    4. Hahaaha what happen now morronis I though you said men go was gonna get caught first hahahah sinajotos

  89. Shave that tash off and you would never recognise him.

    1. 11:19 como no, las pestañas son lo que trabaja el chapo to mesmerize and get his way with you, just look at his eyes.

  90. I am trying to keep up with the news coming in and you will notice changes along the way. I want to get the news as fast as possible to you on this story.

    1. You're doing great!! Thanks from the middle east!

    2. Awesome job Lucio!

    3. Great job! Why aren't they both in handcuffs?

  91. Bs now the homicides sky rovket again. the grinkos accept pay offs to. sad day. el chapo for president. lots of love. big triz

  92. Su pasaporte al infierno ya esta listo.

  93. That's El Cholo Ivan sitting next to him in that photo. I thought Ivan was arrested in March of 2015? When did he get released or escape again?

  94. Drugs will still b shipped n murders will still occur. free el chapo. hate grinkoscrackers

  95. I love these new photos!!! Is that wife beater grey or just dirty as hell? Looks like he has been wearing that thing since his last escape. Gotta love the poster in the back ground...Im assuming chapo's been rubbing one out while looking at it. The people in Sinaloa and especially around him must be the dumbest humans on earth to follow him. How are you Mexicans even scared of this guy?? I know homeless people that look cleaner!!

    1. that poster caught my eye real quick also lol

  96. Le limpiaron el camino al chapo Isidro!!!!! Puro bamoa!!!!!

  97. There will be no tunneling from Colorado ATX. Legend not continued su sancho, legend over. Fascinating character but a murderous scumbag just the same. Eric Rudolph & Ted Kaczynski are just dying to talk to El Chapo through the toilets, LOL. It's best if you scoop the water out, better reception. Viva La Mexico! Welcome to the U.S.

  98. Someone snitched on him. Ironic don't you think?

  99. If it was a citizen tip on "armed men", it conflicts with the "Evidently the DEA was once again working in cooperation with Mexico in the re-capture.", it was one or the other.

  100. There will be no tunneling from Colorado ATX. Legend not continued su sancho, legend over. Fascinating character but a murderous scumbag just the same. Eric Rudolph & Ted Kaczynski are just dying to talk to El Chapo through the toilets, LOL. It's best if you scoop the water out, better reception. Viva La Mexico! Welcome to the U.S.

  101. Should of pull a Osama Bin Laden, kill him and the entire crew. He can not run that far if he was dead.

  102. Why is he not handcuffed in the car? They handcuffed and blindfolded the DR. I guess that's what happens when you see old friends.

    1. U right... Some of them mfs received dinero... Doublecrossed...

  103. Video of him or one of his guys being taken onto a plane is out. He's got a bag on his head though...

  104. No cuffs mean the Marina do not want their guys to be murdered!
    Show some respect! Show that it is not personal but your job as an american puppet!
    Hilarious fact!

  105. Did he found that shirt in the garbage can or something?

  106. The owner of Los Mochis Hotel Doux should have a big smile on his face soon. This hotel will be a legendary tourist spot for years to come!

    Looks like a nice roadside hotel, too. Good reviews.

  107. First picture is of Chapo planning his next big escape?

  108. where was his 300 bodyguards?

  109. there is a video were u see to DEA agents getting in the jet with him

  110. No lookouts!
    No breakout plan!
    You must quickly become offensive! Vehicles and armaments must always be ready for a breakout!
    Obviously they became defensive which sealed their defeat!

  111. It looks like PRI needs El Chapo's money for the 2016 state elections this summer. He was out a month after the 2015 mid-terms last year. Or maybe they're already planning the financing for the 2018 PRI Presidential campaign??

  112. Mfs keep sayin Chapo's a snitch... But evidentally Chapo is being snitched on!.. El Mayo got Chapo out the way... El Mayo is the boss of CDS... El Mayo has never been caught or arrested.. Hint Hint

  113. In my opinion, to those who say that narcos are in charge. I think that the political clas has control over who controls the drug market in Mexico. With out their protection they would not be able to operate like they do now.

  114. Even the marine has a cellphone out to take a video.

  115. The new tunnel is already completed Senor Chapo
    Le dejamos una botellita de Moet

  116. It was Cholo Ivan who betrayed him, from :

    "En el operativo donde fue detenido Joaquín El Chapo Guzmán, su presunto jefe de sicarios, Orso Iván Gastélum Cruz logró escapar [...] El Cholo” ya había sido detenido el 1 marzo del año pasado [...] No está claro cómo es que estaba libre tras su captura en marzo del año pasado y esta vez volvió a escapar.

    Now it is very clear how he managed to escape, they offered him his freedom for Chapo's head, they knew he was very close to Chapo.

  117. Funny how they just released the preview to his movie couple days ago and now he is captured.. EPN couldn't handle the stress of el chapo having a movie and not him lol

  118. Ivan gastelum el cholo captured with chapo

  119. Who's next!
    Narcos will be speed dialing the DEA! so the Marina isn't knocking down their door!
    Hilarious fact!

  120. OK BB folks. Lucio asked if I would update this post for him for the next hour or so. But I am confused.

    Is that el cholo ivan in the foto? Because reports persist he escaped. which made me suspect as to him being a traitor. he always escaped including twice from prison.


    1. also all reporters the chapo capture is no ones story feel free to post as many post as you want about the subjectg

  121. WHERE IS HIS 500 TALIBANES HE TALKS ABOUT IN HIS CORRIDOS? lol el mencho no tiene corridos pero es mas chingon que este wey. ese vato su ase un desmadre no como este ablador lol

  122. Can't get into beltran' s terrenos and expect to be safe not to smart both times got caught on mochomo's turf

  123. It's all show , in reality nobody knows anything but el chapo ..

  124. Well now, that was quick. Now ship his ass to the US and stop with all that red tape bullshit. Very good Mexico. Just ship him right out and prevent a possible escape.

  125. El chapo se entrego pake sus hijos puedan trabajar agusto como los jefes , el senor va vivir como rey ay dentro asi es el viejon echelen cabeza i si va cer extradito pues si el del govierno es aliado ay se los dejo de tarea plebes
    -Juan Dos Cabezas-

  126. Every male in the world will now start sporting a dirty wife beater. El Chapo, the billionaire, is stylish.

  127. Damn it. That's the 2nd time he gets caught with an RPG with extra missile and didn't use it against his pursuers. He could've saved his own life by shooting at least one missile against the cops. Damn it the fact makes me angry. Why have it there and NOT use it..

  128. Aww mann they going to have to change lyrics on corrido el cholo
    Aki vamos pa la carcelllll


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