South Sudan is the first country in 6 years to be declared in famine.

South Sudan Famine

South Sudan has been officially declared a country in famine which is the first official famine in the past 6 years. Here's more about why South Sudan is in trouble and what you can do about it.

This is a food drop.

They're helping some of the millions of people in South Sudan suffering from starvation. The UN's recently declared South Sudan the site of the world's first famine in six years, but there have been big problems here for a while.

GEORGE FORMINYEN, WORLD FOOD PROGRAM: We have got conflict that has been ongoing in this country since 2013. That conflict has made people move, has made people leave their normal places. They do not grow their food as they would do. They have lost their livestock on which they survive. They don't have money, no markets which are functioning, they cannot find any other way of surviving, and so at the end of the day, they only rely on humanitarian assistance.

That’s George and he works for the UN's World Food Program. He says many people have been forced to flee their homes to escape the fighting in South Sudan, and massive food shortages have been made worse by drought.

That's left more than forty per cent of the population in desperate need of food. Some are really sick, and every day people are dying. But unfortunately, it's not always safe for aid workers to help them.

GEORGE FORMINYEN, WORLD FOOD PROGRAM: Because there is fighting, there are impediments to access. What happens is that people drop even further, and they get into situations of catastrophe, and here is why we have famine like or famine conditions.

The UN only declares a famine like this in really serious circumstances, when at least 20 per cent of a population faces extreme food shortages, 30 per cent are badly malnourished, and more than two people per 10,000 die every day. That's double the normal amount. Unfortunately, kids are the ones most at risk during a famine because without proper nutrition, they're more likely to die from preventable diseases like pneumonia or malaria.

While the situation is worst in South Sudan, the UN's also worried famine could soon be declared in Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen. It says more than 5 billion dollars is needed by the end of the month to help those at risk.

Tom works with Save the Children. He's working in Somalia, where nearly five million people are going hungry.

TOM ARUP, SAVE THE CHILDREN: Somalia's on the brink of famine. Urgent humanitarian assistance is needed here to prevent that famine. In 2011 there was a famine in Somalia and a quarter of a million people died. We can prevent that this time, but urgent assistance is needed.

Recently, the Australian government announced it was giving 20 million dollars on top of its normal aid spending to support people in South Sudan and Somalia. But aid groups say they need more, they say donations can supply food and medical supplies to kids like these, and prevent many more from getting sick. And with enough support it can go a long way towards turning things around.

Discussion Questions

    1. As a class, discuss the BTN Famine story. What were the main points of the discussion?
    2. Where is South Sudan? Locate using Google Maps.
    3. How are aid organisations helping people affected by the famine?
    4. People in South Sudan don’t have access to what?
    5. What impact has the civil war had on people?
    6. What percentage of the population is in desperate need of food?
    7. When does the United Nations declare a famine?
    8. The UN is also concerned that famine could be declared in which other countries?
    9. What do aid organisations say is needed to help people affected by famine?
    10. How did this story make you feel?

Comments (29)

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  • Year 5 TKC :

    17 Mar 2017 2:19:53pm

    The South Sudan famine is quite sad and serious. People should get enough food, water and nutrition from countries that can help. This makes us concerned that people are dying rapidly. Thanks BTN for the information!

  • Brody :

    17 Mar 2017 10:57:42am

    Very interesting Btn!

  • Alexis :

    17 Mar 2017 10:55:51am

    I think it's really sad that children have to suffer from starvation we should do something else about or even donate more to the children and parents.

  • Kye :

    17 Mar 2017 10:52:59am

    This is really sad to hear that a lot of people dyeing.

  • Favour :

    17 Mar 2017 10:49:24am

    I think that people should help the people in Nigeria and Sudan because they have no food to eat and no drink

  • Tien :

    16 Mar 2017 3:02:22pm

    HI BTN,
    This story is one of the saddest stories I have heard.It is very sad to know that they are starving.Is that country big??I`m going to research why that country is starving.Any ways thank you a lot for making great content.
    BAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII hope to see something more interesting next week :)

  • Josh :

    16 Mar 2017 2:55:35pm

    Thats just sad

  • Phillip :

    16 Mar 2017 11:59:55am

    its really sad that they have to live in that life the government should pay for planes to send them to a better country.

  • josh :

    16 Mar 2017 11:51:27am

    I wish I could help and I hope they get the food they need

  • Oo Kat :

    15 Mar 2017 11:20:56pm

    After viewing the uploaded video, I feel devastated and sad when I saw the people in that country suffering from hunger and illness. I hope that generous donations from all the world can contribute to hit the target of 5 billion or even more to help those poor people. We should not waste food and water as it is the most precious thing on Earth.

