7 March, 2017 10:47AM AWST

Roots and Shoots March 3, 2017

Get your garden to grow the right way and have a laugh while you're at it with the Perth Gardening Roots and Shoots podcast.

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Every Saturday from 9am, Sabrina Hahn joins Saturday Breakfast for Roots and Shoots - an hour full of gardening talkback along with mountains of fun and frivolity.

To ask Sabrina a question call 1300 222 720 or send a text to 0437 922 720.

You can write to Sabrina at C/O Saturday Breakfast, PO Box 9994, Perth WA 6848.

Send an email by filling out the contact form on the ABC Perth website. Select Saturday Breakfast from the program list.

To hear past episodes of Roots and Shoots - head to the Perth Gardening homepage.