What's new on the BBC Music Website

Performances & Interviews

21st November 2016

Across the BBC Music website and BBC Music app we have re-labelled content that was known as Audio & Video to Performances & Interviews, as user feedback suggested the former didn't really describe the wide range of exclusive content we have on offer.

Within My Music in the top menu, you will also find new pages for My Performances and My Interviews, where you can find any performances and interviews you have added.

We’d love to know what you think. If you have any feedback please contact us via our Feedback page.

Ben Gleed, Business Analyst, BBC Music

My Music

19th August 2016

My Music is a new way to keep up with the music you love on your computer, phone and tablet. We’ve listened to your feedback, so now you find your favourite tracks, artists, playlists and audio & video in one place.

You’ll find My Music in the main navigation on the BBC Music website. To start adding, you just need to sign in or register for a BBC account.

Mala Vadhia, Senior UX Designer, BBC Music

A new homepage for BBC Music

25th July 2016

We’ve been listening to your feedback and given the BBC Music Homepage a makeover.

We’ve adopted a modern, modular design, which makes it easier to find more of the content you love and to navigate, especially on mobile devices. The Homepage now features more prominent links to our exclusive audio & video performances, recommendations and articles.

The Music News Live page has been incredibly popular and now has its own dedicated space on the Homepage.

You can now use our "Find a Track" feature, which lets you identify music played on BBC Radio over the last 7 days, directly from the Homepage.

We will be making further changes over the coming weeks, including an easier way to find all of the tracks, artists, playlists and audio & video that you've added.

We’d love to know what you think. If you have any feedback please contact us via our Feedback page

Ben Gleed, Business Analyst, BBC Music

Music News LIVE

May 2016

We now offer rolling music news coverage, updated 8.30am - 3.30pm each working day. It looks like this.

In the spirit of BBC Music, stories will span the genres, providing contextual onward journeys while supporting the wider music industry.

Alex Robertson, Snr Producer, BBC Music

Navigation changes

26th February 2016

We’ve brought the BBC Music web navigation into line with the upcoming BBC Music app. So it’s more consistent and easier to use.

Our research showed people weren’t using the old drop-down navigation. So we’ve switched to a new, clearer system that’s much closer to what people are used to on BBC iPlayer Radio and other BBC products.

Mala Vadhia, Senior UX Designer, BBC Music

Retiring Playlister

23rd February 2016

We’ve now merged BBC Playlister with the rest of BBC Music to make things simpler. You can still do all the things you could with Playlister, but now it’s just one part of BBC Music.

Instead of adding tracks to Playlister you can now hit “Add to My Tracks” and the track will be added to the "My Tracks" page. The My Audio & Video section now gives you personalised recommendations and an area where you can browse the very best of BBC Music. Personalised recommendations for Tracks, Artists and BBC Playlists are coming soon.

Mala Vadhia, Senior UX Designer, BBC Music

Notifications for artists you follow

22nd December 2015

We’ve now enabled notifications for new content from your favourite artists. By adding artists to your personal list of favourites we now alert you when we publish new audio or video content featuring that artist. So, for example, if you add Coldplay to your list of artists (simply click the “+ Add to My artists” link on any artist page or on our Most Viewed page) you will now get a notification when we record Coldplay playing live or being interviewed.

The notification, in the form of a blue dot next to a bell symbol, can be seen in the top navigation bar present on all BBC webpages. You’ll need to sign up to notifications to get started, but it's simple and quick to do so by clicking the bell at the top of the page.

You can read more about Notifications in this blog post

Chris Kimber, Product Manager, BBC Music

Following and managing BBC Playlists

15th December 2015

Until now you could only follow the personal playlists of our presenters, but from this week you can now follow any BBC Playlist and get the latest tracks from your favourite programmes, music genres or events all in one place. We’ve also made it much easier to manage which playlists you are following with a new My Playlists page. To see the playlists you’re following, go to My Playlists in the BBC Playlists menu.

Marcos Gurgel - Web Developer, Simon Meredith - UX Designer, BBC Music

Improved music search

3rd December 2015

Today we made a big change to the way that search works in BBC Music. Similar to iPlayer Radio, we now offer improved auto-suggest as you type, and a new search results page for full searches. In each we show three content categories: Playlists, Artists and Audio & Video, all related to the search term entered.

You can try out this new functionality using the "Search Music" box in the top navigation bar on any page in the BBC Music product.

Chris Kimber, Product Manager, BBC Music

Follow your favourite artists

18th November 2015

From this week you can now start to follow your favourite artists on BBC Music. By adding an artist to "My Artists" you get better recommendations (which can currently be seen on the Music homepage) and in the near future, you'll be able to opt in to get notifications when we publish new content from that artist. You need to be signed in to BBC iD to add an artist. Get started by adding some artists from our Most Viewed artists page.

Chris Kimber, Product Manager, BBC Music

Music News

19th October 2015

We've just released a new aggregation of Music News stories from across the BBC, containing the latest music news stories from BBC News in date order. We use the BBC's linked data platform to automate this, so any article that's tagged with an artist name will surface on our new page. We also include on the page the Latest Articles that the BBC Music team have written.

Chris Kimber, Product Manager, BBC Music