Working out the reason behind why people sleep.

Why do we sleep?

Hi BTN, This is Mitchell and Troy! We would like to know why we sleep?

AMELIA: Matt, I was asleep. You know you're supposed to knock?

MATT: What are you doing?

AMELIA: BTN Investigates! I'm the investigator. Mitchell and Troy would like to know why we sleep.

MATT: Where did you get that magnifying glass from?

AMELIA: Nowhere.

MATT: I like that jacket.

AMELIA: I haven't got time for this! I have investigating to do!

MATT: Have we done this before?

Sleeping! We spend about one third of our lives doing it! But besides the odd memory of a dream here or there, most of us are in the dark about what actually happens after we close our eyes. One thing you might already know is that we need sleep like we need food and water.

CARL: Sorry, Amelia, I just can't sleep with you watching me. It's just really weird.

AMELIA: But, Carl if you don’t sleep you might die.

Studies show that animals which are deprived of sleep for a long time can have seizures and can actually die from exhaustion. In theory, the same goes for humans. In fact, sleep is so important that humans and other animals actually risk danger to do it. When we're asleep, we're almost completely unaware of our surroundings. That isn't such a problem now, but a long, long time ago, we could've been attacked by wild animals! Even now, sleeping animals are more likely to be attacked by predators. That's why some animals, like dolphins, have found clever ways to do it. They only sleep with one half of their brain at a time. That means they can still come up for air and swim along using only the half of their brain that's still awake!

But we can't all be dolphins, so I've decided to see if a real sleep investigator can shed some light on the mysteries of human sleep.

AMELIA: So Charlotte, why do we sleep?

CHARLOTTE GUPTA, PHD STUDENT Well, there's not really a clear, simple answer I can give you on that, sorry.

AMELIA: Really? Well, sorry Mitchell and Troy, I guess there are some questions you just can't be answered.

CHARLOTTE GUPTA, PHD STUDENT: Hang on, hang on, there’s some things that we do know about sleep. A lot of people thought that sleep was something where our bodies aren't doing anything, almost like we were unconscious during the night, but now we know that there's a lot that our brain does when we're asleep and it’s really busy working through a lot of things so that we're prepared for the next day.

One idea is that our brain uses a bit of shut eye to recharge parts of it that are constantly working, like this area called the prefrontal cortex. It helps us plan and make decisions. But even when we're super relaxed, it doesn't stop. Like have you ever tried thinking about nothing? You end up thinking about thinking about nothing, right? So some experts reckon sleep is the only time this part can restart. Our brains are also busy cleaning out old stuff, making space for new stuff, and sorting through memories as we sleep.

CHARLOTTE GUPTA, PHD STUDENT: So there's a lot that we take in during the day when we're at school we're learning different things, we're seeing different things so during the night one theory is that our brain is sorting through all of that information and going through and working out what's important and then it stores that information as memories and when we wake up we can remember what we've learnt the day before.

It is proven that people who don't get enough sleep struggle to learn new information, whereas a good night's sleep can help us be more creative and solve problems. So even though scientists don't know exactly why we sleep yet, it's a good bet that it has a lot to do with stuff going on inside our heads!

AMELIA: Matt, you're still here.

MATT: Yeah. Since when did you have an office?

Discussion Questions

    1. What does the BTN story mainly explain?
    2. Why do we need sleep?
    3. What do studies show about animals that are sleep deprived?
    4. Why are sleeping animals at risk?
    5. What happens to a dolphin’s brain when they sleep?
    6. What does the prefrontal cortex do?
    7. How can a lack of sleep affect a person’s learning?
    8. Finish the following sentence: Research shows that while we sleep, our brains are…
    9. How do you feel when you get a bad night’s sleep?
    10. What did you learn watching the BTN Sleep story?

Comments (31)

Add your comment

  • Torquay Yr6C :

    17 Mar 2017 1:45:56pm

    We enjoyed learning about the power of sleep. But we would like to know how a lack of sleep effects your learning.

  • Matt :

    17 Mar 2017 12:59:50pm

    It was interesting

  • Liam :

    17 Mar 2017 10:54:45am

    I agree that sleeping is very important but I didn't know that you can risk your life when you sleep.

