THE KILLING SEASON is Sarah Ferguson's gripping three-part examination of the forces that shaped Labor during the Kevin Rudd / Julia Gillard leadership years.

It is a documentary series like no other. Visually striking, scripted like the best political dramas, The Killing Season is an enthralling account of one of the most turbulent periods of Australian political history.

Packed with political intrigue, strong feelings and frank disclosures, this is a must-watch series for the nation.

For the first time, Kevin Rudd gives his own, full account of the period and relives in vivid detail the events of losing the Prime Ministership – a retelling he found painful.

Julia Gillard is forthright with her recollections and analysis and doesn't spare her colleagues.

A comprehensive cast of the main players – including many of those still in parliament – speak frankly, providing a dramatic portrait of a party at war with itself.

Related Videos and Material

  1. 'It's entirely possible'

    Kevin Rudd all but confirms he was behind a damaging leak that revealed a deal to hand over the leadership to Julia Gillard.

  2. Diary of Rudd's speechwriter

    The diary of Kevin Rudd's former chief speechwriter provides human insight into life in the prime ministerial office.

  3. Emerson "felt like vomiting"

    Former trade minister Craig Emerson describes his distress at seeing the slogans used during the 2011 anti-carbon tax protests.

  4. Howes acknowledges role

    Former ACTU national secretary Paul Howes says the way he and others elevated Gillard to the leadership "damaged her legitimacy".

  5. Gillard admits giving Rudd 'false hope'

    Julia Gillard admits she gave Kevin Rudd "false hope" he would remain prime minister the night she deposed him as Labor leader.

  6. Gillard's move on Rudd

    Julia Gillard gave tacit approval for other Labor figures to move against Kevin Rudd in 2010, the second episode of the ABC's The Killing Season documentary suggests.

  7. Rudd outlines deal with Gillard

    Kevin Rudd says that a deal was made where he would stand aside as prime minister if he could not win the next election.

  8. Sarah Ferguson: The search for truth

    Reporter Sarah Ferguson talks about making "The Killing Season", a three-part look at Labor's Rudd-Gillard years.

  9. Do you remember Kevin '07?

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