Shark attack fears: Senate inquiry looks at how modern technology can protect swimmers

Posted March 17, 2017 13:41:12

A Senate inquiry is hoping to quell the hysteria surrounding shark attacks and examine a range of different shark mitigation measures that modern technology can offer.

The two-day hearing in Sydney is delving into the Commonwealth's role in the mitigation of shark encounters after Federal Government exemptions from a shark net moratorium were granted in two states.

The inquiry is being chaired by Tasmanian Greens Senator Peter Whish-Wilson, a keen surfer and opponent of shark nets.

"This inquiry is looking at the Commonwealth's role in the mitigation of shark encounters in Australia, which has become a pretty significant matter of public interest," he said.

"A number of species such as white sharks are protected under federal environmental laws but it seems that process in recent years where both the Western Australian Government and the NSW Government have applied for Federal Government exemptions so that shark nets for example don't need to be assessed under federal environmental law."

Mr Whish-Wilson has condemned the Federal Government for exempting the NSW North Coast from the national shark net moratorium following an application from the NSW Government.

Federal Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg allowed the exemption via a clause in Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act (EPBC) which allows communities to respond to national emergencies such as bushfires and floods.

"We've seen two situations where this has occurred in a short period of time and I'm trying to look at the government's role in properly assessing the environmental impacts of this."

Majority of submissions opposed to shark nets

The inquiry will examine submissions from coastal councils, Surf Life Saving, environmental scientists and the Humane Society with the majority of submissions against the use of shark nets.

Nicola Beynon, head of campaigns for the Humane Society said there was no way of proving the nets had any impact on the risk of shark attack but they did have a major impact on many other marine species including dolphins and turtles.

"442 loggerhead turtles, which are a protected species, have been caught in the last 12 years."

"Now these are threatened species so we have a government program that is killing species that the government is charged under legislation to protect and recover," she said.

Ms Beynon said 65 per cent of shark bites happened at netted beaches and the nets were having a huge impact on critically-endangered species such as the grey nurse sharks.

"The crazy thing is there are non-lethal strategies available to protect bathers and surfers," Ms Beynon said.

Shark drone trials 'saving lives'

The inquiry has heard of the efficacy of aerial patrols and new technology like drone and personal shark-repellent devices that are being developed by private companies.

Over the summer school holidays the New South Wales Government trialled a drone surveillance program on five beaches at Ballina, Lennox Head, Evans Head, Redhead and Kiama.

During the trial 46 potentially dangerous sharks were sighted and eight water evacuations were ordered.

Surfing NSW made a submission to the Senate inquiry and executive director Mark Windon said while most surfers accepted the risk of shark attacks, he welcomed the money being spent on researching different deterrents.

"I think most surfers are pretty keen on preservation of marine life," he said.

"It just depends on where you are, if you go further up the coast around on the Gold Coast, they've had no incidents there because they've got drum-lines in place.

"I'd like to think the NSW Government is going to lead the way in years to come in deterrents.

"You're going to have some kind of buoy that's going to be set off a beach that'll be putting out a magnetic or electronic pulse or something that'll push them in another direction, and there's not going to be any threat to life.

"But until that happens, they're trying drones, and other technology, but none of it's 100 per cent tried and tested, so I think there's still a fair way to go with this technology."

Mr Whish-Wilson said the terms of reference included the range of mitigation and deterrent measures currently in use as well as emerging and alternative measures and the impact of shark attacks on tourism and other related industries.

"We want to make informed decisions that not just relate to the protection of human life but also the protection of threatened and endangered species in our marine environment.

"Personally I'll be really happy if we can take some of the fear out of the debate because I actually think that's what is part of the big issue here is a lot of unnecessary fear and hysteria", Mr Whish-Wilson said.

The Senate inquiry is also planning hearings in Perth and either the Gold Coast or Ballina.

Topics: shark, federal-government, surfing, ballina-2478, redhead-2290, perth-6000, sydney-2000, southport-4215