  • ishu :

    15 Mar 2017 8:43:53pm


    It is very sad and melancholy to hear the story of south Sudan and the other parts. THANKS TO Tom the kids get a few bits of food and care. We all should thank god for giving us a better life and not having malnutrition like the the suffering kids in south Sudan.

  • Leah :

    15 Mar 2017 5:26:57pm

    I feel really sad that 2 in 10,000 people in South Sudan are dying everyday. Why doesn't the government take action?

  • Gus :

    15 Mar 2017 5:24:13pm

    I think that the UN and south sudan government should look more into what started the famine so they can provent it from happening in other countries. The UN should focus on stopping the civil war which may help stop the famine while all the other anti-famine organizations provide food and water to the people affected. Will that work?

  • Luc :

    15 Mar 2017 5:20:47pm

    dear Nathan
    the video about south Sudan was packed with information. We have been learning about this in english and hate hearing this happening to some people.
    i am happy to hear that people drop food to the kids and parents.

  • Hayk :

    15 Mar 2017 5:15:57pm

    thank you Nathan and btn but i have a question are there any ways to help? hope you can answer my question:)

  • pan :

    15 Mar 2017 5:13:19pm

    really feel bad and hope for the people that lives in sudan get out of this situation

  • Jordan :

    15 Mar 2017 5:10:57pm

    Hi Nathan I'm from HWA in Singapore and i would like to know; how long will it take to reach 5 billion dollars? It would be great if you could reply

  • Vittoria :

    15 Mar 2017 5:10:29pm

    this story made my feel guilty because sometimes i waste my food without thinking twice. it also made me feel sad because i would like to help but i do not know how

  • Nada :

    15 Mar 2017 3:14:26pm

    Thanks for the information , I feel sorry for the people who live in Sudan

  • Nicolas :

    15 Mar 2017 2:46:00pm

    Do you think enough money can be donated to the cause? Nicolas

  • Eve :

    15 Mar 2017 2:16:47pm

    After watching this video, I learned that there are a lot of people who suffer from famine and what caused it. This story makes me feel very sad. I really hope they reach $5 billion to help them.

  • Grace :

    15 Mar 2017 2:13:03pm

    Thank you for this story.
    It makes me feel sad and I want to help them with donating money.
    I also feel sorry for the people that live in South Sudan.

  • Audrey :

    15 Mar 2017 2:10:29pm

    When hearing this story, its really sad to know about these people we should be happy about having what we have. In the news video it shows that they help the people in south Sudan by dropping food from the plane That is a very good idea! I really do hope that war stop soon

  • matt :

    15 Mar 2017 11:14:19am

    South Sudan famine
    Hi Nathan the south Sudan story is terrible to hear. That’s a lot of people dying every day. We also have been leaning about it in class during History and Geography. It’s not good at all. I hope all of it can get better soon.

  • Georgia :

    15 Mar 2017 11:11:25am

    South Sudan Famine
    Hi Nathan thankyou about the story on Sudan because that is really awful to hear that, but it is good to hear that people are helping to do the food dropping. We have been learning about this in geography and hate hearing this happening to some people. I agree that we should do the food dropping because it is helping them a bit more from starvation.
    By Georgia

  • grace :

    15 Mar 2017 11:07:07am

    Dear Nathan thank you for doing this episode i didn't know that south Sudan was so bad. I cant believe that so many people die in Sudan because on famine and disease. So many kids are badly malnourished it is so sad it is very good that some people are trying to make a difference by giving food but it is still not a enough thank you for doing this story.
    from Grace

  • Rosie :

    15 Mar 2017 11:06:43am

    Hi Nathan,
    I am so glad that you made this btn on south Sudan. My class has recently been looking at this type of thing on South Sudan.
    I don't think i had ever known as much information, as you just told me on the South Sudan btn. My mind is spinning with information now.
    Thank you for this amazing opportunity.

  • oli :

    15 Mar 2017 11:05:21am

    The platypus is interesting because we don’t know how many there are and we are learning new things about them every day. I think this segment is interesting because it teaches us all about what their history is, and when the English thought the platypus was a few animals stitched together. I hope there is a lot more platypuses in the wild than we think.

  • Elise :

    15 Mar 2017 11:01:21am

    I think your information on famine is great. My class has been learning about this topic in Geography and history human rights. It is so sad to see people in Sudan hungry and sick. I wish they could have as much food as us. Thanks for sharing it with us.