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United Nations Human Rights
Official Google+ page of the United Nations Human Rights office. Join us to help ensure human rights for everyone, everywhere!
Official Google+ page of the United Nations Human Rights office. Join us to help ensure human rights for everyone, everywhere!

United Nations Human Rights's posts

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#Yemen: The outrageous attack on a funeral makes an international investigation into the country even more vital. “The UN Human Rights Council's inability to take decisive action by setting up an intl investigation is contributing to a climate of impunity, and violations continue to occur on a regular basis. Such outrageous attacks cannot be allowed to continue,” said UN Human Rights Chief Zeid. Learn more:


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“We know inside Syria that the health workers are the most targeted people. Sometimes they are more targeted than military" 

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Mandela's words are our moral compass - for humanity, not inhumanity. Including for people on the move! You don’t have to like me to respect my rights. I don’t have to agree with you to uphold your rights. You don’t have to be like me, for me to protect your rights. Rights are not a system of endorsement or appreciation – they are not an award or a test result nor a beauty parade. Human rights are for the best and for the worst of us. For each of us – to the exclusion of none of us in the interests of all of us.

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Race-baiting bigots must be confronted, UN Human Rights Chief Zeid urged at the #UN4RefugeesMigrants Summit just now. The world has failed millions of migrants, but we can change this together. This speech is a must-read:

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#Bulgaria: "They call them 'migrant hunters' or 'citizen protection' organizations." Unchecked atmosphere of anti-migrant discourse results in human rights abuses.

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Photo: A little girl walks through a drought hit rice field. Is your country doing enough to protect all human rights from the impacts of climate change? Review your country’s intended nationally determined contribution & national adaptation plans. Ensure that intl climate action respects human rights:


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Photo: A woman holds her grandchild in Flint, Michigan (USA), where 6000-12000 children, mostly African-American, were exposed to high levels of lead in their drinking water. Children are arguably the most vulnerable to toxics and pollution. UN expert Baskut Tuncak urges States and businesses to prevent childhood exposure to toxics and pollution

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A must-read: Our new Global Human Rights Update, which addresses many of the country issues you have raised in the comments section on G+. This Update highlights our concern over this emerging pattern -> the growing refusal by an increasing number of Member States to grant us access – either to countries generally, or to specific regions. The Update discusses States that have granted us access, those that have not, or have yet to do so 

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Watch: Our High Commissioner #Zeid's warning against populists & demagogues in Europe & US - Wilders, Trump, Orban, Zeman, Hofer, Fico, Le Pen, Farage
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