SA power: Will the state re-imagine Playford for the 21st century?

Updated March 14, 2017 10:15:12

It's not everyday a conservative chooses to nationalise privately-owned assets.

But that's exactly what cherry farmer turned SA Liberal premier Tom Playford did in 1946, when the newly formed Electricity Trust of South Australia (ETSA) seized control of Adelaide's privately-owned electricity network.

Former ETSA managing director Bruce Dinham said the factors motivating Playford's power play would sound familiar to South Australians today.

"Playford was concerned about the development of the state and wanted cheaper, more plentiful power," Mr Dinham said.

"He told the company [Adelaide Electric Supply Co or AESCo] they should lower electricity tariffs, not increase them.

"Instead the company went ahead and raised them, so Playford organised a royal commission and then finally managed to get the numbers in parliament to pass the ETSA Act."

Playford also favoured using local Leigh Creek coal because it would provide the state with a shield of energy self-sufficiency.

AESCo though was wedded to black coal from New South Wales. Its boilers were designed to run on it, and the company didn't want the expense of changing them.

But AESco wasn't just content to defy Playford, the manager decided to really get up the premier's nose, publicly criticising Leigh Creek coal as overpriced and inferior.

When the coal miners in NSW went on strike, SA's lights went out.

"We were having these crises from time to time and I remember they would say, 'well the coal ship's around Port Jarvis and it'll be in Adelaide at such and such a time and we've got so many hours of coal left,'" Mr Dinham recalled.

"Everyone was wondering whether the lights would go out, or whether the coal would get here in time."

Apart from the Adelaide electricity assets, ETSA also took over dozens of council-run power systems, dotted around the countryside.

Work then started on realising Playford's plan for abundant, cheap, reliable electricity — Port Augusta power station, which opened in July 1954.

It's difficult for us now to appreciate just how exciting it was to people then.

As this old advertisement shows, around the world, electricity was seen as exciting, futuristic fuel.

A promise about the kitchen of the future. Video: A promise about the kitchen of the future. (ABC News)

SA's boom years 'full of possibilities'

Historian Robb Linn said Playford skilfully tied into this sense of exuberance.

"It was a place that was booming," he said.

"The wool boom was on, for pastoralists and farmers around the state. Wool had reached [the price of] a pound for a pound, but more than that Playford had introduced this plan to expand manufacturing in this state, so it was a very exciting place to be and full of possibilities."

After the opening of the Port Augusta power station in 1954, the next few decades became business as usual: another generation unit opened at Port Augusta and then Torrens Island in 1968.

South Australians were up in arms when in May 1971, electricity tariffs were raised. From the vantage point of 2017, it's hard to be sympathetic: it was the price first rise in 19 years, and the average bill went up by 5.8 per cent.

To put that into painful perspective, a federal parliament report shows in the decade from 2003 to 2013, electricity prices across Australia streaked ahead by 72 per cent.

By the 1990s the next great upheaval was at hand.

ETSA, in line with federal government policies, was corporatised; broken down into separate business units, though still owned by the state.

The entire system was then privatised in 1999.

Labor defined it as a broken promise by the Liberal government, which it was.

The Liberals defined it as a way to pay for Labor's state bank disaster, which it did.

Even today, the two political parties still bludgeon one another from those positions.

As parliament deliberated, the debate was often hostile and ugly.

'I don't believe it, it worked'

Back in 1999, Nick Xenophon was a fresh-faced first termer in the SA parliament.

He also held a crucial vote in whether to privatise or not.

"It's never as simple as the major parties would have you believe," Mr Xenophon said.

"This was a complex issue. There was a privatisation competition mania happening in the 1990s and electricity was caught up in it.

"It should have been exempted by virtue of being a monopoly essential service."

As the state entered the 21st century consumers faced rising power prices.

The competitive power market that privatisation was supposed to generate was lacking.

Growing concerns over climate change, the Howard government's introduction of mandatory renewable energy targets, subsidies and abundant wind resources all combined to make the answer to South Australia's power problems seem like a breeze: large-scale windfarms.

In an obvious irony, the first one, at Starfish Hill, was developed by a Queensland government-owned entity.

Queensland energy minister Paul Lucas explained at the opening that SA had some natural advantages.

"We have some windfarms in Queensland, but these are wonderful resources," he said.

"You've got to put windfarms where the wind is and South Australia is where the wind is."

As then SA premier Mike Rann pushed the button to start the turbines, he exclaimed: "I don't believe it, it worked!"

For a while it did, bringing in competition.

Renewable energy in and of itself is far from the cause SA's current power woes.

But its large-scale integration into an electricity grid designed for different technology is one of the problems Jay Weatherill's Government need to address in its intervention.

Topics: states-and-territories, government-and-politics, adelaide-5000, leigh-creek-5731, port-augusta-5700, sa

First posted March 14, 2017 07:20:48