  • Riya :

    17 Mar 2017 10:54:25am

    I think that we all need sleep in order to function the next day and so that we have lots of energy is that you need for school.

  • Brody :

    17 Mar 2017 10:52:35am

    Nice video, everyone should sleep because if we don't then our body won't have enough energy. Also why do we sleepwalk and sometimes speak while we are asleep?

  • Lincoln :

    17 Mar 2017 10:52:08am

    We need to sleep after a hard day's work at school for work.

  • Annabella :

    17 Mar 2017 10:49:43am

    I think it is really cool if we could actually find out why we sleep but just to know that little peace of information Is life changing.

  • Kye :

    17 Mar 2017 10:49:32am

    If we don't have sleep we will turn up to school the next day and we will be in trouble it gives our brains a chance to relaxe and put all the good things we learned in to the brain

  • Sabrina :

    17 Mar 2017 10:48:02am

    Hi btn ! I think this is nice that you try and figure out everything possible that people ask for btn investigates

  • Summer-lili :

    17 Mar 2017 10:47:16am

    I think sleeping is the most important thing in our life.

  • Lucy :

    17 Mar 2017 9:09:09am

    Hey BTN,
    We all know now how we sleep and why we sleep but people do strange stuff when they sleep like: sleep walking and sleep talk (like my brother). Why do we do it?
    I believe i speak for most of us.

  • Jo-Jo :

    16 Mar 2017 8:47:28pm

    So random but.
    At 4:01 mins, I found out that the boy was reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.
    Anyone notice that too?

  • Bronte :

    16 Mar 2017 6:49:14pm

    This is really helpful for a high school student like myself.

  • Leone :

    16 Mar 2017 6:10:50pm

    Cool vid.. But why do people sleepwalk and sleep talk? And snore :)

  • Ashton :

    16 Mar 2017 3:03:51pm

    Hi BTN,
    What I have learned so far from why we sleep, i know that you will think of nothing, so if you go to sleep your brain will charge up again. But what I don't know yet is why do people sleep walk?

  • Fiona :

    16 Mar 2017 3:03:43pm

    If I was an investigator I would find out, how do people sleep. What a interesting video you have made . I want to learn more about how we sleep and make medicine to cure people .
    Thank you !!!!!

  • pranjal :

    16 Mar 2017 3:03:24pm

    hi btn
    do you know why people talk in their sleep?!

  • Temujin :

    16 Mar 2017 3:00:22pm

    I think that people shouldn't have to make their kids take a Vaccination, but I think that it is better if people do take it.

  • Kaylan :

    16 Mar 2017 2:59:51pm

    I knew fish could swim and sleep but, I never knew dolphins could do the same! I guess dolphins are pretty smart.

  • Thu :

    16 Mar 2017 2:57:27pm

    I found this video very interesting and educational.

  • Ashara :

    16 Mar 2017 2:57:18pm

    Why do we sleep at night?

  • Milly :

    16 Mar 2017 9:51:50am

    It was really, really, really, interesting to know why we sleep and what's causing us to sleep.

  • your mum :

    15 Mar 2017 3:22:04pm

    why do we sleep walk??

  • Kai :

    15 Mar 2017 11:50:16am

    It is so important to sleep because if you don' then you wouldn't be able to work

  • Kai :

    15 Mar 2017 11:45:14am

    If we don't sleep then we can't really work

  • Ms.Jones :

    15 Mar 2017 10:54:20am

    Our class, 4J, found this very interesting. We were fascinated by the fact that dolphins sleep with half a brain then the next time with the other half of the brain so that they are alert and aware of predators.

  • Archer :

    15 Mar 2017 9:22:35am

    We need to sleep so Santa can come on Christmas eve

  • Amelia :

    14 Mar 2017 4:40:54pm

    It was interesting to learn why we sleep and what's causing us to sleep.

  • luka :

    14 Mar 2017 9:43:02am

    we sleep because we are tired ,if we don`t have enough sleep we can`t put much information in ur brain,