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Woman at centre of NRL scandal Jaya Taki tells why she exposed Tim Simona

Jaya Taki, the woman at the centre of the NRL scandal involving Tim Simona, says she is still deeply traumatised by the abortion she was forced to have by the Tigers star.

Ms Taki has sent a lengthy email detailing what she says are the lies Simona told in his "tell all" interview confessing to gambling, drug-taking and stealing money from a charity. She has explained at length her reasons for telling the NRL about Simona.

At the centre of it is the abortion and Simona's behaviour in the following days.

In an interview that will air on Nine News on Sunday night, Ms Taki says Simona went out partying on the weekend after she had an abortion and tried to pick up one of her friends.

Jaya Taki has revealed why she lifted the lid on Simona's string of bets on opposition players. Photo: Andrew Darby

"He [Simona] said, 'having this child would ruin my life ... I won't be there to support the child'," Ms Taki said. "What choice did I have? If I have this kid he is going to hate me.

"What got me really angry is that I had an abortion on the Friday and on the Saturday he was out clubbing. I said I sacrificed my child for you and you are out partying.

"Everyone talks about how scornful I am. I made a decent sacrifice for him."

Ms Taki says she struggles to live with the decision and has even contemplated taking her own life.

Tim Simona was deregistered from the NRL for a range of rule breaches. Photo: Andrew Darby

"I still am affected by it and it's been swept under the rug, " she said.

Ms Taki has detailed why she lifted the lid on Simona's string of bets on opposition players and himself to score tries as well as wagers against the Tigers, which led to his deregistration from the NRL indefinitely.

Ms Taki, who received death threats in the wake of the Simona scandal, told of the explosive relationship between the pair and revealed how Simona sat with her for five hours on the night news broke of the betting scandal.

But her most explosive claims came when she told of the constant bickering the couple had after she fell pregnant.

"He would say to me, 'why would you bring it into the world without the father's support?'" Ms Taki said. "In one conversation he said to me, 'I want to save for a house and excel in my career and having a baby would ruin that for me'.

"Can you imagine how I felt knowing keeping the baby would 'ruin his career'? So what 'choice' was I left with?

"He would ignore me for days on end if I said I wanted to discuss the option of keeping it, and would only ever talk to me if I gave in and gave him dates for an abortion. I had the worst morning sickness you could seriously ever imagine so in the end, I gave in to him. I was so sick and so tired. He won."

Ms Taki set up a Sportsbet account in her name to place wagers on Simona's behalf and it was only after a fight she posted details on Facebook in August "for a second" about her then partner's gambling habits that his career spiralled out of control.

She confessed she lied for Simona in interviews with the NRL integrity unit, including one time in December after vowing to come clean when convinced Simona was cheating on her, but didn't hand over evidence until this year.

"I was so angry after I found out that I called Karyn Murphy [head of the NRL's integrity unit] and told her I wanted to come clean and no longer hold the lies for Tim," Ms Taki said. "That was also the day I ended up at the police station, the day the 'I'll f--- you c---' threat he sent me. That's what it was about.

"But even after all of this, somehow Tim and I kissed and made up after each fight and each threat. He was able to lie and make me believe him, and therefore I lied to Karyn again and told her I had no evidence.

"I told the truth to the NRL because I was sick of the lies, the head games, the constant manipulation, the hundreds (literally) of women and the daily abuse. I was sick of him dumping responsibility on me every time we got in trouble.

"He even told me the reason the Tigers wanted him to leave due to the salary cap [before this came out] was because of me. He literally told me Jason Taylor said he was bad for the Wests Tigers culture and Tim blamed it on me. I was always his scapegoat and I am sick of it.

"So no I won't sit here and be labelled some jealous ex-lover because it suits a stereotype. I stood up for myself against the abuse he put me through. I ended a bitter and toxic relationship by coming forward because I guarantee if I didn't, we would still be doing it."

Fairfax Media attempted to contact Simona but he did not respond.