Daily Life


My day on a plate: Tara Rushton

Tara Rushton, sports reporter, 32.

First published February 12, 2017

6.30am I head to cardio – it’s tough. I have a bottle of water during the workout, then a long black and another bottle of water afterwards.

9am Breakfast at home is two boiled eggs and half an avocado. I work at home in the morning, researching and doing prep ahead of co-hosting Shootout and A-League sideline reporting on Friday nights.

12.30pm I head out for lunch with girlfriends to Bills in inner-Sydney’s Surry Hills for another long black and a turmeric-spiced chicken salad.

2.30pm I head into Fox Sports and the make-up chair. I grab jelly beans from the sweets jar … oops!

4.30pm Banana and a bottle of water.


6pm Dinner arrives during a production meeting. It’s Thai takeaway, but I’ve brought my own dinner of leftover roast chicken with roasted carrots and sweet potato.

9pm I treat myself at home to some salted caramel ice-cream.

Dr Joanna McMillan says:

Top marks for… Your morning routine – exercising first thing is a good idea as it ensures you get it done. You also did the right thing by not eating beforehand as this helps you to work harder and draw on stored energy to fuel the workout. You rehydrated well.

If you keep eating like this you’ll… Potentially find yourself reaching for sweet treats to pick up your energy levels. A tough exercise session uses up your body’s carbohydrate stores and you’re not adequately replenishing these. No wonder you succumbed to the jelly beans!

Why don’t you try… Adding wholegrain toast to your breakfast or some fruit with Greek yoghurt. The carbs in these foods would be stored, ready to fuel your brain throughout the day and boost your energy for the next workout.

Tara Rushton hosts Shootout on Fox Sports.